Autism Spectrum Disorder

Autism Spectrum Disorders, Added Authorization

This program provides eligible candidates with a CTC designated authorization to serve learners with Autism Spectrum Disorders. The California Autism Spectrum Disorders Added Authorization authorizes the holder to conduct assessments, provide instruction, and special education related services to individuals with a primary disability of autism as defined in subsection 300.8(c)(1) of Title 34 Code of Federal Regulations, Subpart A, across the continuum of special education program options at the grade and age levels authorized by the prerequisite credential required in (a)(1).

The California Autism Spectrum Disorders Added Authorization is limited to the grade and age levels authorized by the prerequisite credential. For example, when the holder of a Specialist Instruction Teaching Credential in Learning Handicapped adds an Autism Spectrum Disorders Added Authorization, the teacher may serve students in grades preschool, K-12, and adults while the holder of an Education Specialist in Mild/Moderate Disabilities who adds the Autism Spectrum Disorders Added Authorization may serve students in grades K-12 through age 22.

Please note that admissions requirements for the California Autism Spectrum Disorders Added Authorization are different than those for other credentials and certificates.  

Admissions Requirements

  1. Eligible candidates are those with an appropriate active CTC designated credential.  Questions regarding the eligibility of specific credentials should be directed to the Office of Credentials and Clinical Practice (OCCP) at 949-341-9899. Questions regarding schedules, program requirements, and registration should be directed to the School of Extended Education by visiting their web site at or by calling 800-632-0094.
  2. Applicants must complete and submit the University of Massachusetts Global application and be admitted into the California Autism Spectrum Disorders Added Authorization program.

Autism Spectrum Disorder, Certificate

A Certificate of Completion will be awarded to students who wish to better understand students with autism and learn effective teaching strategies but do not need to obtain the Added Authorization. All four Added Authorization courses must be completed to earn the certificate. Admission is not required for those completing the certificate. Each course awards 3 academic credits (graduate).

Autism Spectrum Disorders, added Authorization Requirements

This program is also available as an emphasis area within the Master of Arts in Education (MAE) and the Master of Arts in Special Education (MASE).

Required Courses
EDUU 575Introduction to Autism Spectrum Disorders: Etiologies and Characteristics3
EDUU 675Assessing Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders3
EDUU 676Autism Spectrum Disorders: Programming and Strategies, I3
EDUU 677Autism Spectrum Disorders: Programming and Strategies, II3
Total Credits12

No more than 3 credits may be waived or transferred into the ASDA. At least 9 credits must be taken at University of Massachusetts Global.

Demonstration of Mastery

Candidates must submit a Portfolio of Evidence demonstrating abilities or competence in the courses which includes a reflective essay that applies course content to Autism via the Learning Management System (LMS).  A $150 fee is required for the Demonstration of Mastery evaluation. This portfolio is completed as part of EDUU 677 Autism Spectrum Disorders: Programming and Strategies, II.  A standardized assessment rubric will be used to determine that the candidate has demonstrated competency.

Recommendation for Authorization

Eligible candidates that can be recommended for the Autism Spectrum Disorders added Authorization are those with an appropriate and valid CTC designated credential.  Upon successfully completing and passing the coursework the candidate may apply to be recommended to the CTC for the authorization.  To apply for the authorization, candidates complete the Recommendation Form on the SOE Services MyUMassGlobal site. Once the recommendation is made by the Office of Credentials and Clinical Practice (OCCP) candidates can submit the credential fee to the CTC for the credential.

Autism Spectrum Disorder, Certificate Requirements

EDUU 575Introduction to Autism Spectrum Disorders: Etiologies and Characteristics3
EDUU 675Assessing Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders3
EDUU 676Autism Spectrum Disorders: Programming and Strategies, I3
EDUU 677Autism Spectrum Disorders: Programming and Strategies, II3