Master of Arts in Education (MAE)
This program is designed for individuals seeking career or advancement opportunities in education or related fields. None of the seven emphasis areas leads to a license or credential to teach or provide services in the K-12 education system. All students complete six MAE core courses and one emphasis area cluster of courses. Seven emphasis areas are offered: Curriculum and Instruction, Educational Leadership, Instructional Technology: Teaching the 21st Century Learner, Leadership in Early Childhood Education, Teaching and Learning, Educational Administration and Autism. It is possible to complete a degree with more than one emphasis. Candidates completing a second emphasis area within one master's degree program may not use previously completed emphasis coursework for one emphasis to fulfill the requirements of a second emphasis.
Program Learning Outcomes
- Research: Evaluate the various educational research paradigms and develop a theoretical research project utilizing one or more of the methodologies.
- Democratic Schools: Apply democratic principles to an authentic educational context.
- Equity and Equality: Defend an academically-valid position on Equity and Equality that is informed by local, national, and global landscapes.
- Learning Theory: Utilize theories of learning and brain research to enhance teaching and student learning.
- Curriculum Design: Evaluate curriculum design and curricular decisions as they relate to meeting the diverse needs of students.
- Ethics: Identify and analyze ethical issues with ethical decision making within an educational context.
Program Learning Outcomes by Emphasis Area
- Curriculum and Instruction - Pedagogical Expertise: Apply understanding of curriculum and instruction to a contemporary issue in curriculum design.
- Instructional Technology - Teaching the 21st Century Learner: Facilitate transferable, curricular- based, assessable learning opportunities to specific student audiences (K-12 and/or higher education) through selection, and professional application of a variety of appropriate 21st century tools, strategies, and skills.
- Educational Administration: Apply collaborative educational philosophies, theories, and practices to promote change, policy development, and governance.
- Educational Leadership: Apply facilitative leadership skills to promote effective, problem-solving and collaborative decision-making in specific organizational situations.
- Leadership in Early Childhood Education - Leading Change: Based on a quality analysis, identify and implement collaborative strategies to lead change in an Early Childhood Education program.
- Teaching and Learning - Differentiated Instruction: Apply pedagogical concepts in educational settings to meet the diverse needs of students.
- Autism: Implement evidence-based instructional and behavioral strategies to meet the varied needs of students across the autism spectrum.
Admission Requirements
Admission to the program may be achieved by meeting the following requirements:
- Submit an application for admission to UMass Global (see the Graduate Admission section).
- Applicants to the MAE/Educational Leadership program must submit a resume and a letter of intent, indicating their purpose in acquiring this degree and potential career goals.
- Applicants to the MAE/Leadership in Early Childhood Education emphasis must have a bachelor’s degree in early childhood education or child development, or applicants must complete at least 12 units of upper division early childhood coursework prior to admission or meet their local, national, global requirements for the field.
- Applicants to the MAE/Teaching and Learning emphasis must have completed a California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC) approved General Education Induction Program or Education Specialist Induction Program or a minimum of Year One of the Induction program. If the applicant has completed Year One, then a letter on District letterhead indicating the completion of Year One is required. The letter must be signed by the applicant’s Induction coordinator or Director of Human Resources department.
- Applicants to the MAE Educational Administration emphasis must hold a valid Certificate of Eligibility or Preliminary Administrative Services Credential received through a CTC approved program or be concurrently enrolled in a CTC approved program. Applicants concurrently enrolled in a Preliminary Administrative Services Credential program must submit an official letter from the program verifying enrollment. If a student earned a valid Certificate of Eligibility or Preliminary Administrative Services Credential via examination, they are not eligible for admission into this program.
Program Information and Requirements
Second Emphasis Area
It is possible to complete the MAE degree with more than one emphasis. Candidates completing a second emphasis area within one master’s degree program may not use coursework from one emphasis area to fulfill the requirements of the second. Further, students completing a second emphasis must successfully complete the Demonstration of Mastery task associated with that emphasis area.
If the second area of emphasis is completed after the initial degree has been awarded, the student will not be issued an updated diploma, nor will the student be allowed to participate in the commencement ceremony a second time. However, the second emphasis will appear on the student's official University of Massachusetts Global transcript.
Transfer of Coursework
In the Master of Arts in Education program, a total of six semester or nine quarter credits can be transferred into the program. These must be graduate-level courses and a grade of “B” or higher must have been earned in each course being transferred. Transferred courses can only be applied to the core courses of the MAE Curriculum and Instruction, MAE Instructional Technology: Teaching the 21st Century Learner, MAE Educational Leadership, MAE Leadership in Early Childhood Education, and MAE Autism programs. The transfer of coursework limitation policy does not apply to courses taken through the UMass Global School of Extended Education; those Autism courses may be applied to the MAE program. For the Master of Arts in Education, Teaching and Learning emphasis and Educational Administration, 7 credits of block transfer are allowed.
Time Limitations
With the exception of Prerequisites, all requirements for a master's degree, including courses accepted for transfer credit, must be completed within a consecutive seven-year period immediately prior to the awarding of the degree.
Demonstration of Mastery
See each emphasis area for specific demonstration of mastery requirements.
Degree Requirements
Code | Title | Credits |
Core Courses | ||
EDUU 600 | Research and Evaluation Methods * | 3 |
EDUU 605 | Democracy, Education and Social Change | 3 |
EDUU 606 | Seminar in Learning Theory | 3 |
EDUU 607 | Seminar in Comparative Education - Equity and Equality | 3 |
EDUU 608 | Seminar in the Social Foundations of Education | 3 |
EDUU 609 | Seminar in Curriculum Studies | 3 |
Core Courses Subtotal | 18 | |
Emphasis Area Elective Courses | ||
Emphasis Area Elective Courses Subtotal | 12 | |
Total Credits | 30 |
*EDUU 600 Research and Evaluation Methods is a prerequisite for all other core courses and candidates are advised to take this course first. Students may take another course concurrently with EDUU 600. Students are strongly encouraged to discuss course sequencing with their academic advisor.
Emphasis Area Elective Courses
Master of Arts in Education – Curriculum and Instruction
Prerequisite: Candidates must have a teaching credential or must take EDUU 515 Teaching the Adult Learner, before beginning any coursework in the MAE, Curriculum and Instruction. Candidates may take EDUU 515 Teaching the Adult Learner concurrently with EDUU 600 Research and Evaluation Methods.
Code | Title | Credits |
EDCI 631 | Differentiated Instruction in Multicultural and Multi-Ability Classrooms | 3 |
EDCI 633 | Instructional Leadership for Practitioners | 3 |
EDCI 634 | Issues and Trends in Contemporary Curriculum: Expertise Paper Development | 3 |
Select one from the following: | 3 | |
Collaboration For Inclusive Schooling | ||
The Art & Craft of Teaching | ||
Theories in Language Structure and Acquisition | ||
English Language and Literacy Development | ||
Content-Based Instruction and Assessment for Linguistic Minority Students: SDAIE | ||
Voice, Diversity, Equity, and Social Justice | ||
Introduction to Autism Spectrum Disorders: Etiologies and Characteristics | ||
Domestic Experiential Education | ||
International Experiential Education | ||
Data Driven Leadership in Educational Organizations | ||
Engaging Stakeholders in Educational Organizations | ||
Leading Change in Educational Organizations | ||
Foundations of 21st Century Teaching | ||
Literacy and Language in K-8 Classrooms I | ||
Literacy and Language in K-8 Classrooms II | ||
History, Social Science and Visual/Performing Arts in K-8 Classrooms | ||
Teaching and Learning Mathematics in K-8 Classrooms | ||
Teaching and Learning Science in K-8 Classrooms | ||
Theories, Methods, and Materials for Teaching English Learners | ||
Secondary Instructional Strategies for Language/Culturally Diverse Classrooms | ||
Effective Literacy Instruction for Single Subject Candidates | ||
Content Specific Strategies for Single Subjects (Series) | ||
Preparing 21st Century Learners: A Collaborative and Integrated Approach | ||
Total Credits | 12 |
Demonstration of Mastery
Candidates for the Master of Arts in Education degree with an emphasis in Curriculum and Instruction must successfully complete an expertise paper that integrates theory with application in EDCI 634 Issues and Trends in Contemporary Curriculum: Expertise Paper Development and must earn a “B” or better in the course.
Master of Arts in Education – Instructional Technology: Teaching the 21st Century Learner
Prerequisites: Candidates must have a teaching credential or must take EDUU 515 Teaching the Adult Learner and successfully complete the MAE Core Courses (EDUU 600, EDUU 605, EDUU 606, EDUU 607, EDUU 608, and EDUU 609) before beginning any coursework in the MAE, Instructional Technology: Teaching the 21st Century Learner emphasis. Candidates may take EDUU 515 Teaching the Adult Learner concurrently with EDUU 600 Research and Evaluation Methods. Candidates must also take EDUU 451 Educational Application of Computers: Level I or an approved equivalent, or submit passing scores on the CSET in Ed Tech, or have a current teaching credential that required a Level I educational computer course or equivalent.
Code | Title | Credits |
Emphasis Courses | ||
EDUU 624 | Foundations of 21st Century Teaching | 3 |
EDUU 625 | Design and Assessment of 21st Century Teaching | 3 |
EDUU 628 | Advanced Design and Assessment of 21st Century Teaching | 3 |
EDUU 629 | Teaching the 21st Century Learner Capstone | 3 |
Total Credits | 12 |
Demonstration of Mastery
Candidates for the Master of Arts in Education degree with an emphasis in Instructional Technology: Teaching the 21st Century Learner must successfully complete a portfolio submitted in EDUU 629 Teaching the 21st Century Learner Capstone that includes both artifacts and simulations that demonstrate excellence and professionalism with online and blended pedagogy/andragogy depending on the individual candidate’s focus. Candidates must earn a “B” or better in EDUU 629 Teaching the 21st Century Learner Capstone.
Master of Arts in Education – Leadership in Early Childhood Education
Code | Title | Credits |
Emphasis Required Courses | ||
EDUU 640 | Foundations of Leadership in Early Childhood Settings | 3 |
EDUU 641 | Public Policy and Fiscal Planning for Early Childhood Leaders | 3 |
EDUU 642 | Leadership and Human Resources in Early Childhood Settings | 3 |
EDUU 643 | Leading Change in Early Childhood Programs: Capstone | 3 |
Total Credits | 12 |
Demonstration of Mastery
Candidates for the Master of Arts in Education degree with an emphasis in Leadership in Early Childhood Education must successfully conduct a quality analysis, identify and implement collaborative strategies to lead a programming improvement in an Early Childhood Education program. Candidates must submit a presentation of their executed strategies in EDUU 643 Leading Change in Early Childhood Programs: Capstone and must earn a “B” or better in the course.
Master of Arts in Education – Teaching and Learning
Emphasis Block Transfer
University of Massachusetts Global awards an initial block of seven semester credits for successful completion of a Multiple Subjects, Single Subjects SB 2042, or Education Specialist Induction Program. A candidate must also successfully complete EDUU 599 for five credits for a total of 12 credits. Please see an advisor for more details.
Demonstration of Mastery
Candidates must submit a Portfolio of Evidence demonstrating abilities or competence in the core courses and includes a reflective essay that applies course content to teaching and learning. Demonstration of Mastery (DOM) portfolios can only be submitted once all coursework has been completed and graded. Candidates must maintain minimum GPA and grade requirements of their program. Candidates are strongly advised to finish the DOM portfolio within two months of the completion of all coursework. The Master’s degree conferral date shall be the end date of the session in which all program requirements are complete and includes the recorded date in which the candidate officially submits their passing DOM portfolio for faculty review.
A standardized assessment rubric will be used to determine that the candidate has demonstrated competency. Candidates submit the Demonstration of Mastery (DOM) through the Learning Management System (LMS). A $150 fee is required for the Demonstration of Mastery evaluation. The DOM handbook containing requirements, scoring rubrics, and directions are located on the SOE Services MyUMassGlobal.
Master of Arts in Education – Educational Administration
Emphasis Block Transfer
University of Massachusetts Global awards a block of seven semester credits for successful completion of a CCTC Approved Preliminary Administrative Services Credential Program. A candidate must also successfully complete EDUU 599 for five credits for a total of 12 credits. Please see an academic advisor for more details.
Demonstration of Mastery
Candidates must submit a portfolio of evidence demonstrating abilities or competence in the core courses and includes a reflective essay that applies course content to educational administration. A standardized assessment rubric will be used to determine that the candidate has demonstrated competency. Candidates submit the Demonstration of Mastery (DOM) through the Learning Management System (LMS). A $150 fee is required for the Demonstration of Mastery evaluation. The DOM handbook containing requirements, scoring rubrics, and directions are located on the SOE Services MyUMassGlobal. If a student is enrolled in a CTC approved Preliminary Administrative Services Credential Program concurrently with the MAE Educational Administration emphasis, the student must complete the CTC approved program and submit verification they have been recommended for a Certificate of Eligibility or Preliminary Administrative Services Credential, prior to submitting the Demonstration of Mastery (DOM).
Master of Arts in Education – Educational Leadership
This program is designed for those seeking to develop their 21st century leadership skills but are not interested in pursuing a Preliminary Administrative Services Credential for public school administration.
Emphasis Courses
Candidates must complete 9 required credits and will select one, 3 credit elective to customize and strengthen their program of study to meet their individual career goals. Candidates can choose any three credit course from 500 or 600-level EDCI or EDUU courses or by taking one, 3 credit course from the following related disciplines; human resources, public administration, organizational leadership, or business administration. EDAD courses will not be accepted as emphasis courses for this program. Courses completed as part of a general or special education credential program will also not be accepted as fulfilling the 12-credit emphasis area.
Code | Title | Credits |
EDUU 614 | Data Driven Leadership in Educational Organizations | 3 |
EDUU 615 | Engaging Stakeholders in Educational Organizations | 3 |
EDUU 616 | Leading Change in Educational Organizations | 3 |
Emphasis area elective course | 3 | |
Select one course as described above | ||
Total Credits | 12 |
Demonstration of Mastery
Candidates must submit a Portfolio of Evidence demonstrating abilities or competence in the core courses and includes a reflective essay that applies course content to teaching and learning.
Demonstration of Mastery (DOM) portfolios can only be submitted once all coursework has been completed and graded. Candidates must maintain minimum GPA and grade requirements of their program. Candidates are strongly advised to finish the DOM portfolio within two months of the completion of all coursework. The Master’s degree conferral date shall be the end date of the session in which all program requirements are complete and includes the recorded date in which the candidate officially submits their passing DOM portfolio for faculty review.
A standardized assessment rubric will be used to determine that the candidate has demonstrated competency. Candidates submit the Demonstration of Mastery (DOM) through the Learning Management System (LMS). A $150 fee is required for the Demonstration of Mastery evaluation. The DOM handbook containing requirements, scoring rubrics, and directions are located on the SOE Services MyUMassGlobal.
Master of Arts in Education - Autism
Candidates who complete this emphasis area and have an appropriate credential may be eligible to be recommended for the authorization prior to the completion of their degree. See an advisor for more information.
Code | Title | Credits |
EDUU 575 | Introduction to Autism Spectrum Disorders: Etiologies and Characteristics | 3 |
EDUU 675 | Assessing Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders | 3 |
EDUU 676 | Autism Spectrum Disorders: Programming and Strategies, I | 3 |
EDUU 677 | Autism Spectrum Disorders: Programming and Strategies, II | 3 |
Total Credits | 12 |
Demonstration of Mastery
Candidates for the Master of Arts in Education degree with an emphasis in Autism must submit a Portfolio of Evidence demonstrating abilities or competence in the courses which includes a reflective essay that applies course content to Autism via the Learning Management System (LMS). A $150 fee is required for the Demonstration of Mastery evaluation. This portfolio is completed as part of EDUU 677. A standardized assessment rubric will be used to determine that the candidate has demonstrated competency.