Preliminary Administrative Services Credential

The California Preliminary Administrative Services Credential (PASC) at University of Massachusetts (UMass) Global is designed to produce highly effective 21st century school leaders. Specifically, this program is designed for individuals seeking a career in school administration and educational leadership. In this credential-only option, candidates complete nine courses in educational leadership and administration and three, one-credit seminar courses. 

In addition to the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC) Program Standards, which include Content Knowledge Expectations and Performance Expectations, the program has been aligned to the highest national standards in leadership, including the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) Standards, Education Leaders Standards. This CTC approved credential program includes the California requirements for an Administrative Services Certificate of Eligibility or the Preliminary Administrative Services Credential. Candidates who complete all program requirements may be eligible to be recommended for a Certificate of Eligibility or Preliminary Administrative Services Credential needed to serve as a school site/district administrator. While enrolled, students who are offered an opportunity for employment as a site or district administrator may qualify for an internship credential.  

This program is a standalone administrative services credential that is not eligible for financial aid.

Program Learning Outcomes

  • Visionary Leadership- Develop and implement a student-centered vision that promotes equitable access, opportunities, and outcomes for all students within the changing context of a given school and local education agency.
  • School Improvement Leadership- Conduct an equity-gap analysis to inform the collaborative development of a school growth plan that focuses on equitable access for all students through the use of evidence-based strategies. 
  • Community Leadership- Serve as an equity-driven leader by co-facilitating the development of school-wide goals aligned with the mission and vision, by convening a community of practice and effectively communicating the goals through a multi-media interface with the broader school community. 
  • Instructional Leadership- Observe and evaluate classroom instruction through the lens of the California Standards for the Teaching Profession (CSTPs) to provide focused, constructive coaching and feedback, to support teacher growth, ensuring equitable learning opportunities for all students.
  • Organizational and Systems Leadership- Align educational programs and resources to support school-wide goals and student outcomes through the effective management of structures, systems, and policies which support the health, safety, and well-being of students and staff, promote a positive school culture, and ensure equitable access to effective instructional programs.
  • Professional Learning and Growth Leadership- Utilize data to assess and diagnose instructional needs, define staff goals for continuous improvement, and collaboratively design professional development based on adult learning principles and evidence-based strategies to promote effective instructional practices, meet the needs of students, and achieve school-growth goals.  

Program Start Dates

The California Preliminary Administrative Services Credential (PASC) starts three times per year in Fall I, Spring I, or Summer I. Applications are accepted on an ongoing basis.

Admission Requirements

  1. Satisfactorily fulfill graduate admission requirements for University of Massachusetts Global as stated in the catalog (see the Graduate Admissions section) and possess a valid California clear prerequisite credential.
  2. If the candidate is not currently employed in a position requiring a “prerequisite” CTC credential, they must submit a letter identifying the school and principal under whom field work assignments will be completed.
  3. A minimum of three years of verified full time employment under a prerequisite CTC credential at the time of admission. Experience must be verified via letterhead from the school district and signed by Human Resources.  

Credential and Program Requirements  

  1. A minimum of five years of successful, full-time experience in a public school, nonpublic school, or private school of equivalent status located in California or another state, or a combination of experience earned in California and another state. This experience may be teaching, pupil personnel work, librarianship, health services, clinical or rehabilitative services, or a combination of teaching and school services equal to five years. Substitute or part-time service does not apply. Verification of experience must be on the district or employing agency letterhead and signed by either the superintendent, assistant superintendent, director of personnel, or director of human resources. School or district personnel other than the applicant must verify all experience.
  2. Earn a passing score on the California Administrator Performance Assessment (CalAPA).  CalAPA cycles are submitted through Pearson and candidates pay a fee to submit each cycle. Candidates who fail a cycle must retake the cycle and pay the associated fee. All three cycles must be passed to be recommended for the credential.

Internship Eligibility

Students who wish to pursue an Internship must meet all of the admission requirements of the Preliminary Administrative Services Credential Option and:

  1. Provide verification that they have five years of full-time experience under a valid prerequisite credential.
  2. Provide written evidence that they have been offered an administrative position by submitting the University of Massachusetts Global Verification of Employment for Internship Credential Form to the Education Clinical Coordinator. These forms can be obtained on MyUMassGlobal, School of Education Services page or from the Education Clinical Coordinator.  These forms must be completed by the candidate.
  3. Submit the online internship recommendation credential application form found on MyUMassGlobal, School of Education Services page prior to the start of the internship.  These forms must be completed by the candidate.
  4. Enroll in EDAD 698 Educational Leadership Internship Seminar during their program of study. EDAD 698 Educational Leadership Internship Seminar will assist the candidate in making the successful transition in their role as an educational leader and administrator with support from their instructor who is a current administrator in the field.
Required Courses
EDAD 601Introduction to Vision, Leadership, and Change3
EDAD 602Applied Educational Research and Data Analysis3
EDAD 604Community Perspective, Collaboration and School Culture3
EDAD 606Change and Continuous Improvement3
EDAD 608School Law, School wide Discipline and Safety3
EDAD 610Innovations in Instructional Leadership3
EDAD 612Working with Diverse Populations3
EDAD 614Aligning Resources and Systems for School Improvement3
EDAD 616Professional Growth and Learning3
EDAD 695Educational Leadership Seminar I1
EDAD 696Educational Leadership Seminar II1
EDAD 697Educational Leadership Seminar III1
EDAD 698Educational Leadership Internship Seminar *0-1
Total Credits30-31
*EDAD 698 Educational Leadership Internship Seminar is only required for those candidates serving under an internship credential.

Time Limitations

All coursework must be completed within a consecutive seven-year period immediately prior to the awarding of the degree.

Recommendation for Credential

Upon successfully completing and passing all coursework and meeting the five years of experience on an active prerequisite credential, the candidate may apply to be recommended to the CTC for the Certificate of Eligibility OR Preliminary Administrative Services Credential.  Verification of Employment using the CTC CL-777 form is required for the preliminary credential. Otherwise, program completers shall be issued a Certificate of Eligibility to seek employment as an administrator.  To apply for the credential, candidates complete the online Recommendation Form on the SOE Services MyUMassGlobal site.  Once the recommendation is made by the Office of Credentials and Clinical Practice (OCCP), candidates can submit the credential fee.