Financial Aid and Expenses

The Financial Aid Office is responsible for awarding financial aid to all students attending classes at University of Massachusetts Global. Information and applications are available and student services specialists have been expressly trained and work closely with the Financial Aid Office to ensure that all University of Massachusetts Global students are well served. All students who need financial assistance are encouraged to apply.

Prior to enrolling at UMass Global, you are encouraged to explore all options available for financing your education including employer or military tuition assistance or reimbursement, veterans benefits, and financial aid funding through state and federal agencies. Financial aid information and application assistance is provided by One Stop Specialists to help you understand your options.

Application Procedure  

To apply, please complete the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid).

When completing the FAFSA, please indicate “University of Massachusetts Global” in the section of the FAFSA that asks you about the schools where you would like the information sent. The University of Massachusetts Global Title IV School Code is 041618.

The preferential filing date for submitting the FAFSA is eight weeks prior to the start of a student’s first attendance within an academic year. Every effort will be made to assist those who apply after the preferential filing date; however, disbursement of assistance may be delayed, and funds may be exhausted in some grant programs.

The federal government may require additional documentation from financial aid applicants, such as IRS income tax transcripts. The government and the Financial Aid Office will notify students who need to provide additional documents. 

Students must be admitted to a University of Massachusetts Global degree program or teaching credential program to receive financial aid. Financial assistance is also available for the following certificate programs: Applied Behavior Analysis; Healthcare Administration; Human Resources; Paralegal; Public and Nonprofit Leadership.

Federal Student Aid

Federal financial aid programs consist of Federal Pell Grants (undergraduates only), Federal Supplemental Education Opportunity Grants (undergraduates only), Federal TEACH Grants, Federal Direct Student Loans, and Federal Direct PLUS Loans.

California Student Aid

The State of California financial aid programs consist of Cal Grant for financially and academically eligible undergraduates and teaching credential students who received Cal Grant as undergraduates, Chafee Grant for foster youth, California Military Department GI Bill Award, and the Golden State Teacher Grant. 

Californians who are undergraduates should complete the Cal Grant GPA Verification Form by March 3, 2024 for the 2024-25 academic year.

California residents who are undocumented students or Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) recipients should also complete the California Dream Act Application by March 3, 2024 to access California state grants.


UMass Global awards scholarships and discounts for a variety of reasons. Scholarships and awards have specific requirements that must be met. Not all scholarships and awards are available on a continuous basis or in all programs/offerings, and all are subject to changes in criteria and funding. UMass Global also offers scholarships to employees of preselected corporations, institutions, and organizations engaged in an educational partnership.

If a student is eligible for more than one institutional scholarship, the scholarship of highest value will be awarded. Students who receive discounted military tuition are ineligible to receive institutional scholarships. Students who enroll in programs offered through Extended Education are ineligible to receive institutional scholarships.

Third Party Funding Sources

You may be eligible for third-party funding sources from outside agencies and are encouraged to seek out such funding and familiarize yourself with the policies of such agencies. Although the University will assist you in completing the necessary forms and will provide any required information to the agency, it is ultimately your responsibility to ensure the agency's requirements are met.

You are encouraged to take advantage of federal Title IV funding before applying to alternative loan programs. You and, when applicable, your parents have the right and ability to choose any lender you wish, and the University does not require or recommend that any loans be obtained from any particular lender or source.

Important information regarding financial aid policies is provided in the Student Financial Aid Information Guide which can be found on the website at: