Competency Descriptions

Accounting (ACCC)

ACCC 210 Fundamentals of Accounting
Demonstrate an understanding of the fundamentals of accounting.

The Fundamentals of Accounting competency will provide you with a basic understanding of accounting – why it is used and what it is used for. You will develop an understanding of the various goals and functions of accounting, the purpose and function of the four principal financial statements, the pros and cons of the legal forms of business, and the importance of ethics in accounting. 0.6 Credits.

ACCC 215 Accounting Cycle and Transaction Analysis
Demonstrate an understanding of the accounting cycle and the analysis of accounting transactions.

In this competency, you will develop an understanding of the steps of the accounting cycle, practice accounting transactions and understand how they flow through an accounting system. This is the second in a series of eight accounting competencies and should be taken after Fundamentals of Accounting and before Financial Reporting. 0.6 Credits.

ACCC 220 Financial Reporting
Demonstrate an understanding of financial reports and their use by decision-makers.

The Financial Reporting competency focuses on understanding financial reports and how they are used by decision-makers. You’ll learn how to read and understand an annual report, how to prepare an income statement and balance sheet, and become familiar with different types of audit reports such as ISO, GAAP, and SOX and what they are used for. This is the third in a series of eight accounting competencies and should be completed after Fundamentals of Accounting and Accounting Cycle & Transaction Analysis. 0.6 Credits.

ACCC 225 Accounting for Working Capital
Demonstrate an understanding of working capital management decisions and issues involving short-term credit and the management and accounting for cash, accounts receivable, and inventory.

The Accounting for Working Capital competency focuses on how companies account for cash, receivables, and inventory - both what they mean and how they are analyzed in order to maximize their return. This is the fifth in a series of eight accounting competencies and should be completed after Fundamentals of Accounting, Accounting Cycle & Transaction Analysis, Financial Reporting, and Accounting for Long-Term Investing and Financing Decisions. 0.6 Credits.

ACCC 230 Accounting for Long-Term Investing and Financing Decisions
Demonstrate how to account for long-term investment and financing decisions.

The Accounting for Long-Term Investing and Financing Decisions competency focuses on how to finance a company over the long-term in order to make informed and, ultimately, successful investment decisions. This is the fourth in a series of eight accounting competencies and should be completed after Fundamentals of Accounting, Accounting Cycle & Transaction Analysis, and Financial Reporting. 0.6 Credits.

ACCC 235 Financial Planning and Control
Demonstrate knowledge and application of the three key steps of financial planning: (1) forecasting the firm’s short-term and long-term financial needs; (2) developing budgets to meet those needs; and (3) establishing financial controls to see if the company is achieving its goals.

The Financial Planning and Control competency focuses on a company’s short-term and long-term financing needs based on available financial and operational information. This is the sixth in a series of eight accounting competencies and should be taken after Accounting for Managerial Decisions. 1.5 Credits.

ACCC 240 Accounting for Managerial Decisions
Demonstrate knowledge and application of managerial accounting tools and techniques used in making decisions.

The Accounting for Managerial Decisions competency focuses on knowing how and when to apply managerial accounting tools and techniques to make decisions in a business. This is the seventh in a series of eight accounting competencies and should be completed after Fundamentals of Accounting, Accounting Cycle & Transaction Analysis, Financial Reporting, Accounting for Long-Term Investing and Financing Decisions, Accounting for Working Capital, and Financial Planning and Control. 1.5 Credits.

ACCC 360 Financial Statement Analysis
Analyze the financial performance of a business using financial statement analysis.

This competency focuses on how to analyze and evaluate the financial performance of a business using financial information provided by a company's annual report and related financial statements. You will not only analyze the financial health of an organization, but also make industry comparisons, using techniques such as vertical/common-size analysis, horizontal/trend analysis, and ratio analysis. This is the last in a series of eight accounting competencies and synthesizes the knowledge and skills you have learned from the seven preceding competencies: Fundamentals of Accounting, Accounting Cycle & Transaction Analysis, Financial Reporting, Accounting for Long-Term Investing and Financing Decisions, Accounting for Working Capital, Accounting for Managerial Decisions, and Financial Planning. 3 Credits.

ACCC 605 Accounting for Business Decisions
Analyze and interpret financial data to make business decisions.

Students will learn how to read, analyze and interpret financial accounting data to make informed strategic and tactical business decisions. Topics covered are the construction and reporting of financial statements, forecasting of financial statements, and business/ accounting ethics. 3 Credits.

Business Administration (BUSC)

BUSC 300 Implementing and Monitoring Business Plan
Demonstrate the ability to prepare a business plan and evaluate organizational performance.

Capstone competencies are an educational best practice in undergraduate programs. Successfully completing the capstone competency will require you to demonstrate mastery over each of the concepts learned throughout the undergraduate program. The main focus of the capstone project is to develop a fully functional business plan that can be used in a real-world setting. 1.5 Credits.

BUSC 305 Managerial Economics
Apply macroeconomic and microeconomic theories in making economic business decisions in forecasting.

Managerial economics applies the concepts of macroeconomics and microeconomics within organizational settings. It takes the key concepts from these subject areas and provides managers the tools to make effective and optimal business decisions. Specifically, this competency provides an understanding of the six steps of managerial decision making, marginal analysis, and forecasting. 1.5 Credits.

BUSC 600 Leadership and Business Operations
Examine the impact of core business functions essential to organizational decision making.

In order to be an effective organizational leader in our dynamic 21st century, it's important to understand each of the major operating units within an organization. This course will provide insight into the impacts of each of these core business functions and how leaders should make operational decisions. This competency will also provide decision-making frameworks to assess organizational opportunities and challenges; as well as, learn and implement strategies to address these complex business challenges. 3 Credits.

BUSC 610 Data Analysis for Decision Making
Utilize various statistical methods to analyze data for improved decision-making.

During the course, students will learn to perform foundational statistical methods for collecting, describing and analyzing data.  Application of statistical methods to problem-solving and decision-making scenarios is also an important aspect of this course.  Specific course topics include: data collection; describing data; probability; sampling; hypothesis testing; linear and multiple regression analyses; and business analytics. Students will be tasked to rethink events and assumptions through available data, apply different statistical methods on datasets and design a project for management decision-making through data analysis. 3 Credits.

BUSC 621 Economic Analysis
Apply economic research and analysis to global and contemporary issues to better understand the business climate.

Economic theory is used to analyze supply and demand, firm behavior, market structure, competitive behavior, government regulation, and the global and domestic environment facing the firm. Topics include marginal analysis and elasticity, money supply, and international trade. 3 Credits.

BUSC 683 Strategic Project Management
Create a strategic project management plan that aligns with the organizational mission.

Strategic project management is the process of managing complex project outcomes through a combination of business strategy and project management techniques that align the project to the organizational mission. In this competency, you will learn how to support their organization’s business strategy not just with traditional time, budget and performance metrics, but with an expanded approach as a strategic management tool. 3 Credits.

BUSC 689 Strategic Business Operations Capstone
Create a project plan for improving organizational operations based on diverse perspectives, data and information analysis, collaborative relationships, and global challenges.

In this competency, students will evaluate organizational operations and provide a series of data supported recommendations that lead to operational improvement. Using needs assessments, data and information analysis, and a feasibility analysis; resolution based recommendations and plans will be developed. There will also be considerations made to recommend collaborative relationships and global challenges. 3 Credits.

Communications (COMC)

COMC 101 Oral Communications
Deliver a well-organized oral presentation using delivery techniques and supporting materials appropriate for the audience.

This competency focuses on oral communication skills needed to present information in a workplace setting. Employers seek out individuals who can deliver information and persuade others in committee meetings, client interactions, and many other face-to face and virtual settings. The competency prepares students to deliver effective oral presentations that consider the audience, clearly disseminate central ideas, and demonstrate applicable verbal and nonverbal communication. 3 Credits.

COMC 410 Interpersonal Communication
Understand the skills required to interact effectively with others.

This competency focuses on interpersonal communication skills needed to effectively interact with others, particularly in a workplace setting. Interpersonal relationships are framed by basic elements such as types, models, and purposes of communication. Interpersonal skills begin with the self and extend to external influences such as environment, society, and culture. Additionally, many characteristics and behaviors, such as verbal and nonverbal communication contribute to effective interpersonal skills. Ineffective communication skills can result in conflict, so it is important to consider how to address conflict in order to achieve positive results. It is also critical to keep in mind that interpersonal skills are vital to achieving goals in virtual and face-to-face situations. 3 Credits.

Computer Science (CSCC)

CSCC 200 Fundamentals of Information Technology
Develop an understanding of information technology fundamentals.

Most businesses rely heavily on Information Technology in the successful operation of their business. Information Technology (IT), can be defined as the application of computers and telecommunications equipment to store, retrieve, transmit and manipulate data. This is done through the development, design, study, implementation and management of computer related information systems, consisting of both hardware and software. This competency will provide the broad background necessary for business professionals to understand the lexicon and general concepts of IT. 3 Credits.

CSCC 205 Computer Programming
Demonstrate an understanding of computer programming and its applications.

This competency prepares students to program, develop, debug and troubleshoot modern computer programs using the Visual Basic programming language. Students will learn how to use conditional statements, loops, and error checking logic. 3 Credits.

CSCC 210 Program Applications
Develop a program for a business application (e.g., mobile or web-based applications).

This competency focuses on embracing the mobile and online nature of today’s computing environment. It establishes an understanding of mobile application development and also the development of websites tailored for mobile devices. A culminating experience to create a mobile website or application will be presented. 3 Credits.

CSCC 251 Computer Systems Architecture
Demonstrate an understanding of computer systems architecture.

The purpose of this competency is to help you demonstrate an understanding of the fundamental concepts of computer systems architecture including the CPU, memory, computer Input and Output, operating systems and file management. Furthermore, you will gain an understanding of how computer systems architecture can be implemented and properly maintained to support the needs of an organization. 3 Credits.

CSCC 270 Security
Demonstrate an understanding of information system security, applications, and the tools used.

Information and systems security is a growing concern for individuals and businesses alike. The proliferation of Internet and mobile-based applications makes privacy and confidentiality critical issues to consider. This competency introduces security terminology, technology and common security issues. Promotion of security awareness and prevention are emphasized. 3 credits.

CSCC 301 Introduction to Programming
Develop basic designing, coding, and documenting skills in a programming language.

This competency will introduce you to the basic components of programming using Python. This competency is designed to introduce the fundamentals of designing, coding, and documenting programs using basic data structures. 3 Credits.

CSCC 302 GIS Methods and Ethics
Apply research ethics and multiple spatial research methods using GIS quantitative and qualitative approaches.

The purpose of this competency is to teach students how to use multiple spatial research methods using Geographic Information Systems that includes both quantitative and qualitative approaches. The competency addresses the ethical collection, handling and analysis of data including the sharing of spatial data analysis results that do not cause harm to the public. Students will learn how to assess which spatial research methods are most appropriate to investigate a problem and to generate solutions and better understanding of a Situation. 3 Credits.

CSCC 303 Foundations in Spatial Communications
Communicate information using spatial data analytics across a variety of media formats.

The goal of this competency is to learn how to communicate relevant information to key stakeholders effectively using spatial data analytics across a variety of mediums. Students will attain emotional and culturally intelligent skills used to translate data for supervisors, business leaders, gatekeepers and the community at large. Students will begin development of meaningful infographics, maps, images, charts and graphs using spatial thinking and GIS. 3 Credits.

CSCC 304 Spatial Visualization and Data Analytics
Create spatial visualizations based on the data type and analysis outcomes.

Using diverse GIS tools and technology resources, in this competency students will engage in multiple spatial visualization activities. Based on the type of data and outcomes of the data analyses, different conclusions will be drawn. This competency will assist you as a professional to better assess which geospatial visualizations are most appropriate as a function of the analysis being conducted. 3 Credits.

CSCC 305 Applied Data Wrangling
Apply data wrangling by finding, cleaning, extracting, storing and organizing data for a project.

Approximately 80% of the time is spent finding data that is appropriate to completing a project. In this competency students explore and develop skills in the arena of data wrangling. Data wrangling is the process of finding, extracting, storing and organizing data that is appropriate for a particular project. These are common activities for data analysts and data scientists across industries-who often rely on secondary or existing data for analysis. This competency also explores the process of data from the user with secondary data. Topics of metadata and appropriate data sourcing and evaluation are taught. 3 Credits.

CSCC 306 Machine Learning
Utilize data while applying a machine learning lens to diverse businesses and industries.

Machine learning is a societal and business trend that impacts the use and analysis of data across many different industries. This competency teaches students how to utilize data while applying a machine learning lens. Topics covered include first, identifying appropriate types of data that can and should be accessed using machine learning as well as those types of data that should not be accessed using machine learning. Students will learn to think critically about the use of data for different businesses and best practices for data usage across industries. Advantages and disadvantages to machine learning will be explored as well as identifying the best fit for when to use machine learning algorithms. Assessment of machine learning best practices and operational workflows will also be taught. 3 Credits.

CSCC 315 Organizations, Management, and the Networked Enterprise
Demonstrate an understanding of information systems in global business.

With this competency, students will be able to explain the role of information systems and identify the various types of systems used today. The competency will explore decision making through the use of information technology along with how they are used to support management and strategy. 3 Credits.

CSCC 320 Sourcing Analysis
Develop the ability to identify, select, and manage appropriate sources for procurement.

In this competency, you will develop an understanding of the sourcing process and strategies for identifying and evaluating potential sources for procurement. You will examine various sourcing strategies, and the factors that influence these strategies, including forecasting of buying data, development of an organizational structure, and implementation of a business process design and e-solutions. You will also develop an understanding of internal and external communication within supply chain management, the importance of supplier contract management and negotiation, corresponding performance evaluations, and potential tools for continuous improvement. 3 Credits.

CSCC 325 International, Domestic, Local and In-sourcing
Develop an understanding of the advantages and disadvantages of international, domestic, local, and in-sourcing options to source goods and services, including total cost of ownership.

You will develop an understanding of the issues and opportunities in international business, including international sources of materials and services, the role of finance in global business transactions and options for domestic, local, and in-sourcing, and total cost ownership. You will also develop an understanding of the documentation necessary to maintain cross-border transactions and monitor sourcing relationships according to your organization’s social, economic, and ethical mission. 3 Credits.

CSCC 353 Networking
Demonstrate an understanding of networks and create a network.

Networking is the study and understanding of connecting computers and other devices together. Advances in technology have made network equipment very affordable and easy to install. This competency prepares you to create, design, and analyze a variety of complex network environments. You will also consider network protocols, topologies, and various designs. 3 Credits.

CSCC 360 Web Design and Technologies
Utilize web development foundations and standards in design, development and deployment of interactive web content.

Effective use of Internet connectivity and services is strategically critical to many organizations today, because many of their suppliers, customers, and competitors are Internet-based. In this competency you will review many of the associated technologies and some of the business processes used to manage those technologies. 3 Credits.

CSCC 361 Operating Systems
Troubleshoot and utilize modern operating systems in a variety of business settings.

The purpose of this competency is to help you understand operating system basics and operating system administration. Throughout this competency, you have gained an understanding of how operating systems are installed and configured and used in various business settings. You will also review how to troubleshoot common computer and operating system issues and identify common security threats to computer resources. 3 Credits.

CSCC 362 Fund of Software Development
Recognize appropriate programming constructs utilized in the building, testing, and debugging of software programs.

Within this competency you will be presented with general aspects of software development, core programming concepts, algorithms, object oriented programming, web servers, data base management system (DBMS), Structured Query Language (SQL), and developing desktop applications. 3 Credits.

CSCC 363 Data and Information Management
Utilize industry best practices to manage and organize organization data and information.

The purpose of this competency is to teach you how to plan and design relational databases. This competency will help you as an IT professional to understand relational database fundamentals and database design methodology. You will also review Structured Query Language and relational algebra. This competency will also highlight the areas of data governance and security. This knowledge will help you be a valuable member of projects dealing with databases. 3 credits.

CSCC 364 Server Administration
Use server administration techniques in the installation and maintenance of network infrastructure and director services.

Upon completion of this competency you will be familiar with the methods and issues associated with the installation, configuration, and maintenance of a Windows server. This knowledge includes understanding various server roles, services, and functions; server storage and recovery methods; server optimization and performance techniques; and directory services infrastructure. 3 Credits.

CSCC 383 Applied Project Management
Create a project management plan using applications and tools including GIS.

Most business leaders are already aware of the dynamic nature of today’s business environment. Every organization, big or small, has to take into account time, resource allocation, scope, and budget for each new opportunity it wishes to pursue. Project management as a discipline ensures effective communication, collaboration, reporting, forecasting, and risk identification and mitigation, through well-defined processes. This competency will prepare future project management team members and leaders with essential skills necessary to help organizations use the standard project management processes in order to ensure that organizational goals are achieved. 3 Credits.

CSCC 395 Data Analytics Capstone
Address predictive and prescriptive analytics with insights gained from organizational data analysis.

The purpose of this competency is to provide a summative program experience. It will allow students to put into action many of the concepts and techniques that they acquired throughout the program in the area of analytics and GIS with respect to insights gained from organizational data. Students will apply both information technologies and statistical approaches to better understand the business environment and enhance data-driven decision making. This competency will apply selected industry tools to conduct analyses from either a data science or data analytics perspective. 1 Credit.

CSCC 408 Database
Demonstrate an understanding of database systems, their applications and tools used to develop databases.

Evaluate and cite various information resources necessary to complete an academic research project. 3 Credits.

CSCC 410 Systems Analysis and Design
Demonstrate an understanding of systems analysis and design, applications and tools used.

In this competency, students will have the opportunity to review a website, analyze its design, review the limitations of the system, and propose a new system design that could be implemented. 3 Credits.

CSCC 420 Database Querying and Reporting
Develop database queries to manage tables and data using common SQL commands.

This competency introduces you to good database design in Structured Query Language (SQL) using a practical approach. You will learn how to create and design tables, use cursors, use transactions, and create views and stored procedures. This competency focuses on a step-by-step overview and implementation with hands-on labs and tutorials. 3 Credits.

CSCC 470 Mobile Development Fundamentals
Develop and deploy an effective mobile based program for the web and mobile devices.

In this competency, you will learn about the fundamentals of development for mobile devices. This includes learning about various mobile environments, scripting frameworks, user interface development, and app development. 3 Credits.

CSCC 475 Cloud Computing
Employ industry best practices in the development, maintenance, and deployment of cloud computing and virtualization technologies.

The purpose of this competency is to teach you how to develop, maintain, and deploy cloud computing and virtualization technologies. This competency will help you as an IT professional understand the business value of cloud computing and learn about industry best practices to deploy cloud technologies. You will also learn about security in the cloud and how to manage the virtual components of the cloud. This knowledge will help you be a valuable member of projects dealing with cloud computing and virtualization.3 Credits.

CSCC 476 Server and Desktop Virtualization
Utilize server virtualization technologies in the implementation and maintenance of virtualized desktops, servers, and network infrastructures.

Throughout this competency, you will gain an understanding of how server virtualization technologies can be implemented and properly maintained to support the needs of an organization. The purpose of this project is to demonstrate your ability to design an implementation plan for a virtualized network infrastructure, discuss the deployment strategy, and create a maintenance and training plan to ensure users are able to properly use the system. 3 Credits.

CSCC 477 Advanced Database Querying and Analytics
Utilize advanced administration techniques to manage database design, security, and architecture.

This competency takes a deeper look at database design and database queries. The competency addresses storage, indexes, query processing, and query optimization. You will learn advanced table creation and how to use controls to enhance forms and improve functionality. You will optimize queries, download and install a SQL server, and gain extensive experience using hands-on exercises. You will also implement data security and data management and learn about concurrent access, locking, replication, and fragmentation. 3 Credits.

CSCC 478 Business Intelligence and Data Analytics
Transform data into meaningful and useful information for business analysis and reporting needs.

The purpose of this competency is to learn how to transform data into meaningful and useful information to assist in business analysis and data reporting processes. As an IT professional, the skills gained through the application of Business Intelligence and Data Analytics processes are valuable because they allow for more informed business decisions. 3 Credits.

CSCC 497 Information Technology Capstone
Design an information technology solution for an enterprise-wide organizational need.

In this competency, you will have an opportunity to create a viable information technology plan for an enterprise-wide organization need that can be used as part of your portfolio. You will demonstrate what you learned in the competencies that you have already completed. Take some time to reflect on the previous competencies, as the information will be relevant as you develop your work in this competency. It is recommended to review the Final Assessment outline and rubric prior to beginning the activities in this competency so that you can familiarize yourself with the project requirements and expectations. 3 Credits.

Economics (ECNC)

ECNC 201 Fundamentals of Macroeconomics
Demonstrate an understanding of the structure of economies and the impact of policies on their performance.

The macroeconomics competency compliments the “Microeconomics A” and “B” competencies, as they both study factors of the economy. Microeconomics, however, focuses on the study of individual and business level decisions, while macroeconomics focuses on behaviors within a larger-scale. Specifically, it centers on decisions made by countries and governments and the impact these outcomes have on the economy as a whole. 3 Credits.

ECNC 202 Fundamentals of Microeconomics, Level A
Understand the basic principles and concepts of supply and demand and consumer behavior.

Microeconomics focuses on the choices made by individual decision-making units in the economy—typically consumers and firms—and the impacts those choices have on individual markets. In this competency, you will learn the three fundamental questions of microeconomics, understand how to analyze supply and demand, and define consumer behavior. 1.5 Credits.

ECNC 205 Fundamentals of Microeconomics, Level B
Explain firm producer behavior, market structures, and the different forms of competition.

The fundamentals of microeconomics helps firms use production functions and calculations to determine the optimal level of production, costs, and profit. It also provides a deeper understanding of how firms interact in varying markets (competitive, monopolistic, and oligopolistic). 1.5 Credits.

English (ENGC)

ENGC 103 Written Communications, Level A
Identify and apply key components of effective writing skills and APA.

The purpose of this competency is to prepare you for formal writing projects in both academia and your profession. You will review and apply basic grammar and punctuation rules. 3 Credits.

ENGC 104 Written Communications, Level B
Compose written arguments that are coherent, grammatically correct, and rhetorically aware.

The purpose of this competency is to prepare you for formal writing projects in both academia and your profession. You will review the basic grammar and punctuation rules from Written Communications, Level A, as well as apply more advanced writing theory and practice. 3 Credits.

Finance (FINC)

FINC 305 Fundamentals of Finance
Demonstrate an understanding of the fundamentals of finance.

The primary goal of financial management is to maximize the wealth of the company’s shareholders (owners) by causing the value of their company stock to increase. As a result, the ability to determine the market value of an asset or liability is an important element of finance. Valuation is the process of estimating what something is worth. Valuation is of critical importance when faced with investment and financing decisions. Businesses must decide, for example, whether to invest in new technology or a new factory and how to raise money to pay for such investments (e.g., borrow money or sell company stock). Like businesses, individuals are faced with investment and financing decisions. For example, have you decided how much you need to save for retirement? Having a firm grasp of the fundamentals of finance will help businesses and individuals make these important decisions. 3 Credits.

FINC 607 Financial Management
Apply financial theory and concepts to optimize business finance resources in support of the organizational strategy.

Students will learn how firms make investment and financing decisions. The course topics include the time value of money, equity and debt financing, financial statement analysis, capital budgeting, risk and return, capital structure, dividend policy, and global finance. 3 Credits.

Geographic Information Systems (GISC)

GISC 505 GIS Research Methods
Apply multiple research methods, Geographic Information Systems (GIS), and quantitative and qualitative data for data driven decision making and policy creation.

In this competency, students will apply spatial thinking and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) technology to research design, data collection, analysis, and decision-making. Students will utilize multiple research methods to collect and analyze spatial data within an interdisciplinary environment. Using a spatial analysis lens, students will formulate policies and solutions. 3 Credits.

GISC 633 GIS for Emergency Preparedness and Planning
Apply GIS technologies to improve decision-making in Emergency Management.

In this competency, students will examine how geospatial information and GIS tools can be used to support advance planning for major emergencies related to natural disasters (such as earthquakes, wildland fires, hurricanes) or human- caused events (such as terrorism or large-scale civil unrest). Students will participate in activities based upon real-world scenarios and data.  Examples of issues students will address include: projecting which communities and infrastructure are at greatest risk, and how to plan and prepare for community resilience before a disaster occurs. 3 Credits.

GISC 634 GIS for Emergency Response and Recovery
Examine how geospatial information and GIS tools can be used to support emergency response and post-event recovery operations.

Students will examine how geospatial information and GIS tools can be used to support emergency response and post-event recovery operations. Students will develop the necessary data analysis skills and situational awareness to effectively respond to large scale threats to life and property and to contribute to post-event recovery efforts. 3 Credits.

GISC 637 Economic Development
Evaluate strategies toward economic growth using benchmarks and data analytics.

This competency focuses on concepts of economic development and the use of data in the decision making process. Additionally, students will explore strategies to provide safe, flexible, and stable economic growth. Students will employ methods of organizing, planning, and managing economic change to a specific region. They will apply Geographical Information System (GIS) and data analytics to data-driven decision making. 3 Credits.

GISC 638 GIS and Community Economic Development
Explore the relationship between data analysis using GIS and building strong communities and economies.

In this course, students will explore the relationship between data analysis and Geographical Information System (GIS) and building strong communities and economies. This course covers topics related to community development, including small business development, affordable housing, and empowerment of local economies through effective geospatial allocation of social and financial resources. Students will consider strategies to apply multiple research methods and analysis to guide policy development, plans and practice. 3 Credits.

Human Resources (HRCC)

HRCC 349 Employment Laws and Regulations
Develop an understanding of the foundations of employment laws and regulations.

In this competency, students will learn the foundations of the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission beginning with its role and authority around hiring processes. There will be an exploration of federal and state regulations on diversity and the laws and compliancy that support diversity. Students will also assess EEO laws and regulations and be introduced to prohibited practices and discrimination laws. 1 Credit.

HRCC 406 Workforce Diversity
Develop an understanding of the impact a diverse workforce can have on an organization.

In this competency, you will explore the various characteristics that combine to create a diverse workforce culture by first identifying different types of diversity, the laws and compliancy that support them, and the overall value in workplace diversity and inclusion. You will be introduced to several examples of diversity and its management in work environments, and challenged to recognize its impact. 3 Credits.

HRCC 430 Conflict Management
Develop and apply conflict management skills in an organizational setting.

Conflict is something that occurs on a day to day basis in every organization. Identifying and managing that conflict can determine the level of success an organization experiences. This competency will address conflict management types and tools to manage conflict. 3 Credits.

HRCC 445 Human Resource Management
Demonstrate an understanding of the fundamentals of human resource management.

Human Resources (“HR”) involves managing and leveraging human resources to effectively and efficiently achieve organizational goals. Every day HR staff members are tasked with managing, developing and motivating performance. A competent HR professional should be able to engage successfully in the recruiting and hiring process, plan and execute development programs for their employees, including training and development, and communicate with direct reports about their performance in ways that are both constructive and motivating. 3 Credits.

HRCC 603 Globalization and Diversity
Assess inclusive leadership strategies as they relate to leadership in a diverse and global organization.

This competency examines the role, responsibilities and influence of leaders in diverse and global organizations. In this competency, you will evaluate personal perspectives; assess barriers and biases that impact leadership and organizational success; and evaluate the importance of cultural intelligence and leadership effectiveness. 3 Credits.

HRCC 618 Career Management
Create effective personal and organizational career development plans.

Students engage in career development planning at individual and organizational levels.  Topics include creating a career development plan and career assessment. 3 Credits.

HRCC 630 Conflict and Negotiation
Apply conflict resolution strategies within an organizational setting.

Conflict occurs in all organizations and can have both constructive and destructive outcomes. As an organizational leader, it is important to understand the nature of conflict and negotiation, and how to best approach these diverse situations. Through this competency, you will learn skills that will help with assessing and managing conflict, while applying the most effective communication strategies. 3 Credits.

HRCC 646 Training and Development
Apply effective training and development practices to meet individual and organizational needs.

Demonstrate required skills and major practices in the training and development field.  The focus includes managing the training function, roles of trainers, and assessing training. 3 Credits.

Humanities (HUMC)

HUMC 110 Disciplinary Relationships
Analyze relationships between disciplines such as history, literature, religion, philosophy, and the fine arts.

Throughout this competency you will read about the relationship between disciplines such as history, literature, religion, philosophy, and fine arts. You will analyze these connections and understand the importance of this knowledge to obtain a well-rounded Education. 3 Credits.

HUMC 115 Human Experience
Analyze the ways in which the human experience is influenced by historical, social, ethnic, economic, technological, and/or geographic contexts.

Throughout this competency, you will read about how humans experience their world through their place in groups in society, their daily life experiences and challenges, the overarching domains in which their lives intersect, and how they express their lives. You will analyze the relationships between individuals or events to historical, social, ethnic, cultural, economic, technological, and/or geographical contexts over time. In addition, you will reflect on how these impact you as an individual. 3 Credits.

Liberal Studies (LBSC)

LBSC 100 Student Success Strategies
Develop a personalized student success plan by applying relevant resources and strategies.

Students will explore and practice strategies designed to improve their success throughout their MyPath experience. Topics include an orientation to university resources, critical thinking, goal setting, stress reduction and time management. Additionally, students will evaluate how their own learning styles guide their approaches to education, and they will formulate a personal strategy for success. 3 Credits.

LBSC 320 Information Literacy, Level A
Information Literacy, Level A cannot be satisfied in transfer.
Evaluate and cite various information resources to understand ethical research practices.

The Information Literacy competency will help you learn and practice the skills of identifying, locating, evaluating, and citing sources. With the proliferation of information generated by today’s technologies, these skills are essential. 3 Credits.

LBSC 321 Information Literacy, Level B
Information Literacy, Level B cannot be satisfied in transfer.
Apply academic research practices to complete an academic research project.

The Information Literacy competency will help you learn and practice the skills of identifying, locating, evaluating, citing, and synthesizing sources. With the proliferation of information generated by today’s technologies, these skills are essential. 3 Credits.

Mathematics (MATC)

MATC 103 Quantitative Literacy, Level A
Explain accurate calculations and symbolic operations used to interpret social and economic trends.

One of the main skills business leaders consistently identify as an indicator of success is the ability to solve problems. In this Information Age, Solutions are expected to be based on decisions that are well-informed and data-driven. In short, the process of actively conceptualizing, applying, analyzing, and evaluating information to make informed choices based on evidence is a 21st-century skill of high importance. In this competency, you will review the mathematical skills needed to organize and quantify data. You will be asked to put these skills to practice in real-world and relevant situations. The goal of this competency is to familiarize you with mathematics as it is used in common business applications and to build your skills and confidence in using mathematics as a tool to solve problems. 3 Credits.

MATC 203 Quantitative Fluency, Level B
Apply the concepts of statistical reasoning, data analysis, modeling, and interpretation.

This competency includes the calculation and interpretation of descriptive and inferential statistical data. Statistical methods [MSB1] will be used to analyze and interpret real-world problems using probability theory, correlation analysis, and regression analysis. 3 Credits.

MATC 251 Discrete Mathematics
Identify fundamental concepts of discrete mathematics as they apply to computer programming techniques.

In many ways, Discrete Mathematics is not a single mathematical subject, but rather a collection of mathematical areas (e.g., logic, sets, arrays, graphs) that all have a common feature of being discrete (i.e., having specific values, but nothing in between those values). These topics are easily implemented within computing environments, and serve as the basis for the language used there (programming elements), the organizational structures employed to store data (data structures) and are able to be archived as algorithms (specific steps taken in a particular order to solve a problem). 3 Credits.

Management (MGTC)

MGTC 301 Fundamentals of Management
Demonstrate an understanding of management theory and practice.

This competency offers a broad look at the nature of managerial work and the roles of effective management. The nature and role of the four tasks of management – planning, organizing, leading, and controlling – will be analyzed and applied individually and for organizational structures. 3 Credits.

MGTC 305 Legal Environment
Demonstrate an understanding of the U.S. legal system and the legal environment of business.

Business entities in the United States operate in a unique legal environment. As a business professional, it is important to have an understanding of the legal and historical structures that impact business activity. In this competency, you will explore foundational principles of business law, the historical and statutory frameworks that impact various business decisions, and learn about the various torts and crimes that most often occur in business environments. 1 Credit.

MGTC 310 Contracting and Negotiation
Demonstrate an understanding of whether a contractual relationship exists and satisfies legal requirements.

This competency introduces the student to contract law and examines some of the important parts of intellectual property law. We will discuss how to determine whether a valid contract exists and what happens when someone breaches. We will also discuss how contracts can be negotiated. 1 Credit.

MGTC 315 Consumer Protection
Demonstrate an understanding of a business's legal and ethical responsibilities for warranties, product liability, and consumer protection.

In this competency, you will learn about the current laws, regulations, and organizations that exist in the United States to protect consumers from false claims and deceptive advertising. You will gain an understanding of business' legal and ethical responsibilities to protect consumers, including the issues of warranties and product liability. 1 Credit.

MGTC 320 Operations Management
Develop an understanding of the role of operations management in business.

Operations management is critical for any organization that offers a product or service, not just manufacturing. The organization is a series of gates through which either a process or product flows. Operations help organizations to view each step as a product or service flows through an organization to create efficiencies and become more effective. 1.5 Credits.

MGTC 325 Fundamentals of Supply Chain
Develop an understanding of supply chain fundamentals including project management.

Supply chain management is one of the major functions of any business. Supply chain is a way of looking at an organization as a series of processes rather than departments. With viewing a company as a series of processes, cost savings, time savings, and job satisfaction measures can be implemented through project management. Supply chain management is a key function for organizations that manufacture a product (like Boeing), as well as those that offer a service (like Bank of America). 1.5 Credits.

MGTC 330 Risk Management
Identify and describe the different types of risk and the techniques used by businesses to control risk

Risk management will be a major focal point of business and societal decision making in the 21st century. A separate focused field of study, it draws on core knowledge bases from law, engineering, finance, economics, medicine, psychology, accounting, mathematics, statistics, and other fields to create a holistic decision-making framework that is sustainable and value enhancing. 1 Credit.

MGTC 335 Negotiating and Managing Supplier Relationships
Develop an understanding of how to negotiate and manage supplier relationships.

Negotiating and Managing Supplier Relationships focuses on how to work with suppliers to streamline business processes and costs. This competency offers practical tools and skills for the important topic of supplier relationship management. 1 Credit.

MGTC 345 Transportation
Apply an understanding of the principles and methods for moving people or goods by air, rail, sea, road, pipeline, or digitally, including the benefits, costs, and risks associated with each option.

You will develop an understanding of the overarching principles and methods associated with the various modes of transportation, including the roles of various stakeholders in transportation, the impact of C-TPAT, the use of freight terms in the industry, and the tradeoffs involved in using delivery tracking systems, delivery performance measurements, and resolution processes. You will also develop an understanding of transportation metrics and planning/ distribution options and learn about the key components of a communication plan to internal and external stakeholders. 1.5 Credits.

MGTC 350 Materials and Inventory Management
Utilize inventory management tools to create value.

This course examines the value of cost savings achieved through the implementation of warehouse and inventory management systems; inventory management project plans; and technology for a warehouse management system (WMS). Specific topics include flowcharts, asset classification, and radio-frequency identification (RFID).1.5 Credits.

MGTC 400 Global Economics
Understand the fundamentals and significance of international trade theories and systems.

The study of global economics takes into consideration elements of both microeconomics and macroeconomics, while applying these theories to the area of international business. The main elements that will be studied within this competency are the international trade theories and systems that are in use today. As the world becomes increasingly global through advancements in technology, the future business leader needs to have clear insights into the understanding of global economics. 1.5 Credits

MGTC 405  Organizational Change
Demonstrate an understanding and application of effective change strategies to enhance business performance.

This competency is a review of the fundamentals of change management, including strategies for dealing with resistance to change. Attention will be given to learning and applying Kotter’s Eight Step Change Model, Lewin’s Three-Step Change Model and Organization Development (OD) as a change strategy. This competency has a theory to practice orientation. 1.5 Credits.

MGTC 410 Strategic Fundamentals and Environment
Demonstrate an understanding of the business environment and the fundamentals of strategy.

Strategic Fundamentals and Environment is one of a series of four strategy competencies that address how to develop the components of a business plan. In this competency, the role of strategy in the business environment will be covered. The techniques for making strategy decisions, SWOT, and the three steps in planning an effective strategy will be applied. 1 Credit.

MGTC 415 Competitive Advantage
Demonstrate knowledge of competitive advantage and strategic positioning.

In this competency, you'll learn to evaluate and prioritize competitive advantage options. You will develop and demonstrate an understanding of strategic positioning as it relates to a new venture or privately owned business. 1 Credit.

MGTC 420  Strategic Development
Demonstrate an understanding of the appropriate tools and options for developing business strategies.

Strategic Development presents the most effective business strategies being implemented today. This competency addresses the Five Competitive Forces that shape industry competition and shows how the strongest competitive force(s) determines the profitability of an industry and becomes the most important factor in strategy formation. It also examines the business-level and corporate-level strategies, what the differences are, and how, and when to apply each strategy. 1 Credit.

MGTC 425 Supplier Relationship Management
Develop an understanding of the opportunities to create value through supplier relationship management (SRM).

The objective of this competency is to distinguish how supplier relationship management (SRM) creates value. This competency introduces students to the purpose of SRM and the qualification of suppliers. Materials and interactive activities will move the student from theory to the practical application of concepts as they create a qualification plan of their own. 3 Credits.

MGTC 430 Quality
Develop an understanding of the necessity of quality and the measurements for continuous quality improvement and target setting.

The Quality competency addresses the necessity of quality and the measurements for continuous quality improvement and target setting that enable organizations to produce, deliver, and market a successful product. Using the right tools to precisely measure the variable of quality within your organization’s processes can actually reduce costs and increase profitability. 3 Credits.

MGTC 435 Social Responsibility and Risk
Apply an understanding of how to integrate the theoretical concepts of sustainability and social responsibility and risk throughout the supply chain.

In this competency, you will apply what you have learned about business ethics and supply management conduct, with a particular focus on sustainability, social responsibility, and risk. You will understand the importance of identifying and planning for risk factors and how these factors are indicative of sustainability and social responsibility. There is a direct correlation between the management of risk and the level of sustainability and social responsibility an organization achieves. Planning, through the practice of managing risk at multiple levels, ensures a high level of sustainability through creative processes, continuous innovation and improvements, and the application of adaptive strategies. The policies and standards can then be assessed to ensure that sustainable goals are well implemented and desired outcomes are successfully realized. 3 Credits.

Marketing (MKTC)

MKTC 301 Fundamentals of Marketing
Develop an understanding of marketing fundamentals.

Fundamentals of Marketing helps you understand what marketing is and how it fits into our lives and economy. 1.5 Credits.

MKTC 305 Fundamentals of Consumer Behavior
Demonstrate an understanding of consumer behavior fundamentals (e.g., demographics and purchasing behavior) and promotional practices.

The Fundamentals of Consumer Behavior competency gives you a basic understanding of what motivates and influences purchasing behavior, the role of demographics as well as promotional practices that trigger behavior. 1.5 Credits.

MKTC 310 Marketing Research and Analysis
Develop an understanding of marketing research and analysis.

Businesses cannot survive without having timely market research and analysis. In this competency, you will determine, learn, and practice the techniques of marketing research and make actionable decisions based on your analysis and findings. 3 Credits.

MKTC 320 Consumer Behavior
Develop an understanding of consumer behavior in marketing.

The Consumer Behavior competency presents the buying process of consumers, the steps they go through in making a purchase decision which should be repeated. You will learn and practice the complexities of decision making that consumers need to go through for effective marketing. 1.5 Credits.

MKTC 325 Segmentation, Targeting, and Positioning
Understand and apply segmentation targeting and positioning.

Successful marketing is dependent on marketers identifying and selecting the buyers that are most likely to buy their products and services; if effective segmenting, targeting and positioning aren't done, companies will fail and inappropriately use their time, money, equipment, and other resources. Marketers must determine how their products and services should be remembered through the process of positioning. There are many influences that are involved, and you will practice these all-important tactics. 1.5 Credits.

MKTC 410 Global Marketing
Understand and evaluate global markets and strategies.

For many years, marketing managers were only concerned with learning the intricacies of marketing in a domestic environment. They had to determine if a customer in Texas bought and consumed products differently than a consumer in Maine. Today, the marketplace is global. For companies to continue to grow, marketing teams must learn to tackle the global marketplace. When a company thinks globally, it takes advantage of overseas opportunities to increase its market share and customer base. In this competency, you will learn how to evaluate and deploy effective strategies in the global Markets. 1.5 Credits.

MKTC 415 Marketing Ethics
Understand and apply marketing ethics.

Marketing ethics are the internal and external guide to marketing properly and being accepted by suppliers, competition, customers, and all those in other global marketplaces. Completing this competency will provide you with a respect of marketing ethics and a recognition of their value and importance when properly being Implemented. 1.5 Credits.

MKTC 420 Pricing and Methods
Understand and apply pricing strategies.

Price is critical in the eyes and mind of the buyer. This competency investigates the strategies and tactics of pricing along with determining the relevant components of a price, what the price means to both buyers and the company. You will also practice pricing a product ready for the global marketplace. 1.5 Credits.

MKTC 425 Marketing Planning
Develop an understanding of strategic marketing and prepare a marketing plan.

The objective of this competency is to address and identify the components and strategies of marketing planning ending in a marketing plan for management’s implementation. Basic principles of marketing, planning, decision-making, marketing research, and analysis that should be used by management in and throughout business operations are presented and practiced. This competency takes students deeply into the tasks, strategies, and skills of effective marketing planning for sought after results. Materials and interactive activities guide students through theory to relevant practice and strategic processes of marketing. Goal setting is stressed as the ultimate guide of marketing planning. By the end of this competency, you will be able to determine strategies and tactics of marketing to work with and make decisions on how to manipulate marketing’s variables effectively to achieve their desired future. You will gain a greater understanding of the complex issues facing today's and the future’s marketing leaders while serving corporate management and the customer. 1.5 Credits.

MKTC 430 Product Development
Develop an understanding of how to increase value to an organization through the improvement in the design and/or implementation of products and services.

Successful organizations create product development plans that include design and marketing steps. This process includes improvement, product line extension, and the latest technology trends. In order to successfully develop a product, you must have a formal process in place that involves specific steps. 3 Credits.

MKTC 440 Branding and Packaging Decisions
Explain the various components of brand equity.

This competency focuses on one of the most valuable assets a company can own: its brand. You will learn the components that help to create, manage, and protect brand equity. You will learn about positioning and branding strategies, as well as how to distinguish between brand extension and brand equity. Finally, you will learn what it takes to build a brand through the utilization of product packaging, labeling strategies, and positioning techniques. Having an understanding of your company's brand and how to best protect it will help you to develop and grow the value of your brand. 1 Credit.

MKTC 445 Integrated Marketing Communications and Promotions
Understand the fundamentals of integrated marketing communications and promotions.

In this competency, you will learn how integrated marketing communications and coordinated promotions are leveraging the evolving media landscape to reach target markets using various metrics and tracking techniques. You will also learn how these new tactics differ from traditional integrated marketing communication channels and strategies. Finally you will learn how to understand demographic trends, which will improve how you reach your target customers and determine which channel--such as blogging, e-blasts, or social media--is the most effective and appropriate way to optimize communication with your customers. 1 Credit.

MKTC 450 Advertising, Public Relations, Direct Marketing, and Sales Promotion
Develop an understanding of advertising, public relations, direct marketing, and sales promotion.

 This competency looks into the key concepts related to designing and executing an advertising campaign. You will learn how advertising media, sales promotions, and the use of a Public Relations (PR) tool kit, along with Direct Marketing techniques, contribute to generating successful sales and increasing revenue. Finally, you will learn how to effectively utilize advertising, PR campaigns, and sponsorships, as well as how to successfully navigate both good and bad publicity. Knowing what each part of your organization’s advertising and promotional departments do will enable you to work smarter while coordinating with them and to better support your organization’s customer outreach effort. 1 Credit.

MKTC 460 Interactive Marketing and Customer Relationship Management 
Develop and apply interactive marketing strategies using the internet and social media for customer relationship management.

This competency focuses on how organizations are able to know their customers, individually connect with them, and create relationship channels that strengthen their brand and drive sales. You will learn about various communication channels and how the Internet impacts the way companies interact with customers. Additionally, you will learn how customer relationship management (CRM) solutions use customer data to segment and serve target markets. 3 Credits.

MKTC 465 Business-to-Business Marketing
Develop an understanding of business-to-business (B2B) marketing

"Business-to-business transactions" occur between companies, rather than between companies and consumers. The term "B2B" may also describe a company that provides goods or services for another company. The biggest challenges in business-to-business marketing are truly understanding the business customer's needs and effectively communicating the value of the products or services being offered to the customer. In this competency, you will learn how businesses engaged in B2B transactions develop and deploy effective marketing plans. 3 Credits.

MKTC 470 Middlemen and Multichannel Marketing
Understand and apply principles of multichannel marketing.

Middlemen include wholesalers, retailers, agents, and brokers. The main objective of marketing is to create valuable exchanges between consumers and producers. Middlemen, also referred to as “intermediaries,” play a vital part in ensuring that the distribution channel between the producer and the consumer is complete. The more intermediaries in the supply chain, the higher the distribution channel. The higher the distribution channel, the larger the potential market share could be. 3 Credits.

MKTC 605 Marketing Management
Adapt a current marketing strategy using innovative concepts and tools to improve target market outreach and profitability in alignment with organizational strategy.

This competency introduces marketing strategy, providing students with an overview of the role of marketing within specific companies and society. The course will provide students with the fundamental, conceptual and analytical tools essential for a comprehensive understanding of marketing. 3 Credits.

MKTC 624 Seminar in Marketing Research
Examine marketing methods and applications, the scope of market research, buyer and industrial applications, and research methodologies.

Research issues, methods and applications in marketing are examined. Other issues explored are the scope of market research, buyer and industrial applications, research methodologies including research design, data collection and analysis, report writing and presentation. 3 Credits.

MKTC 635 Seminar in Advertising and Promotion           
Examine the role of advertising and promotion in the marketing mix and the critical role advertising plays in marketing success.

This competency provides an introduction to current processes and practices of advertising and promotion. The competency focuses on the role of advertising and promotion in the marketing mix and the critical role advertising plays in marketing success. 3 Credits.

Natural Science (NSCC)

NSCC 111 Principles and Concepts, Level A
Understand the Scientific Method as a process and master the fundamental principles, concepts, and methods of biology.

The natural sciences are those branches of science that explore and interpret important knowledge domains (like biology) by applying an empirical and scientific method to the study of the world around us. In this competency, you will begin by reviewing the Scientific Method, a method of inquiry consisting of observational study, measurement, experimentation, and the formulation, testing, and modification of hypotheses. Following that, you will explore the discipline of biology, the study of living organisms, taking particular note of how the Scientific Method establishes the truths of biological science through the methodology of scientific research. 1.5 Credits.

NSCC 112 Principles and Concepts, Level B
Master the fundamental principles, concepts, and methods of chemistry and environmental science.

The natural sciences are those branches of science that explore and interpret important knowledge domains (like chemistry and environmental science) by applying an empirical and scientific method to the study of the world around us. In this competency, you will explore the discipline of chemistry, the study of substances, the way they interact and change, and how to use them to form new substances. It is a rich subject, but at its heart is understanding the structure of atoms according to modern chemistry theory. When done, you will know much more about bonding, heat energy’s relationship to reactions, atomic structure, and the properties of solids, liquids, and gases. Then you will explore the discipline of environmental science, which studies the natural world and how humans as a species interact with it. This includes ecosystems, populations and how they change, current problems in land use and preserving biodiversity, and specific issues around water, minerals, fossil fuels, and alternative energy sources, and even energy efficiency. 1.5 Credits.

NSCC 115 Methods and Applications
Apply the principles, concepts, and methods of the natural sciences.

This competency focuses on how to apply the principles, concepts, and methods of the natural sciences to a real-world situation. Specifically, it focuses on taking the scientific method and applying it to solve a problem or issue. 3 Credits.

Organizational Leadership (OLCC)

OLCC 300 Organizational Behavior
Demonstrate an understanding of organizational behavior factors, processes, and theoretical concepts as they relate to organizational effectiveness and productivity.

This competency provides an overview of topics and concepts in the field of Organizational Behavior (OB). Specifically, it focuses on existing research, theories, and models. Students will learn how individual and group behavior and processes shape workplace behavior. Upon completion, students will have a better understanding of human behavior and how to use that knowledge to help people be more productive and satisfied in organizational settings. 3 Credits.

OLCC 303 Managing Change
Demonstrate an understanding of how leaders effectively implement and manage change.

Remaining competitive in today’s rapidly changing world demands leaders who are skilled at building the capacity to change within their organizations. Effectively managing and sustaining change requires managers to understand the reasons why change occurs, how to overcome resistance and facilitate change efforts, and employ best practices such as systems thinking and communications to ensure long-term success. 3 Credits.

OLCC 325 Personal Leadership
Develop a personal philosophy of leadership through a personal assessment, and focus on personal and professional development.

In this competency you’ll learn the process of defining your personal leadership and management styles, beginning a personal journey to explore your continued leadership development requirements. You will develop and demonstrate an understanding of leadership theories and principles as they relate to your own assumptions, behaviors, and beliefs about leading. 3 Credits.

OLCC 350 Ethics and Social Responsibility
Describe the importance of ethical principles and social responsibility to business Decisions.

This competency discusses various ethical dilemmas that are common in the corporate world and focuses on strategies for resolving them. Regardless of your role in a company, you will undoubtedly face ethical dilemmas that you will have to navigate through. Therefore, this competency will help you understand how to recognize and analyze an ethical dilemma and how to understand it from a variety of perspectives. This competency is broad-reaching in that it also delves into corporate social responsibility and corporate sustainability. These defined business strategies foster longevity by taking into consideration every aspect of how a business operates. 1.5 Credits.

OLCC 355 Organizational Dynamics
Demonstrate an understanding of the impact organizational dynamics has on performance.

Organizational Dynamics links the latest management theory and practice with students’ real-life work situations. 1.5 Credits.

OLCC 400 Organizational Structure and Culture
Demonstrate an understanding of the impact organizational structure and culture have on organizations.

This competency familiarizes the student with basic concepts related to organizational structure and culture. The primary focus is on how organizations are structured and how they function, with a particular focus on the influence of internal and external factors of organizational and individual productivity and effectiveness. 3 Credits.

OLCC 414 Team Building
Demonstrate an understanding of the importance of team dynamics to organizational effectiveness, productivity, and communication within an organization.

Teams are needed because the world we live in requires constant experimentation, a continual response to changing conditions. In our exploration of new conditions and possibilities, we have to rapidly integrate new partners and different work disciplines. The team structure adapts most easily to changing conditions and has the greatest potential for creative solutions and new approaches to work challenges. This competency provides an overview of the team development process, team roles, and team building. Whether your team is an ongoing workgroup or a special project-based team of limited duration, you will rapidly increase its effectiveness with the use of these teamwork tools and skills. 3 Credits.

OLCC 425 Leadership in Diverse and Multicultural Organizations
Demonstrate an understanding of leadership in the context of diverse and multicultural organizations.

In today’s workplace, leaders must possess cultural intelligence in order to work with people with different values and beliefs. Society’s demographics—including the make-up of the workforce—are changing rapidly, requiring leaders to gain new skills and knowledge to maintain an ideology of change and adaptation. To be competent in global cultures is no longer the norm; leaders must cultivate their competence in managing in diverse and multicultural organizations. 1.5 Credits.

OLCC 430 Human Resources
Develop an understanding of human resource management best practices (e.g., identifying talent and motivating, developing, and directing people as they work).

HR managers must be competent in selecting the right candidate for each job opportunity, monitoring the performance and improvement of each employee, developing the KSA’s of employees to close performance gaps or to prepare them for job/career movement, manage work and tasks such that employees are motivated in their job role, and providing consistent and continuous performance feedback to employees. A competent HRM professional should be able to successfully recruit and hire, process a hiring decision based on ‘right fit’ principles, assess performance objectively and plan and execute development programs for their employees, that help them close KSA gaps and/or prepare for future roles. 1.5 Credits

OLCC 440 Organizational Control
Develop an understanding of organizational control systems and the related use of qualitative and quantitative tools for an organization.

Organizational control is an important part of management. As you already know, planning, leading, organizing, and controlling are the four main functions of management; therefore, the manager must be aware of how to utilize control methods to ensure the objectives of the organization are met. This competency will discuss organizational control from three perspectives: output control, behavior control, and clan control. 1.5 Credits.

OLCC 445 Operations Control
Understand and apply the tools used for operational control.

Demonstrate successful operational controls analysis in managing to realistic efficiency benchmarks and goals. Upon completion of this competency, students will be able to analyze and discuss three operational tools/methods that are employed to achieve successful operating outcomes in complex scenarios. 1.5 Credits.

OLCC 501 Data-Driven Decision Making and Planning
Analyze research and scholarly sources to make sound organizational decisions.

The Data-Driven Decision-Making and Planning competency will guide you through the research process which is important to making strong leadership decisions and assisting with organizational performance. In today’s fast-changing environment research and scholarly writing are essential. 3 Credits.

OLCC 600 Foundations of Organizational Leadership
Evaluate classical and contemporary leadership theories to refine leadership practices.

This competency will explore classic to contemporary leadership theories and the necessary knowledge and skills to exercise effective leadership. Students will evaluate their personal leadership qualities and develop a plan to access their leadership potential. 3 Credits.

OLCC 601 Ethical Leadership and Decision-Making
Apply ethical principles to inform decision-making.

This course is an exploration of ethical decision making for self and organizations (personal/leadership). A variety of ethical issues that you may face in groups, teams, organizations, and in life, in general, are examined. You will review ethical theories, decision-making models, policy, governance, and values. You will learn about practices that help encourage ethical behavior and decision making. 3 Credits.

OLCC 613 Organizational Theory and Behavior
Apply motivation and behavioral theories to impact organizational performance.

This competency covers how leadership can affect employee satisfaction and drive, organizational effectiveness, and efficiency. Different types of organizations, group interaction, motivation, and ways to deal with disagreements and change will also be analyzed. 3 Credits.

OLCC 614 Team Leadership and Collaboration
Utilize team-building principles to promote organizational effectiveness.

This competency introduces students to the theories and practices of team leadership, skill development, group process, and the enhancement of cooperative climates. Students will acquire knowledge about the principles of effective team building, conflict management, cooperative learning and collaboration based upon developing group process and dynamics. 3 Credits.

OLCC 615 Change Management
Evaluate theories and models that leaders implement to effectively lead change.

Change is a constant condition that can be planned or occur without warning. In this competency, students will be confronted with the realities of change and given opportunities to apply change management strategies and leadership approaches to authentic situations that mirror life. Change initiatives that are planned are ideal and often yield the best results but sometimes, managing change stems from the unexpected. 3 Credits.

OLCC 632 Leadership and Innovation
Apply innovative frameworks and strategies to address organizational problems.

In this competency, you will learn how to bring additional value to the local and global marketplace through the cultivation of creativity and innovation skills. You will explore, research, and analyze a variety of industries, and assess enhancements and barriers to individual and organizational creativity and innovation. 3 Credits.

OLCC 641 Leadership in Military Communication
Apply appropriate communication strategies, formats and principles in military scenarios.

Identify and utilize various forms of communication necessary for successful operations in field and garrison environments. 3 Credits.

OLCC 643 Military Operations Leadership
Apply military operations principles and theories to meet established objectives.

Apply military standard operational procedures for planning, conduct and evaluation of operations in a variety of military scenarios. 3 Credits.

OLCC 654 Inclusive Leadership
Apply cultural intelligence practices by utilizing strategies and tools to create inclusive workplace environments.

This course provides an overview of the challenges and solutions to creating inclusive cultures and work environments. Students will learn about the critical issues involved in framing, designing, and implementing inclusion initiatives in organizations. They will also explore approaches to developing competencies for inclusion. The course is designed to prepare students to identify opportunities for diversity, equity, and inclusion, and use inclusion strategies to improve employee engagement and business results. 3 Credits.

OLCC 681 Organizational Leadership Capstone
Evaluate a strategic organizational issue from multiple perspectives to recommend effective leadership approaches and an action plan.

In this competency, students will analyze leadership concepts and theories. Using this acquired knowledge, students will apply learnings to current case scenarios in professional and/or personal settings. Lastly, students will use strategic planning to create action plans and recommendations for an organizational challenge, resulting in a comprehensive, integrated final paper. 3 Credits.

Philosophy (PHLC)

PHLC 110 Creative and Critical Thinking
Develop a creative solution to a historical, social, ethnic, economic, technological, and/or geographic problem.

Critical thinking is the process of examining, analyzing, questioning, and challenging situations, issues, and information of all kinds. Throughout this competency, you will read about, identify, and define creative and critical thinking processes. In addition, you will utilize the creative and critical thinking processes that you learn in order to identify a problem and propose your own solution. 3 Credits.

Public Administration (PADC)

PADC 607 Public Policy Analysis
Interpret data to provide recommendations about public policy development and application.

Public policy analysis requires a sophisticated understanding of a variety of types of data. Empirical arguments and counterarguments play a central role in policy debates. This competency will introduce students to strategies of data collection and principles for critically evaluating data collected by others. Topics include measurement reliability and validity, questionnaire design, sampling, qualitative research methods, and the politics of data in public policy. 3 Credits.

Sociology (SOSC)

SOSC 110 Behavior and Cognition
Evaluate individual, organizational, and social behavior.

This competency will provide a foundation for social science theories through an assessment of the relationship of individuals to social systems and their environment. There will be an evaluation of how culture, global institutions, and events influence individuals and societies. 4.5 Credits.

SOSC 115 Social Systems
Using a social systems perspective, investigate global problems and develop possible solutions.

Having an integrated “social systems” perspective/model is critical to studying any global issue. It requires you to think about the social, environmental, and economic aspects of a problem. We live in a world where these elements are integrated and our approach must take this into consideration. In this competency, you will be challenged to look at a problem from a social systems perspective/model. 4.5 Credits.