Education Specialist Degree in School Psychology (Ed.S.) and a Master of Arts in Educational Psychology with a Pupil Personnel Services Credential in School Psychology (PPSP)

University of Massachusetts Global offers an Education Specialist degree in School Psychology and a Master of Arts degree in Educational Psychology. The School Psychology program prepares students to serve as school psychologists in public schools for grades K-12 and meets the requirements for a California State Pupil Personnel Services credential authorizing service as a school psychologist. Candidates enrolled in the Education Specialist degree in School Psychology program will also earn a Master of Arts degree in Educational Psychology after the completion of required coursework, passing the Praxis exam in school psychology, and completion of the required practicum fieldwork and final year fieldwork or internship. Candidates in this program are governed by both graduate degree and credential policies, with credential policies superseding graduate policies.

Mission Statement

The mission of the University of Massachusetts Global's School Psychology Program is to develop professional, ethical, and caring School Psychologists that are leaders, scholars, advocates, and practitioners who collaborate to support all students in the PK-12 education systems to make informed educational decisions for direct/indirect services.

Program Learning Outcomes (PLO)

PLO 1Foundations of Professional Practice: Investigate and illustrate legal, ethical, and professional policies and practices while attending to human development, psychopathology, and cultural diversity.

PLO 2 Data-based and Collaborative Decision-Making: Evaluate multiple sources of information using problem-solving and process-focused models of consultation to make informed educational decisions.

PLO 3 Educational, behavioral, and social-emotional interventions: Collaborating with parents, school personnel, and agencies to determine student needs and create educational, behavioral, and social-emotional interventions for student success.

PLO 4 Direct and Indirect Services in Schools and Communities: Create effective and supportive learning environments for students based on school systems and structures, mental health services, and communities.  

PLO 5 Family-School Collaboration: Utilize knowledge of family systems, and social justice in collaboration with families and schools to enhance the learning, and well-being of students.

Program Learning Outcomes by Optional Emphasis Area:

Autism: Implement evidence-based instructional and behavioral strategies to meet the varied needs of students across the autism spectrum.

Applied Behavior Analysis: Design, implement and evaluate the effectiveness of a behavioral intervention based on a functional behavior assessment. 

Program Start Dates

The Education Specialist Degree in School Psychology (Ed.S.) and a Master of Arts in Educational Psychology with a Pupil Personnel Services Credential in School Psychology (PPSP) program starts two times a year in Fall I and Spring I. Applications are accepted on an ongoing basis.

Consult with an academic advisor for start dates associated with optional emphasis areas. 

Admission Requirements

Acceptance into the graduate program in school psychology is based on multiple criteria. These criteria include academic potential, experience working with children and youth, and compatibility with program philosophy. To be considered for admission the applicant must:

  1. Submit a graduate application with the following: 
    1. A current resume which includes experiences working with children
    2. An autobiographical essay (2-3 pages) describing the life experiences that have shaped the candidate’s approach to working with children and youth and what led to the decision to become a school psychologist and their commitment to the program.
  2. Students admitting into the Applied Behavior Analysis emphasis area must be employed at least part-time in a field of employment which uses Applied Behavior Analysis. This employment must be documented on the candidate’s application and via a resume.

Credential and Program Requirements

The school psychology program requires 69 semester credits of coursework.

Certificate of Clearance

Verification of a receipt of Certificate of Clearance or Certificate of Clearance (including fingerprints) or a copy of a valid credential or short-term permit must be submitted to the School of Education within the first session of enrollment. Candidates who do not submit verification of a certificate of clearance cannot advance in any credential coursework that requires observation or fieldwork in a K-12 setting. Anyone with a revoked credential will not be admitted to any credential program until the credential is reinstated by the CTC. A certificate of clearance or child development permit must be active prior to clinical practice.

Negative Tuberculosis Test

Candidates must submit to the School of Education, within the first session of enrollment, a current “negative” tuberculosis test that verifies the candidate does not have active tuberculosis or a tuberculosis risk assessment questionnaire administered by a licensed health care provider verifying that the candidate does not have risk factors for tuberculosis.

Assessment Fee

A one-time $150 non-refundable assessment fee will be applied upon enrollment in CSPU 637. The assessment fee covers all training materials required for assessment courses. Candidates are responsible for keeping loaned assessment materials in working condition. Student accounts will be charged to replace lost or damaged kits.

Transfer Policy

Candidates with an earned master’s degree from another graduate institution may transfer no more than 24 semester graduate credits into the school psychology program pending approval of the Associate Dean. Candidates without an earned master’s degree may transfer up to 12 semester credits of graduate coursework upon approval of the Associate Dean. Transferred courses must have been awarded a grade of “B” or better and cannot be older than seven years at the completion of the school psychology program. The following courses must be taken at University of Massachusetts Global:  CSPU 636 Cognitive and Neuropsychological Assessment for Intervention, CSPU 637 Psychoeducational Assessment for Intervention I, CSPU 638 Psychoeducational Assessment for Intervention IICSPU 534 Practicum in School Psychology I, CSPU 535 Practicum in School Psychology II, CSPU 622 Supervision and Mentoring in School Psychology I, CSPU 623 Supervision and Mentoring in School Psychology II, CSPU 624 Supervision and Mentoring in School Psychology III, CSPU 625 Supervision and Mentoring in School Psychology IV, CSPU 640 Consultation and Indirect Intervention and CSPU 641 Best Practices in School Psychology.

Optional Emphasis Area

Candidates in this program may choose to complete an optional emphasis area in Autism or Behavior Analysis. Additional coursework and Demonstration of Mastery projects will be required.

Second Emphasis Area

It is possible to complete the ED.S. PPSP degree with more than one emphasis. Candidates completing a second emphasis area within one master’s degree program may not use coursework from one emphasis area to fulfill the requirements of the second. Further, candidates completing a second emphasis must successfully complete the Demonstration of Mastery task associated with that emphasis area.

If the second area of emphasis is completed after the initial degree has been awarded, the candidate will not be issued an updated diploma, nor will the candidate be allowed to participate in the commencement ceremony a second time. However, the second emphasis will appear on the candidate's official University of Massachusetts Global transcript. 

The School Psychology program also requires the following:

Practicum in School Psychology

All candidates must complete the two practicum courses in school psychology and complete a minimum of 450 hours of clinical practical fieldwork which is embedded in their coursework prior to beginning fieldwork.

Supervision and Mentoring

During the final year candidates complete a minimum of 1200 hours of supervision and mentoring.  A minimum of 1000 hours must be completed in an approved California public school setting. All public school hours must be under the supervision of a professional with three years of experience as a school psychologist and who holds a Pupil Personnel Services credential in school psychology.

Applications for supervision and mentoring courses must be filed on the MyUMassGlobal SOE Services site by the deadline established by the Office of Credentials and Clinical Practice (OCCP).  All the Credential and Program requirements must be met prior to any mentoring and supervision courses being taken.

After successfully completing Fieldwork/Internship, all other program requirements, and coursework, candidates submit the PPSP portfolio demonstrating their competency based on the National Association of School Psychologists (NASP) Standards. 

Basic Skills

Candidates must have completed and passed the Basic Skills requirement prior to beginning fieldwork hours.

Exit Interview

An exit interview is conducted by a faculty mentor at the end of the program to determine that the CTC and NASP Standards have been met. All coursework, non-coursework requirements, and the PPSP portfolio must be completed and passed prior to the exit interview.  Candidates must fill out the exit interview application found on the SOE Services MyUMassGlobal site prior to participating in an exit interview by a faculty mentor.

Completion of Degree Programs

Praxis Exam

Candidates must meet all course requirements and earn a score of 155 or better on the ETS Praxis exam in school psychology (#5403). Verification of passing scores must be official from ETS and in the candidate’s electronic file prior to the conferral of degrees.  Students may request for University of Massachusetts Global to receive their scores directly from ETS.

Recommendation for Credential

Upon successfully completing all coursework and the exit interview, the candidate may apply to be recommended to the CTC for the Pupil Personnel Services credential in School Psychology (PPSP).  To apply for the credential, candidates complete the Recommendation Form on the SOE Services MyUMassGlobal site.  Once the recommendation is made by the Office of Credentials and Clinical Practice (OCCP) candidates can submit the credential fee to the CTC for the credential.

Degree Requirements

Required Courses
CSPU 500Introduction to Counseling and Interpersonal Relations: Concepts and Skills3
CSPU 510Introduction to the Ethical Practice of School Psychology3
CSPU 512Advanced Counseling and Intervention3
CSPU 513Group Leadership and Intervention3
CSPU 514Cultural and Community Issues in Counseling and School Psychology3
CSPU 516Children and Youth in Developmental Context3
CSPU 534Practicum in School Psychology I3
CSPU 535Practicum in School Psychology II3
CSPU 616Leadership and Systems Change3
CSPU 622Supervision and Mentoring in School Psychology I3
CSPU 623Supervision and Mentoring in School Psychology II3
CSPU 624Supervision and Mentoring in School Psychology III3
CSPU 625Supervision and Mentoring in School Psychology IV3
CSPU 636Cognitive and Neuropsychological Assessment for Intervention3
CSPU 637Psychoeducational Assessment for Intervention I3
CSPU 638Psychoeducational Assessment for Intervention II3
CSPU 639Advanced Positive Behavioral Supports3
CSPU 640Consultation and Indirect Intervention3
CSPU 641Best Practices in School Psychology3
EDUU 600Research and Evaluation Methods3
EDUU 602Positive Behavior Supports3
EDUU 606Seminar in Learning Theory3
EDUU 655Individualized Education Plan Development and Special Education Law3
Total Credits69

Optional Emphasis Area Elective Courses (12-21 units):

Candidates may select an emphasis area from the options listed below and complete all courses and the demonstration of mastery under the chosen emphasis. 

Autism (12 credits):

EDUU 575Introduction to Autism Spectrum Disorders: Etiologies and Characteristics3
EDUU 675Assessing Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders3
EDUU 676Autism Spectrum Disorders: Programming and Strategies, I3
EDUU 677Autism Spectrum Disorders: Programming and Strategies, II3

Demonstration of Mastery: 

Candidates must submit a Portfolio of Evidence demonstrating abilities or competence in the courses which includes a reflective essay that applies course content to Autism via the Learning Management System (LMS).  A $150 fee is required for the Demonstration of Mastery evaluation.  This portfolio is completed as part of EDUU 677. A standardized assessment rubric will be used to determine that the candidate has demonstrated competency. 

Applied Behavior Analysis (21 credits):                               

Candidates admitted into the Applied Behavior Analysis emphasis area must be employed at least part-time in a field of employment which uses Applied Behavior Analysis.  ABA courses are taken in sequential order at a maximum of one course per session.

EDUU 692The Science and Philosophical Underpinnings of Applied Behavior Analysis3
EDUU 693The Foundational Concepts and Principles of Applied Behavior Analysis3
EDUU 694Using and Analyzing Measurement, Data and Experimental Design in Applied Behavior Analysis3
EDUU 695Assessment to Guide and Evaluate Intervention in Applied Behavior Analysis3
EDUU 696Selecting and Implementing Interventions for Behavior Change in Applied Behavior Analysis3
EDUU 697Program Oversight, Collaboration and Management in Applied Behavior Analysis3
EDUU 698Ethical Behavior and the Compliance Code for Applied Behavior Analysts3
Total Credits (not including prerequisites) 69-90