Bachelor of Arts in Psychology

The Bachelor of Arts in Psychology (B.A.) provides a core curriculum that emphasizes psychological theory, critical thinking, research methodology, psychology processes, and the application of psychological principles to diverse areas of human behavior.  Students take required core courses that provide the student with the essentials of psychological science and thought.  The program has a senior capstone, where students apply psychological research and theories to real world applications of global issues that influence psychological challenges and inequitable systems.

In addition to the core courses, students have choices of concentration areas, which offer a variety of options to meet students’ interests and educational and career goals, while providing content from biological, evolutionary, behavioral, psychoanalytic, cognitive, sociocultural, and humanistic perspectives.

All courses taken in the major program must be passed with a letter grade of “C” or higher.  Courses may be used to fulfill both major and general education requirements.  In addition to PSYU 101, students can receive credit for passing scores on CLEP and DANTES for up to 6 lower-division credits in the psychology elective area.

Overall, the psychology undergraduate curriculum is designed for students who want to prepare for graduate study in psychology or related disciplines, graduate study in fields where knowledge of human behavior would be beneficial, professional careers in psychology, or baccalaureate-level careers in human services or in psychological support settings.  

Program Mission Statement

The mission of the undergraduate psychology program at University of Massachusetts Global is to foster student success and academic excellence with the goal of facilitating personal and professional growth by providing relevant knowledge about major psychological concepts, theoretical perspectives, empirical findings, and historical and contemporary trends in psychology. The rigorous and supportive atmosphere enables students to initiate and manage their own learning, build critical and creative thinking skills, improve communication skills, instill personal and professional ethics, develop community and people centered values, understand individual differences, and build awareness of cultural diversity in order to develop cross cultural competence and acceptance.

Program Learning Outcomes

  • Application of Theory: Connect psychological theory to real life applications.
  • Human Behavior: Examine psychological principles of human behavior from a historical and contextual perspective. 
  • Research Methods and Statistics: Demonstrate methodology and statistical techniques related to behavioral science research.
  • Scientific Writing: Apply appropriate methods of scientific writing in APA format.
  • Life Span Development: Apply the major theories related to the entire lifespan from prenatal development through childhood, adolescence, young adulthood, middle-age, and late adulthood.
  • Cultural Understanding: Describe how diversity, inclusivity, and equity shape values and ethics across cultures.

Degree Requirements

Core Foundation in Psychological Science (Required)
PSYU 101Introduction to Psychology3
MATU 203Introduction to Statistics3
PSYU 301Scientific Writing in Behavioral Social Sciences3
PSYU 304Research Methods for the Behavioral Sciences3
PSYU 306Critical Thinking3
PSYU 320Human Development across the Lifespan3
PSYU 328Abnormal Psychology3
PSYU 333Physiological Psychology3
PSYU 336Social Psychology3
PSYU 351History and Systems of Psychology3
PSYU 421Cross-Cultural Psychology3
PSYU 480Psychology Capstone3
Core Foundation in Psychological Science Subtotal36
Students will select a concentration from the options below. *
Total Credits48


Each concentration allows for students to delve deeper into a specific subject matter. Before determining which concentration track to complete, students are encouraged to consult with their academic advisor or faculty mentor.

Preparation for Advanced Study in Counseling Concentration

The preparation for advanced study in counseling concentration is designed for students who are interested in pursuing a career in counseling, which requires a higher level of education specific to this field. The students who choose this concentration will be provided with a variety of courses that address the study of counseling. In addition, clinical issues specific to mental health will be explored.  This concentration provides students with a strong background to proceed to a graduate degree in counseling, including University of Massachusetts Global's Master of Arts in Marriage and Family Therapy and Master of Arts in Professional Clinical Counseling.

PSYU 450Introduction to Counseling3
PSYU 455Family Systems and Dynamics3
PSYU 418Community Mental Health3
PSYU 471Issues in Aging3
Total Credits12

Preparation for Advanced Study in Psychology Concentration

The preparation for advanced study in psychology concentration is designed for students who are interested in pursuing a higher level of education in various fields of psychology.  The students who choose this concentration will be provided with a variety of courses that address the study of human behavior from biological, evolutionary, psychoanalytic, behavioral, cognitive, sociocultural, and humanistic perspectives, giving them a strong background to proceed to a graduate degree in different psychological domains.

PSYU 310Psychology of Learning3
PSYU 317Cognitive Psychology3
PSYU 322Theories of Personality3
PSYU 432Introduction to Psychological Measurement3
Total Credits12

Industrial/Organizational Concentration

Students who are interested in applying their psychology degree in a business setting will thrive in the Industrial/Organizational Concentration. This concentration gives students the ability to take theoretical perspectives and use them in a practical and applied manner in a variety of workplace settings.  Industrial/organizational (I/O) psychology is a high demand field designed to promote employee productivity and retention support organizations in dealing with diversity issues, job selection, training, performance feedback, coaching and other issues related to personnel in organizational settings.  

PSYU 432Introduction to Psychological Measurement3
PSYU 460Introduction to Career Development3
PSYU 462Personnel Psychology3
PSYU 481Industrial/Organizational Psychology3
Total Credits12

Child Psychology Concentration

The child psychology concentration is designed for students interested in working with all children with a specific emphasis on children with various developmental challenges.  The Child Psychology Concentration provides students with a greater depth of study in child development, learning, and current treatment options for children with autism and other disabilities.  It addresses child development from biological, evolutionary, behavioral, psychoanalytic, cognitive, sociocultural, and humanistic perspectives and provides applied courses on how to enhance child development and learning.

PSYU 323Child Development3
PSYU 398Pediatric Neuropsychology3
PSYU 464Applied Behavioral Analysis3
PSYU 466Preferred Behavior Enhancement3
Total Credits12

General Psychology Concentration

The General Psychology Concentration is designed for students who are interested in addressing a broad range of topics in psychology, without being tied to one particular focus.  Students are able to select any psychology elective classes they desire in order to build a diverse basis of psychological theory and application, giving students the opportunity to explore multiple domains of psychology.  A student who graduates with a general psychology concentration may consider careers that demand an understanding of human behavior and cognition.  The general psychology concentration can offer a student a better understanding of various specialties that can be pursued at the graduate level if desired.

Select four courses from the following approved electives:12
PSYU 310Psychology of Learning3
PSYU 317Cognitive Psychology3
PSYU 322Theories of Personality3
PSYU 323Child Development3
PSYU 324Adolescence3
PSYU 355Media Psychology3
PSYU 398Pediatric Neuropsychology3
PSYU 418Community Mental Health3
PSYU 428Introduction to Clinical Psychology3
PSYU 432Introduction to Psychological Measurement3
PSYU 437Spirituality and Mental Health3
PSYU 450Introduction to Counseling3
PSYU 455Family Systems and Dynamics3
PSYU 460Introduction to Career Development3
PSYU 462Personnel Psychology3
PSYU 464Applied Behavioral Analysis3
PSYU 466Preferred Behavior Enhancement3
PSYU 468Case Management3
PSYU 470Psychology of Aging3
PSYU 471Issues in Aging3
PSYU 472Health Care and Aging3
PSYU 473Social Aspects of Aging3
PSYU 481Industrial/Organizational Psychology3
PSYU 496Survey of Forensic Psychology3
PSYU 499Independent Study1-3

 *Note: Electives satisfied in transfer must be upper division or equivalent