Ed.D. in Organizational Leadership


The Doctor of Education (Ed.D.) Program in Organizational Leadership develops visionary leaders who are creative agents of change in transforming their diverse organizations through collaboration, innovation, positive influence, strategic thinking, and a profound commitment to lifelong learning.

Program Learning Outcomes

  • Transformational Leadership: Create a vision of the future as an ethical agent of change, who mobilizes stakeholders to transform the organization.
  • Diversity: Integrate the strengths that individual and cultural differences contribute to create an organization that is equitable, respectful, responsive and morally accountable in a global society.
  • Collaborative Relationships: Build a culture of trusting relationships and purposeful involvement that supports critical and creative problem solving and decision making through effective communication and conflict resolution.
  • Political Intelligence: Generate organizational influence to ethically advocate for causes and changes that will advance the organization’s vision and mission.
  • Strategic Thinking: Construct a systems-oriented learning organization to develop, implement, and assess effective, futures-based plans that facilitate innovation, problem solving and continuous improvement.
  • Creativity and Sustained Innovation: Develop a culture of divergent thinking and responsible risk taking that harnesses the potential of available human capital to transform the organization.

Application Deadline and Program Start Dates

The start dates for the Ed.D. Program are offered Fall I, Spring I, and Summer I. Applications close in July for Fall I, December for Spring I, and March for Summer 1; the specific dates will be established by the university. The deadline for receiving the intent to enroll form will be two weeks after an offer of admission is extended. An extension may be granted for extenuating circumstances.

Admission Requirements

Admission to the Doctoral Program in Organizational Leadership may be achieved by fulfilling the Admission by Prior Graduate Degree option which requires an earned master's degree with a minimum GPA of 2.75 from a regionally accredited institution.

  1. Transcripts documenting successful attainment of a Master's Degree with a minimum GPA of 2.75.
  2. Submission of a portfolio consisting of the following: one essay or other written document that shows graduate level writing and analytical skills; a resume showing leadership experience, professional development, achievement awards or professional recognition; and a letter of intent explaining reasons for wanting to enter this program.
    1. Applicants with a GPA lower than 2.75 must submit additional evidence to demonstrate their readiness for doctoral level coursework. Additional evidence could include letters of recommendation and/or an additional writing sample.
  3. If the applicant is not in a leadership position, the letter of intent must explain their plans for how they will work with individuals and groups in an organization to bring about important change.
  4. All applicants must successfully participate in an intake interview with a doctoral faculty member designated by the Associate Dean.

Transfer Credit Policy

The Doctor of Education (Ed.D.) in Organizational Leadership program at University of Massachusetts (UMass) Global’s School of Education (SOE) is committed to supporting the academic and professional growth of our students. The transfer-credit policy aims to recognize and honor prior graduate-level master’s degree and/or doctoral coursework completed at a regionally-accredited institution.

A maximum of 12 credits may be transferred into the program.  Transfer credits must have been earned within the past seven years to ensure currency and relevance to current academic standards.  Specific circumstances will be considered for applicants exceeding the seven-year limit and approved by the SOE Dean or designee. The coursework must be taken at a regionally-accredited institution and be at the doctoral level and/or accepted in a master’s degree program.

Candidates applying for transfer credit from an external institution must provide official transcripts and syllabi with course descriptions for each course they wish to transfer. UMass Global/Brandman University master’s degree graduates do not need to submit transcripts or syllabi since this information is on file. A grade of no less than 3.0 “B” must have been earned in the courses presented for transfer to the Ed.D. degree. For external degrees, the coursework must align closely with the content and rigor of equivalent courses within the Ed.D. program. Transfer credits will be academically reviewed by Ed.D. program faculty and will be accepted on a case-by-case basis.

Candidates who hold a degree from UMass Global/Brandman University will have nine credits satisfied in the Ed.D. program from their prior UMass Global/Brandman University degree provided all other requirements listed above have been met. These nine credits include EDDP 720, EDDP 721, and EDDP 723, counting towards the maximum 12-transfer credits allowed.

After being admitted, students wishing to apply for transfer credit should contact their academic advisor to gain information on the process for making this request. All requests for transfer credits must be evaluated and approved before a student may begin the Ed.D. program. 

This Ed.D. transfer credit policy reflects UMass Global’s commitment to academic integrity, rigor, and equity.  Additionally, it recognizes the prior learning and experiences of our students while maintaining the high standards of the doctoral program.

New Student Orientation

To acquaint students with the doctoral program, students will be required to complete a Doctoral Boot Camp (orientation) prior to the first immersion.  The Doctoral Boot Camp is a mandatory induction program designed for candidates to gain pertinent knowledge and skills needed to be successful in the Ed.D. program.  The Boot Camp experience is online. Students will complete this orientation in the Learning Management System (LMS) upon admission to the program. 

Degree Requirements

EDDP 700Transformational Leadership3
EDDP 705Organizational Communication and Conflict Management3
EDDP 706Team and Group Dynamics3
EDDP 707Organizational Theory and Development3
EDDP 708Strategic Thinking3
EDDP 709Assessment, Evaluation and Accountability3
EDDP 720Creativity, Innovation, and Sustainable Change3
EDDP 721The Ethics and Politics of Decision Making3
EDDP 723Innovation in Resource Management3
EDDP 724The Leader as Change Agent3
EDDP 740Writing for Research and Publication I3
EDDP 741Writing for Research and Publication II3
EDDP 742Quantitative Research Methods3
EDDP 743Qualitative Research Methods3
EDDP 781Developing the Dissertation, Chapter I3
EDDP 782Developing the Dissertation Chapter II, Review of the Literature3
EDDP 783Developing the Dissertation Chapter III, Methodology3
EDDP 791Dissertation I3
EDDP 792Dissertation II3
EDDP 799Dissertation Extension0
Total Credits57

Transformational Change Projects

The foundation of the Ed.D. in Organizational Leadership is transformational change. The Ed.D. program is designed to apply theory into practice. Therefore, throughout the two years of coursework, students will complete assignments that are designed to apply theories and concepts that can cultivate transformational change. It is essential for doctoral students to have a workplace or another identified organization that will support the student in their learning. Most students will be able to complete their assignments within the context of their workplace. Other students may choose to use another organization they are associated with as the venue (e.g., a non-profit organization, church, hospital, or government agency) for completing their assignments.

Advancement to Candidacy

In the second trimester of their second year, students will participate in a faculty and cohort mentor review of their work to date. Students will develop a Transformational Change Leader Portfolio that includes an analytical paper of their experience leading transformational change projects, their updated Transformational Leadership Development Plan, and various artifacts representing transformational change projects completed during coursework. At the advancement meeting, candidates will discuss their key learnings from the program and share information on their dissertation chapters 1, 2, and 3. Candidates who successfully meet all required criteria will be advanced to candidacy. Students will then be allowed to petition for a Dissertation Chair, and be permitted to register for Dissertation I.

Program Design

The Ed.D. Program is a rigorous program that is designed to serve the needs of working professionals and aspiring executive leaders.  Courses are organized around an 8-week format of online instruction. Individual online work and study will be augmented with required participation in cohort meetings, immersion weekend leadership symposiums, and synchronous online meetings or seminars. Alternate and asynchronous options will be available for students who cannot attend the scheduled sessions. The learning environment is one of collaboration balanced with independent learning. Instructional strategies include experiential activities, large and small group activities, presentations, discussions, and opportunities for real world application. Additionally, online instructional strategies, including webinars focused on high levels of interaction between students and faculty, threaded discussions, journals, wikis, blogs, readings, videos, links to web research and resources, access to a digital library of books and journals, and the use of audio/video synchronous and asynchronous multimedia tools.

Writing Standard

Students in the Doctoral Program in Organizational Leadership must meet Graduate-level academic writing standards.  A writing assignment will be administered during the first writing course. This assignment will be used to determine support strategies that will be initiated in EDDP 740 Writing for Research and Publication I.  Student work will be evaluated based on a writing rubric in that course.  The writing rubric will also be used in other courses and the student will be reevaluated in EDDP 741 Writing for Research and Publication II.  Students whose work does not meet standards will be expected to take advantage of the online tutorials and support services available in the Online Writing and Math Center and follow through on other faculty recommendations to improve their writing.

Program Standard

All courses in the doctoral program must be passed with a B- or higher and a cumulative G.P.A of 3.0 or higher must be maintained throughout the program.


Cohorts are a "laboratory for learning,” in which students work together to develop their leadership competencies.  Students will be assigned to an online cohort.   Each cohort will be guided by a cohort mentor, who is an adjunct faculty member and leading practitioner in the field.  These experienced leaders will mentor students in their career development and lead students in dialogue and practice around the application of theory and skills in the real world. Working in small groups, students will deepen their understanding, build collaboration skills, and practice teamwork. Cohort mentors will also coach and assess students as they create individual action plans to develop leadership competencies and serve as mentors in exploring and developing dissertation topics.  Students will meet for four hours each month, with scheduling to be determined by the cohort members and mentor.  

Interdisciplinary Degree

The Ed.D. in Organizational Leadership is an interdisciplinary degree, integrating the latest theory, application, and best practices from both Education and Organizational Leadership.  It will draw on both fields to produce transformational leaders who collaboratively design and implement innovative changes and creative solutions in their diverse organizations.

360-Degree Assessment

Each student will have the opportunity twice during the doctoral program for 360-degree feedback on their leadership performance skills.  In addition to a self-analysis, students will request colleagues, supervisors, and subordinates to respond to a confidentially administered electronic survey assessing their strengths and growth areas. Students will review the compiled results and develop a Transformational Leadership Development Plan (TLDP) to address growth goals over the course of the program.  The cohort leader will coach students on their plan and their progress in achieving personal goals.  This leadership performance assessment will be offered at the beginning of the first year and again during the second year.


The program includes three immersions a year, where students in the Ed.D. program meet together virtually over a Saturday and Sunday. Students and faculty will meet online to engage in extensive relationship-building, presentations by expert speakers, and in-depth engagement in learning. Immersions will introduce major leadership trends and themes, provide networking opportunities, and allow for participation in simulation opportunities. The immersion sessions will also offer an opportunity to receive guided practice in mastering leadership competencies. Students will be able to dialogue with faculty and experts from the field about the content they are learning. Immersions also feature more exposure to research development in preparation for the dissertation and offer students the opportunity to get acquainted with faculty members who may serve as potential dissertation chairs.


The Ed.D. in Organizational Leadership program uses the best of online learning support through virtual cohort meetings, three immersion sessions a year, and synchronous online meetings or seminars. University of Massachusetts Global's commitment to learning requires that students be present and participate fully in all activities. For immersion sessions, cohort meetings and online learning to be successful, everyone’s ideas, feedback, and participation is valuable. 

To maximize learning and in fairness to colleagues, students are asked to attend immersion sessions, synchronous online meetings, seminars and cohort meetings.  If a student cannot attend these sessions, they are asked to discuss asynchronous options or alternative assignments with the instructor, cohort mentor, or Associate Dean prior to their absence. Patterns of tardiness, absences, or incomplete assignments may result in a cause for concern notice, followed by a disposition action plan, and can affect the course grade or continuation in the course or program.

Further, students may be dismissed from the program at the Dean’s discretion due to absence from required meetings or for non-completion of alternative assignments.

Interrupted Enrollment

Although the university has an interrupted enrollment policy that applies to other programs, the School of Education has a separate policy for the Ed.D. in Organizational Leadership program.  If a student needs to interrupt enrollment from the program for personal or professional reasons, it will be necessary to complete the form entitled, Leave of Absence Application: Ed.D. Program, stating the reasons for the absence and the expected date of return. This form must be submitted to the Associate Dean for approval at least four weeks prior to the term in which the leave is requested.  

When a student interrupts enrollment in the Ed.D. program, course sequence and program design make it necessary to reenter the program during an appropriate term based on their circumstance, depending on the length of the leave. Students who interrupt enrollment for more than two years will need to reapply.  Interrupted enrollment/leave of absence does not alter the seven-year period for completion of Ed.D. degree requirements.


Each student is required to complete a dissertation that reflect scholarly research and competent academic writing that is rated as proficient on all criteria identified on the dissertation rubric.  The dissertation will be developed under the supervision of a Dissertation Chair and Committee of two additional members.  Dissertation Chairs and members must meet the criteria established by the university and submit all required documentation, including Curriculum Vita, NIH/CITI Certificate, and Transcripts from the Institution of Terminal Degree.  The student’s dissertation proposal must be approved in Quality Review prior to conducting the proposal defense.  After the student is authorized by the committee to collect data, an application must be approved by IRB before data collection can begin.

Following the completion of the two years of coursework, the dissertation is finalized in EDDP 791 Dissertation I and EDDP 792 Dissertation II with continuing candidacy in 0 credit EDDP 799 Dissertation Extension until completion.  All requirements for the Ed.D. degree must be completed within a seven-year period from the start date of the first course.

Program Completion Timeline

It is expected that most students will complete the dissertation within one to two years after coursework, but the deadline for completion of all program requirements, including the dissertation, is seven years from the student’s program start date.  Interrupted enrollment/leave of absence does not alter the seven-year period for completion of Ed.D. degree requirements. After seven years have elapsed, coursework will expire.

Continuing Candidacy Fees

Students who have been advanced to candidacy are eligible to request a Dissertation Chair and register in EDDP 791 Dissertation I. At the conclusion of this course, students who have made satisfactory progress will register for EDDP 792 Dissertation II. Students who are enrolled in EDDP 792 Dissertation II and have not completed the Dissertation at the end of the term, will be granted an “SP” grade and will be permitted to continue until the Dissertation is completed or until the student’s seven-year program completion timeline has expired, by registering for 0 credit EDDP 799 Dissertation Extension course and paying the Continuing Candidacy Fee. Individual student accounts must be in good standing for a student to continue to engage the services of their Chair and Committee, as well as have access to University of Massachusetts Global Library.  This is also a pre-condition for moving on to Proposal Defense, Oral Defense, and Commencement Hooding Ceremony. Please see Tuition and Fees section for more detail on the Continuing Candidacy Fee.


Ed.D. Candidates will be permitted to participate in commencement ceremonies if they successfully complete the Oral Defense of their Dissertation not later than May 1 prior to Commencement.  Students receiving their degrees in subsequent sessions are entitled to participate in commencement ceremonies the following spring.

Clear Administrative Services Credential Option

University of Massachusetts Global offers the Clear Administrative Services Credential. Further information can be found under the Services Credentials section of the SOE catalog.  Contact Extended Education for further information by visiting their website at https://www.umassglobal.edu/academic-programs/extended-education or by calling 800-632-0094.  Please note a separate application with Extended Education is required to be enrolled in the Clear Administrative Services Credential program.