Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Gain the skills needed to become a culturally proficient and effective leader. Learn how to promote cultural awareness while supporting the individual. Equip yourself with the skills to address issues of unconscious biases, culturally blindness, and race in the workplace.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion courses for Educators can be found in the catalog under School of Extended Education, Education/Professional Development for Pre K-12 Teachers, Administrators and Paraprofessionals.

BUSU 0080 Aspects of an Inclusive Culture

Inclusive cultures bring cultural awareness, belonging, and mental health to the forefront. Cultural awareness supports inclusivity because it empowers employees to work effectively with people from different demographics. With cultural awareness, organizations can foster a culture of belonging, facilitate collaboration, encourage decision-making, and support employee engagement. A culture of belonging includes employees being their authentic selves. Organizations encourage workplace authenticity and belonging when they support mental health initiatives, foster resilience, and create environments where employees are comfortable discussing mental health challenges. In this course, you will learn about these important aspects of an inclusive culture 0.4 credits.

  • 4 clock hours/.4 CEUs
  • 4 PMI PDUs*
  • 4 SHRM PDCs**

* PDUs/ contact hours recognized by the Project Management Institute.

** Approved for Professional Development Credits towards SHRM-CP and SHRM-SCP recertification through SHRM.

BUSU 0081 Assessing Diversity and Inclusion

Organizations are accountable for their diversity and inclusion goals. In this course, you will learn about HR metrics, predictive analytics, diversity training, diversity scorecards, and other tools that organizations use to identify biases, track the progress of initiatives, and gauge the effectiveness of policies. This course will explain how to use both soft and hard metrics to formulate, update, and implement diversity and inclusion goals. You will also learn about the importance of employee buy-in, diversity leaders, and C-suite support in achieving a diverse and inclusive workplace. 0.4 credits.

  • 4 clock hours/.4 CEUs
  • 4 PMI PDUs*
  • 4 SHRM PDCs**

* PDUs/ contact hours recognized by the Project Management Institute.

** Approved for Professional Development Credits towards SHRM-CP and SHRM-SCP recertification through SHRM.

BUSU 0082 Fostering an Inclusive Culture

To achieve diversity and inclusion, organizations need to create an inclusive culture where all employees are respected and appreciated, have equal access to workplace opportunities, and are fairly compensated. In this course, you will learn about how to create, encourage, and develop an inclusive culture. You will explore the 7 Pillars of Inclusion, traits of an inclusive leader, strategies to assess employee buy-in, professional development opportunities, and workplace accessibility. You will examine how to uproot workplace toxicity and address and prevent harassment and discrimination. The course illustrates the many benefits of an inclusive culture, including higher levels of employee engagement, productivity, employee satisfaction, and retention rates. 0.4 credits.

  • 4 clock hours/.4 CEUs
  • 4 PMI PDUs*
  • 4 SHRM PDCs**

* PDUs/ contact hours recognized by the Project Management Institute.

** Approved for Professional Development Credits towards SHRM-CP and SHRM-SCP recertification through SHRM.

BUSU 0083 Hiring and Retaining Diverse Talent

Increasing workplace diversity necessitates strategies that foster more inclusive and equitable workplace practices. In this course, you will learn how leaders who want tangible, measurable results from diversity and inclusion initiatives must take an active role in supporting and implementing these strategies. You will explore how to use talent management systems and performance metrics to create a diverse workplace. This course illustrates that providing equal opportunities for continued engagement, including flexible work arrangements, mentorship programs, and employee benefits, is paramount for an organization's diversity and inclusion efforts to succeed. 0.4 credits.

  • 4 clock hours/.4 CEUs
  • 4 PMI PDUs*
  • 4 SHRM PDCs**

* PDUs/ contact hours recognized by the Project Management Institute.

** Approved for Professional Development Credits towards SHRM-CP and SHRM-SCP recertification through SHRM.

BUSU 0084 Inclusive Engagement and Development

Throughout each workday, HR professionals have opportunities to build inclusive work environments. Today's world requires HR managers to support D&I initiatives in different work models. Inclusive decision-making is an important component in creating work cultures that embrace diversity and belonging. This decision-making process increases innovation, engagement, and business performance. HR managers are also in key positions to build inclusive learning and development teams and learning content. This course explores strategies for transparent and inclusive decision-making, the building of inclusive learning and development teams, and ways to support diversity and inclusion in hybrid and remote work models. 0.4 credits.

  • 4 clock hours/.4 CEUs
  • 4 PMI PDUs*
  • 4 SHRM PDCs**

* PDUs/ contact hours recognized by the Project Management Institute.

** Approved for Professional Development Credits towards SHRM-CP and SHRM-SCP recertification through SHRM.

BUSU 0085 Inclusive HR Leadership

Inclusive HR leaders foster more innovative and productive work environments. HR leaders play a key role in developing, changing, and reinforcing an organization's culture. They also assess and analyze the organization's current workforce diversity and set goals for overcoming challenges to inclusion. Perhaps most importantly, these HR professionals help other leaders develop inclusive competencies and strategies to improve performance and decision-making among teams. This course explores inclusive leadership competencies for HR professionals, the application of these competencies within different business structures, the roles HR leaders play in developing inclusive organizational leaders, and the characteristics and benefits of inclusive leadership programs. 0.4 credits.

  • 4 clock hours/.4 CEUs
  • 4 PMI PDUs*
  • 4 SHRM PDCs**

* PDUs/ contact hours recognized by the Project Management Institute.

** Approved for Professional Development Credits towards SHRM-CP and SHRM-SCP recertification through SHRM.

EDIC 9017 Diversity and Inclusion Certificate

The foundation of any successful organization is having a strong culture. In order to create this, leaders must be able to articulate, implement and truly understand diversity, equity, and inclusion in the workplace. This three-course certificate will provide you with the necessary skills and knowledge to become a culturally proficient and effective leader. Deepen your understanding of historical and social racial inequity and its negative effects on opportunity and equity in the workplace. Understand cultural blindness and the significant impact it has on an organization's employees, beliefs, practices, culture, and policies. This program will challenge you to think and see from new perspectives so you can become a better listener, problem solver, community builder, and conflict resolver. The Diversity and Inclusion Certificate includes three courses: Thriving in America as an Ethnically and Racially Conscious Person, Cultural Awareness and Unconscious Bias, and Let's Talk About Race. 5 credits.

  • 75 clock hours/5.0 PDUs

EDIC 9011 Cultural Awareness and Unconscious Bias

Develop the skills to recognize implicit/explicit bias and the ways in which they influence our perceptions and actions. This course explores the concept of implicit bias and the nuanced behaviors that are a product of our unconscious beliefs. Participants will create an action plan around the essential question: What am I willing to do to not only become aware of, but interrupt actions that reflect implicit bias. 1 credit.

  • 15 clock hours/1.0 PDUs

EDIC 9025 Let’s Talk About Race

The Critical Race Theory (CRT) is a framework that examines society and culture as they relate to categorizations of race, law, and power. The five tenets of CRT are counter-storytelling, the permanence of racism, whiteness as property, interest convergence, and the critique of liberalism. Learn how CRT can be used as a lens for examining existing power structures and recognize how these tenets manifest systematically within organizations. Engage in activities to practice “interrupting” those practices and policies that seek to marginalize people of color. Gain strategies to have compassionate dialogue using the RIR (Recognize, Interrupt and Repair) Protocol. 2 credits.

  • 30 clock hours/2.0 PDUs

EDIC 9027 Leveraging Privilege and Entitlement

This course will provide you ways to think about what privilege is and what it looks like in the workplace, so that we can frame our questions differently and open ourselves up to new approaches and solutions that create sustainable change. The course invites participants to think about the connection between the concept of privilege and the dominant American cultural stories about who belongs and who has agency. We will explore how these concepts influence power dynamics, whether or not there is space for multiple perspectives, and how that impacts the overall culture of a place. In addition, participants will be asked to explore personal and institutional oppression in order to equip individuals with knowledge and skills in leveraging their own privilege and entitlement to affect individual and systemic change. 2 credits.

  • 30 clock hours/2.0 PDUs

EDIC 9024 Thriving in America as an Ethnically and Racially Conscious Person

The purpose of this course is to help you think about race and ethnicity as an evolving part of the human experience that, with understanding, self-reflection, and a willingness to engage in the larger world around us, can help you thrive. Participants will have an opportunity to explore family and community beliefs, values, and ideals and how they may impact our own values and beliefs and how they manifest in our interactions with those around us and the organizational policies, practices, structures, and culture. Through the implementation of Compassionate Dialogue and the RIR Protocol students will reflect interpersonally, intrapersonally, and systemically on issues that impede an ability for individuals to thrive. 2 credits.

  • 30 clock hours/2.0 PDUs

EDIC 9028 The Tragedy of Non-Ness

In this course, we will look closely at how language and other forms of representation can be use to marginalize people and groups. Exclusionary descriptors are embedded in language and undermine our ability to create inclusive and equitable relationship, organizations and communities. An example of exclusionary language, we describe someone as not being something (ex. “non-White”), which results in the excluded listener feeling “othered,” “less than,” “inadequate” and “unseen.” In this training, participants will discuss the prevalent forms of exclusionary language and representation and discuss appropriate, compassionate, personal and professional responses to its use. 2 credits.

  •  30 clock hours/2.0 PDUs