Undergraduate Credit-Hour Based Academic Policies and Procedures


The catalog assigned to newly admitted students is determined by the program start term. Admission status is valid for one year from the date of admission. Students must meet the degree requirements of the catalog under which they are admitted or may petition for a later catalog once they are enrolled. However, for all other policies (except degree requirements), students must adhere to the current catalog for each year they are enrolled. Statements in the catalog are for informational purposes and should not be considered as the basis of a contract between students and the University. Information regarding any changes in degree programs, graduation requirements, or academic policies will be made available by OneStop Services and the appropriate academic Schools.

Statement of Responsibility

University of Massachusetts Global publishes its academic policies, programs and required courses for graduation. The student is responsible for his/her program including meeting the published requirements and deadlines. The University assists the student in making appropriate decisions by providing academic advising. However, the decisions made in the academic advising process are those of the student.

Student Success Strategies Course Requirement

Students must take LBSU 100 (Student Success Strategies) during their first session of coursework if they are admitted without a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or higher for courses from regionally accredited institutions, and/or without twelve (12) or more transferable credits. The 12 credits may consist of all or any combination of the following credit types: University of Massachusetts Global coursework, coursework from regionally accredited post-secondary institution(s), military, dual credit, Advanced Placement, International Baccalaureate, approved PLA (Prior Learning Assessment), CLEP, (College Level Examination Program), Defense Language Proficiency Examination (DLAT/DLPT) and DANTES Subject Standardized Test (DSST) scores, and ACE or University of Massachusetts Global evaluated trainings.

Change of Undergraduate Degree Modality

Students wishing to transfer from a credit hour modality to a competency-based modality or from a competency based modality to a credit hour modality within University of Massachusetts Global should consult with their advisor and One Stop Student Services. A modality change between academic levels such as AA to BBA is not counted as one of the two modality changes allowed at the undergraduate level. A maximum of two modality changes will be allowed at the undergraduate level. 

Transfer Credit Policies

General Transfer Credit Policy

University of Massachusetts Global accepts university level credit earned from regionally accredited colleges and universities, excluding non-degree/remedial coursework articulated to be in the 001-099 range (See Course Numbering System). Credit will not be granted for coursework which duplicates previous work.

Transfer and Cumulative GPA Calculation

  • All transferable baccalaureate credit attempted is calculated into the transfer and cumulative GPAs.
  • When a course is repeated in transfer from one or more transfer institutions the credit and grade for the course with the higher grade is counted in the transfer and cumulative GPAs.
  • When a course is repeated at University of Massachusetts Global and a transfer institution, only credit for one course will apply and the highest grade is calculated into the cumulative GPA.

GE Block Transfer

Completion of the full CSU or UC IGETC certification (CA), Washington and Oregon state-approved Direct Transfer degrees, Associate Degrees for Transfer or other state’s equivalent transfer certification satisfies all University of Massachusetts Global General Education Basic Skills and Breadth requirements.  LBSU 302 Information Fluency and Academic Integrity and LBSU 304 Liberal Arts Core Foundations must be taken at University of Massachusetts Global. 

Other Credit Opportunities

University of Massachusetts Global recognizes that adult learners are diverse and that they bring a wealth of life experiences to the classroom. These reservoirs of experience often include many hours of formal training and education outside the walls of academic institutions.  In acknowledgement of such non-classroom acquired learning, University of Massachusetts Global promotes educational flexibility for the adult learner through a variety of earned credit opportunities.

Note that credit granted through “other credit opportunities” does not count toward University of Massachusetts Global residency requirements. Specific degrees may also have additional requirements with respect to courses that must be taken at University of Massachusetts Global in order to complete a University of Massachusetts Global degree.

Credit may be awarded for no more than 25% of a total degree program credit hours, as stipulated by WASC Senior College and University Commission and U.S. Department of Education (Title 34 CFR 602.22(a)(2)(vii). For the 60-credit associate degrees, such credit is limited to 15 credit hours.  For the 120-credit baccalaureate degrees, such credit is limited to 30 credit hours.  The Other Credit Opportunities Policy does not apply to the following:  Advanced Placement Examinations (AP), College Level Examination Program (CLEP), DANTES Subject Standardized Tests (DSST), International Baccalaureate Examinations (IB), Defense Language Proficiency Examinations (DLAT/DLPT), and ACE evaluated trainings.

Granting of credit is contingent on student’s submission of official documentation to Student Services. Not all credits noted in the Other Credit Opportunities section may apply for specific degree programs.  Students are encouraged to consult with an academic advisor concerning the degree applicability. 

College Level Examination Programs

Credit by the college level examinations noted below will not be awarded when a student has previously been awarded credit for the equivalent course. Credits earned may be counted towards fulfilling general education, major or elective requirements. Credits are generally lower division unless specifically equivalent to an upper division University of Massachusetts Global course.

  • Advanced Placement (AP) Examinations: Credit is awarded for scores of 3, 4, or 5 on Advanced Placement Examinations. For a current list of approved exams, minimum scores and credits granted, please refer to the University of Massachusetts Global website.
  • College Level Examination Program (CLEP) and DANTES Subject Standardized Tests (DSST): University of Massachusetts Global accepts ACE minimum requirements on selected CLEP and DSST General Examinations and Subject Examinations.  A current listing of acceptable exams and the credit awarded may be found on MyUMassGlobal and the University of Massachusetts Global website. Any exam submitted for credit must meet the minimum score requirements regardless of student’s catalog year and when the exam was taken.
  • International Baccalaureate (IB) Examinations: Credit is awarded for IB exams. For a current list of approved exams, minimum scores and credits granted, please refer to the University of Massachusetts Global website.
  • Defense Language Proficiency Examinations (DLAT/DLPT): University of Massachusetts Global accepts ACE guidelines on DLAT/DLPT with a cap of lower division credit at 12 credits and upper division at 6 credits for a total of 18 maximum credits.
  • Subject matter specific exams: Credit by exam will be accepted for credit as transcribed by the exam provider if the exam was provided by a regionally accredited institution.

University of Massachusetts Global University Credit by Exam

Students may receive credit for selected courses in the current University of Massachusetts Global catalog by satisfactorily completing the end of course assessment.

Military Credit

University of Massachusetts Global evaluates credit for both military service and military coursework for academic credit using ACE guidelines. Military students are awarded 6 credits for military service. Based on ACE recommendations, additional credits may be awarded. University of Massachusetts Global will accept these credits which can articulate to a discipline, major, or emphasis area depending upon the ACE recommendation as to number of credits, discipline, and level.

Prior Learning Assessment by Portfolio

Evaluation of prior learning assessment by portfolio is a process based on the learning students have gained through life and/or work experiences. Successful portfolio development is predicated on rigorous self-assessment of prior learning using David Kolb's Model of Experiential Learning, and a demonstration of strong narrative and expository writing skills.

To be eligible to submit a portfolio for evaluation, the student must have successfully completed ENGU 103 or its equivalent. The course for which the student seeks credit with a portfolio must appear in the current year’s catalog, and a separate portfolio is required for each 3 credit hours attempted. Each portfolio is evaluated by a subject matter specialist who determines whether the learning demonstrated in the portfolio meets the learning objectives of the identified course.

If the portfolio meets the standards established for the course, credit is awarded. These credit hours are acceptable for completion of a baccalaureate degree at University of Massachusetts Global. Acceptance of such credits for transfer to other institutions is solely at the discretion of that institution. Students interested in portfolio assessment should consult the Prior Learning Assessment Portfolio Instructions document and their advisor before beginning work on a portfolio.  

Separate fees apply for each portfolio submitted.

Prior Learning Assessment by Portfolio Regulations

  1. Credit by portfolio is only available for credit based courses listed in the University of Massachusetts Global catalog.
  2. When credit through portfolio is awarded, a grade of pass "P" is recorded. It is not included when computing the student’s grade point average.
  3. Portfolios that successfully meet the established standards will have an appropriate course title, course number, credit hours, and "Credit for Prior Learning" recorded on the transcript.
  4. Students must be matriculated in a bachelor degree program at University of Massachusetts Global to submit portfolios.
  5. Enrolled students may submit a specific portfolio only once. If they do not receive a passing score, they will be required to complete the necessary coursework if they wish to receive credit.
  6. Credit by portfolio assessment will not be awarded when a student has previously been awarded credit for the equivalent course.
  7. University of Massachusetts Global courses not eligible for portfolio assessment include, but may not be limited to: Capstone/senior thesis courses; Independent Study Courses; Internship Courses; and courses used to fulfill degree requirements within the major for the BA in Social Work program.
  8. A maximum of 30 credit hours may be awarded through Prior Learning Assessment by Portfolio.
  9. Credit for Portfolio is limited to undergraduate credit only.
  10. Credit granted through Prior Learning Assessment by Portfolio, does not count toward University of Massachusetts Global residency requirements.
  11. Students may petition the evaluation results using the grade appeal process in the current University catalog.

ACE Evaluated Trainings

University of Massachusetts Global accepts ACE recommendations for awarding academic credit. The recommendation is inclusive of level and discipline, subject to residency requirements and other limitations as set forth in specific degree programs. The student can request an evaluation for course equivalency.

Workforce Development Trainings

University of Massachusetts Global evaluates workforce development trainings and may award credit toward specified degree programs and/or general elective credit.  Refer to the University of Massachusetts Global website for a complete list of these trainings.  Representative trainings include Peace Officer Standards and Training for a Basic POST certificate, Washington State Fire Training Academy specified basic trainings, and specified SHRM certifications.

Additional Credit Opportunities

Some industry certifications are approved for course substitutions or equivalencies. For current information on these industry recognized certifications, refer to the University of Massachusetts Global website.  Credit obtained as a result of these certifications does not count toward University of Massachusetts Global residency requirements.  Specific degrees may also have additional requirements with respect to courses that must be taken at University of Massachusetts Global to complete a University of Massachusetts Global degree.

Full, Three Quarter and Half-Time Students

Students enrolled in 12 or more credits in a trimester are considered “full-time”. Students enrolled in 9 -11.990 credits in a trimester are considered “three quarter-time”. Students enrolled in 6-8.990 credits in a trimester are considered “half-time”. University of Massachusetts Global strongly advises that students taking more than 6 credits in any one session consult with their academic advisor/faculty.

Undergraduate Class Level

University of Massachusetts Global students are classified according to the number of academic semester credits they have completed. Students who have completed 29.9 credits or fewer are considered freshmen; 30 to 59.9 credits, sophomores; 60 to 89.9 credits, juniors; and 90 credits and above, seniors.

Course Numbering System

(For course numbering systems in previous years, please refer to the catalog in effect at that time)

Course Numbers Description
001-099 Non-Degree/Remedial Coursework
100-299 Lower division Undergraduate Coursework
300-499 Upper division level Undergraduate Coursework
500-799 Graduate level coursework
800-999 Professional development credit
0001-0099 Professional coursework
8000-8999 Undergraduate level professional development credit
9000-9999 Graduate level professional development credit

Note: A designation of “X” on the course prefix has no bearing on course level or degree applicability.

Change of Address

Students must notify the University of any change of address. This can be done via MyUMassGlobal Self Service.

Attendance Policy

  • Monday of the first week of the session is the first day of class.
  • Regular attendance/engagement is expected for student success. Online engagement is evident through posting to a discussion board, blog, completing assignments including journal entries, or taking quizzes and exams. If regular attendance/engagement are not evident, the student’s grade may be adversely affected. If a student misses more than one week of engagement in an online class, the student may, at the discretion of the instructor, fail the course.
  • Students in courses with required synchronous class sessions are expected to remain for the full duration.  If a student misses more than one required synchronous online class, the student may, at the discretion of the instructor, fail the course.
  • Students must submit an academically-related assignment through the Learning Management System (LMS) before the end of Week 2 (i.e., a quiz, test, course content-related Discussion Board post, or other course content-related assignment). Introduction posts do not count as an academically-related assignment. If a student does not submit an academically-related assignment, the student will be administratively dropped from the course. Students administratively dropped for non-attendance/participation will not be reinstated in the course. In infrequent cases, students in certain classes may be exempt from the requirement to submit an academically-related assignment before the end of Week 2; students may consult with their instructor for further information.
  • Students should consider withdrawing from a course if they will be unable to participate each week.  Instructors may, but are not obligated to, accommodate students under extraordinary circumstances, but the student must request accommodation and provide requested supporting documentation.
  • Schools and programs may have different attendance policies. Refer to school and program specific information for additional attendance policies.

Registering for Classes

Students register for each session via MyUMassGlobal Self Service. Registration is not complete until all charges are paid or arrangements for payment have been made with the Student Business Services staff by the add/drop deadline. See academic calendar for registration deadlines. Students are expected to have met all prerequisite requirements for courses in which they register.

Course Cancellation Policy

University of Massachusetts Global reserves the right to cancel or postpone a class. If a course is cancelled, University of Massachusetts Global will make reasonable efforts to help the student find an alternative course.  However, if no such course is available, the student is entitled to a full refund of tuition and fees relating to the cancelled class.

Add/Drop Policy (refer to tuition and unit based fees policy for additional information)

To add a class, a student must do so through MyUMassGlobal Self Service by the end of the first week of the session.  Registration ends at the end of the first week.

To drop a class without having the course noted on the transcript, a student must do so through MyUMassGlobal Self Service by the end of the second week of the session. Drops that are officially processed prior to or by the end of the second week will not appear on the student's transcripts. After the second week of the session, students who wish to withdraw from a course must do so by the end of the sixth week, either via MyUMassGlobal Self Service or by telephone. A grade of "W" will appear on the student's transcripts indicating the withdrawal. Students must officially withdraw before the end of the sixth week of classes in order to avoid being responsible for a grade in their classes. It is the student's responsibility to officially withdraw from a course and verify that he/she has been dropped. Students cannot drop a course beyond the sixth week of the session. Failure to attend a course does not constitute a withdrawal from a course. Students who stop attending courses without officially withdrawing will receive an "FW" (failure to withdraw). A grade of "FW" is calculated as 0.0 in student's grade point average.

Administrative Drop

Students who do not attend a class during the first two weeks of classes will be administratively dropped. Students should not assume that nonattendance will automatically result in an administrative drop. To avoid financial obligation to the University it is the responsibility of the student to verify that he/she dropped course(s) via MyUMassGlobal Self Service prior to the deadlines stated in the official Academic Calendar in the catalog.

Interrupted Enrollment

Students may find it necessary to interrupt progress during their course of study, leave University of Massachusetts Global and decide to return at a later date. Students who leave the University in good standing and are absent no more than twelve consecutive sessions do not need to reapply, and will retain the program requirements of their designated catalog year. The interrupted enrollment period starts from the first day of the first session in which the student does not complete a graded course and ends the Monday of the second week of the 13th session in which the student has been absent. Students will be withdrawn from the University if the student is not actively attending courses Monday of Week 2 of the thirteenth session.

Interrupted enrollment may have consequences for academic progress and financial aid. Students are responsible for contacting their Academic Advisor, OneStop Advisor and Faculty Mentor (if applicable) to discuss the possible consequences of interrupting enrollment.

It is the student’s responsibility to understand and abide by their program’s interrupted enrollment policy. Programs may have different interrupted enrollment requirements other than the University wide policy. Students should review the catalog for the specific program requirements or contact their Academic Advisor.

The University may require students to adopt the catalog year program requirements at the time of their return if a program has become impacted or changed by external regulatory agencies.

If students take coursework during their absence from the University, they must provide official transcripts of that coursework to the Office of the University Registrar within the first session upon their return. See the registrar page on the website for further information. Non-satisfactory performance or issues of academic integrity may nullify the student's eligibility to return.

Veterans receiving an honorable discharge, who left the University to perform military services, will be readmitted with the same academic status that he or she had when last in attendance at University of Massachusetts Global. The length of absence from University of Massachusetts Global cannot exceed five years.

Veteran and Active-Duty Military Students:  see Military and Veterans Services section of the catalog regarding interrupted enrollment.


Students who are absent more than twelve consecutive sessions are required to submit a full application for re-admission and must meet all current admission entrance requirements.

Enrolling in Graduate Courses

Admitted Undergraduates with senior status are allowed to enroll in 500 graduate level courses with Dean approval.  Students with senior standing and admitted to one of University of Massachusetts Global’s approved accelerated programs may enroll in required 600 level courses without Dean approval. Credits completed for a baccalaureate degree cannot be accepted for graduate degree credit.

Multiple Emphases or Concentrations

There is no limitation to the number of emphasis or concentration areas a student may complete within their degree program. At least one 3-unit emphasis or concentration course must be unduplicated within the other emphasis areas or concentrations.

Students should consult with their advisor and One Stop regarding degree and financial implications of completing multiple emphases or concentrations.

Grading System

All grades are on a 4.0 scale

A 4.0
A- 3.7
B+ 3.3
B 3.0
B- 2.7
C+ 2.3
C 2.0
C- 1.7
D+ 1.3
D 1.0
D- 0.7
F 0.0

I (plus a grade) is given when the student has been unable to complete the final assignment of the course owing to illness or other extenuating circumstances. The deadline for the final assignment can be no longer than two consecutive sessions following the session the student was enrolled in the course.  When entered it is calculated as the grade the student will earn if the incomplete is not removed within the time prescribed by the instructor. (IA, IA-, IB+, IB, IB-, IC+, IC, IC-, ID+, ID, ID-, IF, INP)

AR is Administrative Review.  This grade is submitted by the instructor when a grade is under administrative review.  A grade of “AR” will be converted to a letter grade upon completion of the review.  

AU is for audited coursework. No grade or credit is awarded to students for auditing, and courses are not used in computing the grade point average.

FW is assigned to students who cease attending part way through the sessionr but who do not officially withdraw via MyUMassGlobal Self Service or the Division of Student Services. "FW" is computed in the grade point average as an "F". Students who take a course Pass/No Pass and cease attending part way through the session and fail to officially withdraw will receive the "FW" grade.

NP is for No Pass, a grade given when the requirements for credit in the course have not been satisfied.  Grade points are not assigned nor computed in the grade average.

NR is for Not Reported, indicating that the instructor has not submitted the final grade; therefore no credits or grade points can be calculated for this course.

P is for Pass, a grade given for satisfactory completion of a course. Grade points are not assigned nor computed in the grade average.

R on the transcript indicates a repeated course (highest grade calculated in GPA).

SP is for Satisfactory Progress. This grading symbol is used to indicate a student is progressing toward the completion of a course which does not end by the normal session ending date or of a thesis or project. It is never a final grade. Upon completion of the course or thesis project, the SP grade is replaced with a letter grade of P, or NP grading symbol.

W signifies that a student has withdrawn from a course in the prescribed manner.

Pass/No Pass (P/NP)

Students may select Pass/No Pass as a grading option at the time they initially register for courses via MyUMassGlobal Self Service. Information about courses that require letter grades only can be found in the major program requirements. Information about courses that allow a P/NP as the grading option are found in the course description.

Undergraduates may take up to 6 credits of coursework per year on a Pass/No Pass basis, excluding courses offered only on a pass/no pass basis. Students should consult with their advisor regarding the choice of P/NP for courses in the major.

After initial registration in a course, in order to change the grading to P/NP, students must submit an online change of grading request available in MyUMassGlobal by the end of the sixth week. Once a course is graded students cannot request a change in grading option.

P grades are granted if the student earned an equivalent to “C” or above in the course. NP grades are given if the student earned an equivalent to "C-" or below. In either case, grade points are not assigned and the grade is not computed in the student's grade point average.

Students who take a course Pass/No Pass and cease attending part way through the session and fail to officially withdraw will receive the "FW" grade.

Course Audit

Students may audit a class if they choose to do so. No credit is earned from audited classes. A grade of "AU" is assigned to audited classes, which is not used in computing the grade point average. Course requisites are enforced in determination of registration eligibility for the course. Audit fees may be assessed. It is strongly recommended that students confer with their advisor prior to officially auditing a course.

Students may select Audit as an option at the time they initially register for courses via MyUMassGlobal Self Service. After initial registration in a course, in order to change the grading basis to an Audit, students must submit a change of grading system request available in MyUMassGlobal, by the end of the sixth week. Changes in grading basis cannot be done via MyUMassGlobal Self Service. Students may not change a grading system from an Audit to a letter grade. Course requirements such as homework, exams and papers are not graded by the instructor for students who are auditing a class.

Courses Repeated for Higher Grades

Any undergraduate-level course numbered 100 – 499 at University of Massachusetts Global may be repeated to improve the grade. The lower grade remains on the record with a notation that the course has been repeated. Only the higher grade and credit are computed in the cumulative grade point average. Credit is given only once for a repeated course, except as noted in the course description. It is recommended that a course be repeated as soon as practical if it is to be taken for a higher grade. In exercising this option, an undergraduate student must repeat the course at University of Massachusetts Global.  If the content of a course accepted in transfer is duplicated by coursework taken at University of Massachusetts Global, credit for the transferred course will be removed from the student record.  


  • Instructors may issue a grade of Incomplete when only the final assignment (e.g., paper, project, exam) is missing. Incomplete grades should be considered only if compelling reasons due to extenuating circumstances exist such as health or other emergency situations. The Incomplete process may not be used for a student to improve a grade. During careful consultation with the student, the instructor will determine the deadline for the final assignment, which shall be no longer than two consecutive sessions following the session the student was enrolled in the course.
  • Upon request from a course instructor, the Dean or Dean’s designee may authorize exceptions to this policy in cases of extreme circumstances or for courses involving fieldwork, practicum, or internships. Requests for exceptions must come from course instructors.
  • The student is responsible for knowing the deadline and the requirements for course completion.
  • When issuing an incomplete grade, instructors will issue the grade the student would have earned by assessing scores on all graded requirements, preceded by an “I” (e.g. IC-, IF+). This grade is determined by including zero points for the final assignment in the calculation of the final grade. If the final assignment is not completed in the period allotted the initial grade issued, without the “I”, will become the grade of record.
  • Students will receive credit for the course at the time the initial incomplete grade (e.g., IC-, IF) is entered. The initial grade is calculated in both the session and cumulative GPA, to be updated if necessary when the subsequent grade is submitted (e.g., IC- is changed to C+).

Reading and Conference Courses

Reading and Conference courses are offered to senior or graduate students with a University of Massachusetts Global grade point average of at least 2.75 and only when absolutely necessary. The courses may be taken only for the purpose of meeting graduation or credential requirements by students who could not meet the requirements because of circumstances beyond their control. They are not offered to resolve scheduling conflicts with other classes, or work, or to complete a schedule. To enroll in reading and conference courses, students must obtain a Request for Course by Reading and Conference form from their advisor. Reading and Conference courses must be approved by the appropriate Dean prior to enrollment.  

Independent Study and Research

Independent Study and Research is offered to upper-division and graduate students with an overall grade point averages of at least 3.0 “B”, to research particular topics that are not provided by regular curriculum offerings. To enroll in independent study and research, a student must obtain an Independent Study and Research form from their advisor. Independent Study and Research courses must be approved by the appropriate Dean prior to enrollment.  

Disclaimer for Programs with On-ground Placements, Clinicals, Internships

As an institution with students nationwide, University of Massachusetts Global monitors each state’s laws and the requirements of each agency therein that regulates Higher Education.  We strive to maintain the appropriate approvals in each state, but with hundreds of state agencies nationwide, each having their own (and often changing) requirements, we can make no guarantees.

If it comes to our attention that we must seek State Authorization or complete an approval process, we will take the appropriate steps as quickly as possible.  However, your internship or clinical placement at a particular site could be affected or could be prohibited if we are unable to obtain the State authorization or approval on a timely basis.  Should you have questions or concerns, please contact your Clinical Coordinator who can assist further.

Standards and Policy of Academic Integrity

UMass Global is an academic community based on the principles of honesty, trust, fairness, respect and responsibility.  Academic integrity is a core University value, which ensures respect for the academic reputation of the University, its students, faculty and staff, and the degrees it confers. The University expects that students will conduct themselves in an honest and ethical manner and respect the intellectual work of others.

To safeguard the conditions under which learning occurs, scholarship is performed, and academic work or projects are measured and evaluated, this policy will help faculty and academic leadership:

  • Distinguish between general and specific methods of Academic Dishonesty and/or Plagiarism.  
  • Outline faculty/classroom procedures for investigating and reporting academic integrity violations.
  • Outline the purpose and procedures for petition to Dean or Dean’s Designee.
  • Outline purpose and procedures for a Governance and Appeals Committee (GAC) hearing.
  • Outline the purpose and procedures for an appeal to the Office of the Executive Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs.

Note:  All other process/procedures for the GAC hearing are governed by the UMass Global Student Conduct Code, where applicable. The Student Conduct Code is available on MyUMassGlobal.

A. Academic Integrity Violations

Academic integrity violations can take a number of forms. They include, but are not limited to, cheating on a test or examination; claiming the work of another as your own; plagiarizing from any paper, or a portion of, research project, or assignment, including an online discussion board assignment; copying and pasting text from an online source directly into an assignment without properly citing the source; using a paraphrasing tool without permission; reusing your own work in the same or another course without written instructor permission; or falsely submitting material to fulfill course requirements.

Academic Dishonesty and/or Plagiarism include:

  1. Copying from the work of another student, with or without that student's consent.
  2. Using any unauthorized material or aids to complete a test.
  3. Having another person do all or any part of the work unless explicitly specified by assignment instructions.  Note: Working with UMass Global’s Online Writing and Math Community, or other UMass Global resources is encouraged.  Some courses or programs prohibit the use of private tutors and so students are reminded to consult syllabi, assignment sheets/rubrics, program documents and their faculty.
  4. Falsifying an academic record or document (examples: attendance reports, field-work/clinical practicum participation logs, or any other university document of record).
  5. Having another/allowing another to participate in online courses’ required activities in place of a registered student.
  6. Submitting work completed in a course to satisfy the requirements of another course/a repeated course, or to satisfy a program requirement without permission from the faculty receiving the previously submitted/duplicated work and the former faculty having already graded the work (the previous class/es).  Permission must be in writing from both faculty members.  In the event that the faculty of the former course is unavailable, the current faculty may determine permission.
  7. Consistent with #4 above, failing to meet the transcript submission requirements for admission to a program; particularly after indicating requirements for admission had been met.
  8. Within the same course, submitting work done for one assignment to satisfy the requirements of another assignment, unless permission is given by the faculty.  When an assignment in a class is scaffolded upon another assignment in the same class as designed by the faculty, permission may be assumed.  Students are reminded to consult syllabi, assignment sheets/rubrics, program documents and their faculty.
  9. Presenting forged or altered documents (including transcripts, add/drop forms, or any academic form that has been falsified or wherein a professor's signature, or anyone else's signature, has been forged or altered).
  10. Providing/Furnishing/Selling/Transmitting one’s academic/course work or assignment produced for credit or as a draft for a class to another student for their academic use (or other prohibited action above).
  11. Course materials are the intellectual property of the faculty member and the university. Therefore, students may not provide, submit, or upload anything produced for or taken from a course to any “study resource” platform (for example Course Hero, Chegg, etc). This includes but is not limited to all student work as well as lessons, lectures, assignment sheets, rubrics, syllabi, study guides, etc. and applies whether the student is actively or formerly enrolled. A violation of this type may be considered an intellectual property rights violation.
  12. Submitting to faculty work completed by the use of any artificial intelligence tool without permission and/or when prohibited by class policy. When faculty require the use of technology, including artificial intelligence, as a part of an assignment for the course, there is no violation. Students are reminded to consult syllabi, assignment sheets/rubrics, program documents and their faculty.  Use of artificial intelligence, when permitted, must be correctly cited in the assignment.
  13. Misleading a faculty member or administrator about the true nature of academic work, including how it was created, received, transmitted.

For more details on violations of academic integrity, please see the appropriate section in MyUMassGlobal.

B. Investigating and Reporting

This policy and any procedures in it apply both to current students, and to former students for whom information is discovered after the time of a course completion, program requirement completion and/or degree completion regarding alleged academic integrity violations that occurred during the time of the student’s enrollment.

Faculty discovering evidence of academic dishonesty/violation in their class in a given session shall be the person primarily responsible for investigating the incident(s), determining through evidence, subject matter expertise, and professional experience whether or not a violation of this policy has occurred, and reporting the incident upon their determination that a violation has occurred.  The faculty has the discretion to determine that a suspected violation is an actual violation, or that a suspected violation is not an actual violation.  Reporting: when the faculty has determined that an actual violation has occurred, and they will be acting in the form of imposing any sanction, the faculty shall report the investigation and their determination using the required report form (Academic Integrity Violation and Sanction Form).  Any faculty unfamiliar with this policy or process are encouraged to consult with an Associate Dean in their school for guidance on carrying out this policy.

The following are the required procedures for investigating and reporting a single academic integrity violation occurring in a course:

  1. The instructor must communicate with the student in private to address the possible violation.  The instructor’s communication may be through written feedback on an assignment, through UMass Global e-mail, by phone, or via a virtual meeting. If the transgression occurs during class (e.g., during a test or examination), the instructor may deal with the situation at that time in as discreet a manner as possible. The student is expected to meet with the instructor (either by phone, in a virtual meeting, or via UMass Global email) for the purpose of clarifying the circumstances or settling the issue of responsibility. Students are not eligible to withdraw from the course until final resolution of the alleged violation.
  2.  After this meeting, if the instructor is satisfied that the incident does not constitute a violation of academic integrity, then the matter is settled, no further action is required, and the Academic Integrity Violation and Sanction Form is not filed.
  3. If the instructor determines that there has been a substantiated violation of academic integrity, then the instructor completes the Academic Integrity Violation and Sanction Form on this single violation involving only one assignment, citing the sanction. The form can be found in the faculty area of MyUMassGlobal. The Director of Academic Support and Curriculum will determine whether this is the student’s first, second, or successive academic integrity violation at UMass Global. 
  4.  If this is the student’s first reported academic integrity violation at UMass Global, the following procedure is followed:

a.  The completed Academic Integrity Violation and Sanction Form is emailed to the student, instructor, and appropriate office for processing, if required (e.g., change of grade). A record of the academic integrity violation and sanction is filed. If the case is not resolved by the end of the session or the timeline for petition and appeals has not been exhausted, the instructor should enter the grade “AR” (Administrative Review). The student may not withdraw from the course prior to final resolution of the case. The Grade Change Form will be submitted for final grade once the decision is binding.

b.  If the student does not agree with the sanctions imposed by the instructor, as articulated on the Academic Integrity Violation and Sanction Form, the student may work with an advisor to submit a petition within 10 business days of being informed of the imposed sanction. If the student does not submit a petition within 10 business days, the student is ineligible to further appeal the academic integrity violation and sanction.

c.  The Dean or the Dean’s Designee will review the petition and contact the involved faculty member (and may also contact the student) in an effort to resolve the matter. The Dean or the Dean’s Designee will initiate whatever action they see fit to sustain, overturn or modify the instructor’s sanctions. The Dean will notify the student and instructor of the decision via email. Filing and further processing, if required (e.g., change of grade), will occur as necessary.

d.  If there is dissatisfaction with the petition decision made by the appropriate Dean, the student may request a hearing with the Governance and Appeals Committee (GAC), within 10 business days of receiving the Dean’s decision. The request for a GAC hearing must be completed and forwarded by the student requesting to academicsupport@umassglobal.edu. The request will be forwarded to the GAC for review and to render a decision. To render a decision, the GAC will appoint a quorum of three committee members. The GAC Chair will notify the student, the instructor, and the Dean of their decision. If the student does not submit a hearing request within 10 business days, the student is ineligible to further appeal the academic integrity violation and sanction.

e.  A student has the right to appeal within 30 business days of notification by the GAC of the academic integrity decision. Appeal decisions are based on relevant information that was not available at the time of the decision, or if procedures were not followed in accordance with UMass Global academic policy/guidelines. An appeal is not a reconsideration of the merits of the decision. The appeal decision will be rendered by the Office of the Executive Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs. The appeal decision will be final and binding.

5.      In cases involving multiple academic integrity violations concerning more than one assignment in the same course, the following action should be taken:

a.   For the student’s first reported academic integrity violation within a course, the procedure in either B1-4e or 6a-c is followed depending upon whether the student has prior academic integrity violations at UMass Global.

b.   For a student’s second and successive violations within a single course, the instructor must communicate with the student as soon as possible after each violation. After the deadline for the final course assignment but before final grades are filed, the instructor should then submit a second Academic Integrity Violation and Sanction Form that includes all successive violations and the assignments that they involve. On this second form, the instructor should cite one sanction for each violation reported on the form, or one sanction for all violations reported on the form. A second or successive violation in the same course will be treated as the student’s second or successive academic integrity violation at UMass Global, and the procedure described below in 6a – 6c is followed at this point.  As the case will not be resolved by the end of the session, the instructor should assign the student a course grade of “AR” (Administrative Review). The student may not withdraw from the course prior to final resolution of the case. The Grade Change Form will be submitted for final grade once the decision is binding.

6.       If this is the student’s second or successive academic integrity violation at UMass Global, the following procedure is followed:

a.  The most recently completed Academic Integrity Violation and Sanction Form is emailed to the student and instructor. A record of the academic integrity violation and sanction is filed. The student may not withdraw from the course before the resolution of the case. Since the student has more than one Academic Integrity Violation, the completed Academic Integrity Violation and Sanction Form and the students’ prior Academic Integrity Violation and Sanction Form(s) are also sent to the Dean or the Dean’s Designee to review. The Dean or the Dean’s Designee will initiate whatever action she or he sees fit to sustain, overturn, or modify the instructor’s sanctions based on the student’s current and prior violations. The Dean will notify the student and instructor of their decision via email. Filing and further processing, if required (e.g., change of grade, academic dismissal), will occur as necessary.

b.  If there is dissatisfaction with the petition decision made by the appropriate Dean, the student may request a hearing with the Governance and Appeals Committee (GAC), within 10 business days of receiving the Dean’s decision.  A request for a GAC hearing must be completed and forwarded by the student requesting to academicsupport@umassglobal.edu. The request will be forwarded to the GAC for review and to render a decision. To render a decision, the GAC will appoint a quorum of three committee members. The GAC Chair will notify the student, instructor, and Dean of the decision.   If the student does not submit a hearing request within 10 business days, the student is ineligible to further appeal the academic integrity violation and sanction.

c.  A student has the right to appeal within 30 business days of notification of the academic integrity decision by the GAC. Appeal decisions are based on relevant information that was not available at the time of the decision, or based on whether procedures were followed in accordance with UMass Global academic policy/guidelines. An appeal is not a reconsideration of the merits of the decision. The appeal decision will be rendered by the Office of the Executive Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs. The appeal decision will be final and binding.

7.       If the student has already completed the course or program requirement in which the academic integrity violation is subsequently discovered, the following procedure is followed:

a.  The Dean or the Dean's Designee will investigate the allegations and, when possible, attempt to contact the involved faculty member and the involved student as part of the investigation. The Dean or the Dean's Designee will also review documentation from the student's prior academic integrity violations, if any. If the Dean or the Dean's Designee determines that there has been a substantiated violation of academic integrity in the case at hand, they will assess an appropriate sanction based on the violation at hand and on, if applicable, any prior violations. Sanctions may include, but are not limited to, change of course grade and/or retroactive dismissal resulting in revocation of the student's degree.

b.  If there is dissatisfaction with the decision made by the appropriate Dean, the student may request a hearing with the Governance and Appeals Committee (GAC), within 10 business days of transmission of the Dean's decision.  A request for a GAC hearing must be completed and forwarded by the student requesting to academicsupport@umassglobal.edu.  Students may get support from their academic advisor when needed for this process, however the request must be made by the student. The request for a hearing will be forwarded to the GAC for calendaring of the hearing.

c.  A student has the right to appeal within 30 business days of notification of the academic integrity decision by the GAC. Appeal decisions are based on relevant information that was not available at the time of the decision, or based on whether procedures were followed in accordance with University of Massachusetts Global academic policy/guidelines. An appeal is not a reconsideration of the merits of the decision. The appeal decision will be rendered by the Office of the Executive Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs. The appeal decision will be final and binding.

8.      A formal dismissal for a violation of academic integrity will be recorded on the student’s official transcript. Students dismissed due to an academic integrity violation are not eligible for readmission to the University.

9.      Once an academic integrity allegation and sanction have been resolved and finalized, the course grade cannot be challenged on the basis of grounds related to the academic integrity allegation and sanction.

For academic integrity violations that occur outside of a course setting, the applicable Dean or Dean’s Designee shall investigate. If the Dean or the Dean’s Designee determines that a violation of academic integrity has occurred, the Dean or Dean’s Designee will notify the student and applicable academic personnel of the decision and sanctions by email. If the student is enrolled at the university at the time that the violation is discovered and is dissatisfied with the Dean’s decision, they may request a hearing with the Governance and Appeals Committee (GAC) under the same parameters as in Step 4d above, and may subsequently appeal to the Office of the Executive Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs under the same parameters as in Step 4e above. If the student is no longer enrolled at the university at the time that the violation is discovered and is dissatisfied with the Dean’s decision, they may request a hearing with the Governance and Appeals Committee (GAC) under the same parameters as in Step 7b above, and may subsequent appeal to the Office of the Executive Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs under the same parameters as in Step 7c above.

C. Governance and Appeals (GAC) Hearing    

GAC is responsible for conducting hearings and ruling on students’ appeals of academic integrity decisions and sanctions related to academic integrity violations.    

The Chair of GAC, upon receiving a student’s request for a hearing within 10 business days of the Dean’s notice to a student, shall appoint a quorum of three committee members to comprise a hearing panel. The GAC Panel shall communicate with the student the date/time of the hearing and how the hearing will occur (i.e. via Zoom or another forum). The GAC panel shall consider all available information and evidence and render a ruling in writing to the student and the required University offices.

The GAC panel hearing shall take the form of a three-person panel chaired by one of three (3) members.  The Panel will focus on fact-finding, and review of any pertinent information/data.  At a minimum, and subject to the chair’s discretion the panel shall include:

  • an introduction of the purpose of the hearing (defining the scope and purpose),
  • an opportunity for the petitioner to speak respectfully, openly and freely regarding the rationale for their appeal and understanding of the issue,
  • an opportunity for the panel to question the petitioner to gain clarity, additional information/details, and to respectfully challenge statements made,
  • an opportunity for the student to offer additional information not available to the panel at any time in the process, and to offer respectful rebuttal to ideas/information from the submitting faculty report or any panel members’ questions/comments,
  • an opportunity for the chair to summarize the panel proceedings for adjournment.

Deliberation by the panel shall be confidential, without the petitioner present and after the end of the hearing.  If during the deliberation process, the GAC requires additional information from the student, dean, faculty involved, or university administration, the chair may request additional information.

Basic rules of decorum and professionalism shall guide the chair in running the hearing.  All elements of the student conduct policy will apply during the hearing.  The petitioner may have a support person present in the hearing who is a current member of the UMass Global faculty or staff.  Any support person permitted in the hearing shall be a silent observer and shall maintain confidentiality.  Silent observers from outside the UMass Global community shall not be ordinarily permitted.  Active or former attorneys may not be present in a GAC panel hearing, as the process is not meant to be a hearing of law.

A GAC panel decision will be based on: whether or not a violation(s) actually occurred, evidence and appropriate information provided during the Dean’s review and/or during the GAC hearing, university policies and procedures, and whether the Dean’s sanction(s) should be upheld or modified.

A student has the right to appeal the GAC panel’s decision to the Office of the Executive Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs if they disagree with the GAC ruling within 30 business days of notification of the GAC panel’s decision.

D. Appeals to the Office of the Executive Vice Chancellor

A student has a right to appeal a GAC panel’s decision to the Executive Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs.  Executive Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs appeal decisions are based on 1) relevant information that was not available at the time of the GAC panel decision, or 2) whether procedures were followed in accordance with UMass Global’s academic policies/guidelines.  Students wishing to appeal to the Executive Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs should do so in their own writing and may seek guidance for processes related to an appeal from an academic advisor.

An appeal is not a reconsideration of the merits of the decision. The appeal decision will be rendered by the Office of the Executive Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs. The appeal decision will be final and binding.

NOTE: In all cases of alleged violations of academic integrity, it is vital to maintain professional confidentiality among those involved.  Students must also adhere to ethical standards set forth by professional licensing boards and discipline-specific criteria. Violations of ethical professional behavior may result in dismissal from the university. Refer to appropriate school for professional code of conduct policy.

Student Conduct

University of Massachusetts Global is an academic community committed to maintaining an environment that encourages personal and intellectual growth. It is a community with high standards and high expectations for those who choose to become a part of it, and it is a community with established rules of conduct intended to foster behaviors that are consistent with a civil and educational setting. Members of the University community are expected to comply with all laws, University policies, and professional ethical standards, conducting themselves in ways that support an academic environment.

Faculty members are responsible for ensuring an effective learning environment for all students in their classes, which encourages active student participation, including the right to raise questions and challenge information. Hence, faculty members also have the responsibility and authority to maintain appropriate student behavior. Classes are defined as including laboratories, internships, field placements, or any settings that can be designated as a learning environment, such as travel studies and field trips.

Consequently, if a student is considered to be threatening or disruptive in the classroom, behaves in a way that interferes with the learning of other students, or refuses to fulfill the academic requirements of the course, the faculty member has the right to have the student who demonstrates such behavior removed from the class, either by administrative withdrawal or by making arrangements for the student to complete the requirements in absentia.

Coercion regarding grading or evaluation of coursework, or any administrative petition: Threatening personal or professional repercussions or discipline against an instructor (or faculty), to coerce the instructor to change a grade or otherwise evaluate the student’s work by criteria not directly reflective of coursework or threatening personal or professional repercussions or discipline against an administrator to coerce a course of action not supported in fact is strictly prohibited.

Frivolous Claims: University of Massachusetts Global prohibits all forms of discrimination and harassment on the basis of federal and state protected classes and/or characteristics. Students who reasonably believe they have experienced discrimination and/or harassment at the University are encouraged to file a complaint at civilrightscomplaints@umassglobal.edu. For information regarding our non-discrimination policy and procedures, refer to the Title IX policies available in MyUMassGlobal. Due to the high stakes nature associated with such claims and investigations, claims that are made without any reasonable basis may be considered frivolous and could subject the complainant to the student conduct code process.

For information regarding potential student conduct violations including electronic media violations, refer to the Student Conduct Code available in MyUMassGlobal.

Students must also adhere to ethical standards set forth by professional licensing boards and discipline specific criteria. Violations of ethical professional behavior may result in dismissal from the university.  Refer to appropriate school for professional code of conduct policy.

Incident reports should be made immediately to the appropriate Dean. Refer to the Student Conduct Code available in MyUMassGlobal for hearing procedures.

Grade Review Policy

Faculty/Instructors have the final authority in assigning student grades except for cases involving:  clear evidence of capricious grading or failure to follow the professional standards of a discipline or field. Arbitrary and capricious grading means the assignment of a final course grade:

  • was not based on the student’s performance in the course, or
  • was based on standards which significantly deviated from those which were applied to other students in the course, or
  • was based on a substantial, unreasonable and/or unannounced departure from the instructor’s previously articulated standards and assignment requirements outlined in the course syllabus or other course documents.

Requests for review of grade must be filed within 15 business days from the date that the grade was posted in MyUMassGlobal. Challenges to allegations of academic integrity violations such as plagiarism must be submitted and adjudicated under the academic integrity policies and procedures, not under the grade review policies and procedures. Only final course grades may be submitted for review.

Faculty/Instructors may change final grades after initial submission only if a clerical error is discovered. Clerical error revisions are submitted by the instructor via MyUMassGlobal. Once a grade is submitted, additional work may not be accepted to enable the student to receive a higher grade.

A student who believes he or she has received a grade that is capricious or based on standards that are not in line with the professional standards of a discipline or field and wishes to file a grade review must follow the steps outlined in the Grade Review Procedure. The burden of proof is on the student to provide evidence that the grade was capricious or not in line with professional standards of a discipline or field.  No other reasons for a grade review other than those listed in this policy will be considered. 

Grade Review Procedure

Please note that the number of business days does not include Saturdays, Sundays or days designated on the academic calendar as ‘administrative offices closed’ or ‘Winter Break.’ You may find these dates listed in the Academic Calendar on MyUMassGlobal.

  1. A student must attempt to contact the instructor from their University of Massachusetts Global email address within 15 business days after grades are posted to request a grade review. Instructors must carry out a grade review process with the student within 15 business days of the student’s request and notify the Dean of the results of that review.  Here and after, Dean and Dean’s designee may be used interchangeably. All grade changes will be submitted via MyUMassGlobal.  If the student attempts to contact the instructor within the allotted time, and the instructor does not respond to the student within 15 business days of the first attempted contact by the student, the student may move on to Step 2 of the Grade Review Procedure.
  2. If after meeting with the instructor the grade dispute is not resolved, or if the instructor does not respond within 15 business days to the student’s first attempted contact, the student may submit a written request (the student should contact their advisor to initiate this request) for review by the Dean/Dean's designee. That request for review must be submitted utilizing the Grade Review form within 15 business days of the official response to the student by the instructor. This review request must provide a) the rationale for the request for review, and b) all supporting documentation related to the request, including verification that the student has been in contact with the instructor as specified above. An example of verification would be an email from the student (using the student’s University of Massachusetts Global email address) to the instructor requesting a grade review, an email from the instructor verifying the grade review meeting with the student, or an email verification that the instructor was not able to meet with the student.
  3. If the Dean finds merit in the student's request, the Dean will review the grade assignment, attempt to contact the instructor to gather further evidence and provide the instructor 15 business days to reply, determine a final grade, and notify the student and instructor of the results via University of Massachusetts Global email. The final grade may be higher, lower, or the same as the grade originally assigned by the instructor.    
  4. If the Dean does not find merit in the request, the student and instructor will be notified and the grade will stand. The Dean’s finding of a lack of merit in a student’s request for grade review is not subject to appeal.
  5. The student may submit an appeal to the Provost within 10 business days of the notification of the Dean’s decision. Appeals must be based upon one of the following:    
    1. Additional relevant information which the student did not have at the time of the original request/subsequent request is now available for consideration.
    2. Grade review procedures were not followed in accordance with University of Massachusetts Global academic policy/guidelines.
    3. The grade determination did not follow guidelines established within the course syllabus.
  6.  The Provost may determine:
    1. The appeal does not meet the additional criteria and deny the request; or
    2. The appeal does show that one of the appellate criteria has been met, and
      1. will refer the request back to the Dean for final review (not subject to appeal); or
      2. will determine a final grade.
  7. All decisions by the Provost are final and binding.

To submit a Grade Review Form, please contact your Academic Advisor.

Undergraduate Academic Probation and Dismissal

Academic Probation

The following is University of Massachusetts Global's guidelines for satisfactory academic achievement in undergraduate programs.  Please note that degree GPA requirements and some programs may specify more stringent policies.  Please refer to appropriate degree and program sections.  

A degree seeking undergraduate student whose overall GPA (includes University of Massachusetts Global institutional coursework and transfer coursework) falls below 2.0 at the end of one enrolled session or whose session GPA falls below 2.0 at University of Massachusetts Global will be placed on probation. Students on academic probation will be expected to consult with their advisor for guidance and assistance regarding improving their academic status.

Veteran and Active Military Students: see Military and Veterans Services section of the catalog regarding academic probation.

Academic Dismissal

Students who have been placed on probation three or more times during their undergraduate education are subject to academic dismissal from the university. The appropriate School Dean will review such cases and will render the decision whether a student should be academically dismissed.

The action of dismissal will be placed on the official transcript. A student who has been dismissed will be administratively withdrawn from the university at the end of the current enrolled session and may not continue coursework.

A student has the right to appeal within 30 days of notification of the academic dismissal decision. If currently enrolled in a course, a student has 30 days from the end of the course to appeal the academic dismissal decision. Appeal decisions will only be considered if there is relevant information that was not available at the time of the decision or if procedures were not followed in accordance with University of Massachusetts Global academic policy/guidelines. It is not a reconsideration of the merits of the decision. The appeal decision will be rendered by the Office of the Executive Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs. The appeal decision will be final and binding.

Academic Probation and Dismissal policies are separate from and in addition to policies governing dismissal for violating academic integrity or dismissal for inappropriate student behavior.

Academically dismissed students seeking to be readmitted may do so after one year from their effective date of academic dismissal, regardless of their cumulative grade point average. Students seeking readmission must submit a written request to the appropriate School Dean and submit a new application. The School Dean will make the re-admission decision. Students who return after academic dismissal will be placed in the same probation status they were in at the time of their dismissal.

Veteran and Active Duty Military Students: see Military and Veterans Services section of the catalog regarding academic probation and dismissal.


A petition is a request to waive an academic policy, procedure, or ruling.

  • Students may file a petition to request an exception to University of Massachusetts Global policy, procedure, or ruling. Students must explain fully why the University should act favorably on the petition, citing any exceptional conditions, mitigating circumstances, and/or conditions beyond the student's control.
  • Petitions/requests will be reviewed and ruled upon by the designated office or committee listed on the University of Massachusetts Global Petition/Request location within MyUMassGlobal.  Not all university policies, procedures, or rulings can be petitioned; see the University of Massachusetts Global Student location within the MyUMassGlobal portal for more information.         

Academic Appeal

An appeal is a review of a petition decision based on relevant information not available to the student at the time of the initial petition submission, or procedures were not followed in accordance with University of Massachusetts Global academic policy/guidelines. It is not a reconsideration of the merits of the decision. Not all University of Massachusetts Global policies or petition decisions are appealable; see the University of Massachusetts Global Petition/Request location within MyUMassGlobal for more information.     

Graduation with Latin Honors

A student with superior academic achievement throughout his or her undergraduate career may graduate with university honors. To be eligible for honors, the student must have an overall grade point average, including all transfer work, at or above the specific honors category. A minimum of 33 credits must be University of Massachusetts Global coursework taken for a letter grade.  Categories of honors are cum laude (3.500 – 3.699 GPA); magna cum laude (3.700 – 3.899 GPA); and summa cum laude (3.900+ GPA).


Degree Conferral

Degree conferral is an automatic process; students do not need to apply for degree conferral.  Degree conferral is the result of the official program evaluation from Degree Works reflecting all requirements complete.  The Degree Conferral date is final and is not subject to a request for back dating.

More information on Degree Conferral is available on MyUMassGlobal.


Participation in commencement does not guarantee or automatically imply graduation from the University. Commencement ceremony dates and locations vary each year. For more information, please go to https://www.umassglobal.edu/commencement or contact your Academic Advisor.

Eligibility Requirements: To be eligible for participation in an upcoming commencement ceremony, the student’s official degree audit must indicate that the student is on course to satisfactorily complete all degree requirements by the required session (indicated below), of that academic year or sooner.

  • To participate in Winter Commencement, student must be on course to complete by Spring Session II.
  • To participate in Summer Commencement, student must be on course to complete by Summer Session II.

Eligibility is verified by the Academic Advisor and indicated by the expected graduation date on the student’s degree audit.

Participation in the commencement ceremony involves a two-step process: 

  • Step 1: Student submits the “Commencement Interest” form via MyUMassGlobal to receive approval of eligibility.
  • Step 2: Student submits the “RSVP Ticket” form to register themselves and secure guest tickets.

Specific deadlines to submit “Commencement Interest” and “RSVP Ticket” forms for each upcoming ceremony are listed on the commencement website (https://www.umassglobal.edu/participation)

Diplomas and Transcripts

The conferral is an automatic process that continuously runs each night; students do not need to apply for conferral. Conferral is the result of the official program evaluation from Degree Works reflecting all requirements as complete; once the Degree Audit indicates 100% completion, the record will be flagged for processing. The Degree Conferral date is final and is not subject to a request for backdating. Each conferral is subject to a seven-day validation. This allows time for confirmation that all degree requirements have been met. Degree conferral dates will occur at the end of each session.

Once your degree is conferred, conferral fee paid and any holds cleared, you will be able to complete and submit a diploma form. The diploma and one official transcript will be mailed to the address you provide on your diploma form. Diplomas are mailed out approximately eight weeks after the date of conferral of the degree. Under no circumstances will a diploma be released prior to the conferral date.  Diplomas will not be released if the student has an active hold as indicated in the Self-Service Holds section in MyUMassGlobal.

Transcripts from other institutions which have been presented for admission or evaluation become part of the student's academic file and are not returned or copied for distribution.

Currently enrolled students may order official copies of transcripts or print unofficial copies of transcripts at any time via MyUMassGlobal Self- Service.  For further processing and fee information, please visit the following link: http://www.umassglobal.edu/transcripts.

Transition from Brandman University to University of Massachusetts Global

Brandman University is now University of Massachusetts Global.  University of Massachusetts Global is a private, nonprofit affiliate of the University of Massachusetts system.  During this transition, the following applies:

• Students whose designated catalog year is 2010-2011 through 2021-2022 may choose either a Brandman University or a University of Massachusetts Global degree or diploma.

• Students whose designated catalog year is 2022-2023 or later will receive a University of Massachusetts Global degree and diploma.

• Students that have been conferred cannot petition to change catalog years to receive a Brandman University or Chapman University College degree or diploma.

• Students whose designated catalog year is 2009-2010 or prior may choose either a University of Massachusetts Global degree or a Chapman University College degree or diploma.