Clear Administrative Services Credential

University of Massachusetts Global offers the California Administrative Services Credential Clear Induction Program (ASC CIP). Candidates who complete the ASC CIP program requirements may be recommended for the Clear Administrative Services Credential (CASC). 

University of Massachusetts Global’s ASC CIP is aligned to the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC) Clear Induction Program Standards. The program provides a two-year induction program that supports the individual needs and leadership development of beginning educational administrators using the intersecting elements of individual coaching, professional learning and assessment of skills.  The design of the program is based on sound rationale informed by theory and research, including personalized learning and support through coaching. The beginning educational administrator enrolled in ASC CIP fulfills their induction program professional learning requirements through a series of Administrative Services Induction Seminar courses that are aligned and designed to support the candidate’s growth in the mastery of the California Professional Standards for Education Leaders (CPSEL) competencies.  To support the professional learning and leadership development of the beginning educational administrator, the induction program provides the clear credential candidate with a well-trained and experienced induction coach.  The induction coach supports the school administrator through individualized, on-going, job-embedded coaching that is directed by the identified needs and goals of the school administrator. 

Program Learning Outcomes

The Program Learning Outcomes are aligned to Standard 5 of the Administrative Services Credential Induction Program Standards. School leaders who successfully complete the Administrative Services Credential Clear Induction Program will be able to demonstrate knowledge and skills in the following areas:

  • Shared Vision - Engage stakeholders in a collaborative process to facilitate the development and implementation of a shared vision of learning and growth for all students.
  •  Instructional Leadership - Create a collaborative culture of teaching and learning in which staff engages in individual and collective professional development that focuses on student and professional growth and results in continuous improvement.
  • Management and Learning Environment - Establish and implement structures and processes that engage stakeholders in using problem-solving and decision-making methods and distributed leadership to develop, monitor and revise plans and programs that support students to graduate ready for college and career.
  • Family and Community Engagement - Engage and collaborate with all parents and families, including underrepresented communities, in student learning and support programs.
  • Ethics and Integrity - Assess personal code of ethics and leadership practices to guide and support personal and collective actions that use relevant evidence and research to make fair and ethical decisions.
  •  External Context and Policy - Evaluate and communicate policy to stakeholders to collaborate on education policies focused on improving education for all students.

Admission Requirements

  1. Candidate must possess a valid California Preliminary Administrative Services Credential (PASC).
  2. Candidate must be employed in a position requiring an Administrative Services Credential. Questions regarding schedules, program requirements, and registration should be directed to the School of Extended Education by visiting their website at or by calling 800-632-0094.
  3. Candidate must provide Verification of Employment Form completed by employer.
  4. Applicants must complete and submit the University of Massachusetts Global application and be admitted into the California Clear Administrative Services Credential program.

Credential and Program Requirements

  1. Completion of a minimum of 40 hours of induction coaching each year.
  2. Completion of a minimum of 20 - 30 hours of professional learning each year.
  3. Completion of all induction program E- Portfolio components and requirements indicating demonstration of CPSEL competencies.
  4. Verification of two years of successful experience in a full-time administrative position in a California public school, nonpublic school, or private school of equivalent status, while holding the Preliminary Administrative Services Credential. Verification of experience must be on the district or employing agency letterhead and signed by either the superintendent, assistant superintendent, director of personnel, or director of human resources. School or district personnel other than the applicant must verify all experience.
  5. Candidates may need to submit verification of passing scores on all three cycles of the CalAPA.

Clear administrative services credential courses are not eligible for financial aid.

Required Courses:

EDAD 760-AProfessional Learning and Induction Coaching I-A0.5
EDAD 760-BProfessional Learning and Induction Coaching I-B0.5
EDAD 762-AProfessional Learning and Induction Coaching II-A0.5
EDAD 762-BProfessional Learning and Induction Coaching II-B0.5
EDAD 764-AProfessional Learning and Induction Coaching III-A0.5
EDAD 764-BProfessional learning and Induction Coaching III-B0.5
EDAD 766-AProfessional Learning and Induction Coaching IV-A0.5
EDAD 766-BProfessional Learning and Induction Coaching IV-B0.5
EDAD 768-AProfessional Learning and Induction Coaching V-A0.5
EDAD 768-BProfessional Learning and Induction Coaching V-B0.5
EDAD 770-AProfessional Learning and Induction Coaching VI-A0.5
EDAD 770-BProfessional Learning and Induction Coaching VI-B0.5
Total Credits6

Transfer of Coursework

No transfer credits or waivers will be accepted.

Time Limitations

All coursework must be completed within a consecutive seven-year period immediately prior to the awarding of the degree. 

Demonstration of Competency

Candidates recommended for the California Clear Administrative Services Credential must successfully complete an Induction Portfolio demonstrating satisfactory completion of the coaching hours, professional learning hours and formative and summative assessments that include an evaluation of the candidate’s Individual Induction Plan (IIP) goal attainment and CPSEL competencies.  The Induction Portfolio will be reviewed by the induction coach who will evaluate the candidate’s competence and performance.

Recommendation for Credential

Upon successfully completing and passing all California Administrative Services Clear credential program coursework requirements, and passing all three cycles of the CalAPA, the candidate may apply to be recommended to the CTC for the credential.  To apply for the credential, candidates complete the on-line recommendation Form on the SOE Services MyUMassGlobal site.  Once the recommendation is made by the Office of Credentials and Clinical Practice (OCCP), candidates can submit the credential fee to the CTC for the credential.