Business Administration (BUSU)

BUSU 510 Career Development & Management

This course enables students to examine career options and assess career interests, values, skills and aptitudes to identify career goals and strategies to achieve them. Students create an electronic portfolio that highlights professional goals and accomplishments. Not offered 2024-2025. 3 credits.

BUSU 598 Graduate Experiential Learning

Prerequisite: Dean approval.

Students engage in a supervised experience with an activity of personal and public concern; the fieldwork component may comprise service-learning, internship, or other types of experiential learning. Students are required to complete the fieldwork component as well as threaded discussions, assigned readings, and written evaluations and reflections of the readings. Also, as a part of the reflection process, students will evaluate and analyze their fieldwork experience. Each learning experience project will require a minimum of 7 hours a week on site in addition to course requirements. May be repeated for a total of 6 credits upon Dean approval. 1-3 credits.

BUSU 610 Data Analysis for Decision Making

This course teaches foundational statistical methods for collecting, describing and analyzing data for the purpose of problem-solving and decision-making. Students will be tasked to rethink events and assumptions through available data, apply different statistical methods on datasets and design a project for management decision-making through data analysis. 3 credits.

BUSU 620 Economic Analysis for Managers

Economic theory is used to analyze supply and demand, firm behavior, market structure, competitive behavior, government regulation, and the global and domestic environment facing the firm. Topics include marginal analysis and elasticity, money supply, and international trade. 3 credits.

BUSU 630 Business Process Analysis and Innovation

This course examines the key processes businesses use to purchase, make, and deliver products and services successfully, and how these processes are integrated within a supply chain framework. Topics include Six Sigma methodology, Customer Relationship Management (CRM), and Process Performance Management. 3 credits.

BUSU 640 Business Strategy and Competitive Advantage Capstone

Prerequisite: ACCU 602, BUSU 610, BUSU 620, FINU 607.

This capstone course focuses on the development and implementation of business strategies that enable competitive advantage. A capstone report includes the following for the selected company: (1) mission and objectives; (2) analysis and forecast of social, technological, economic and political forces with attention to global aspects; (3) industry and competitive analysis on a global and domestic basis; and (4) financial and stock analysis; and (5) identification and evaluation of alternative strategies. 3 credits.

BUSU 650 Corporate Responsibility: Ethics and Sustainability

This course is designed to embrace the growing demand for ethical and sustainable business practices. Students will learn the impact of the sustainability imperative on core management decision-making; how social and environmental accountability is adopted in organizations; and how to create value through the implementation of sustainable and responsible business ideas. 3 credits.

BUSU 661 Data Analytics Toolkit

This course provides an overview of data analysis toolkits and programming techniques for storing, analyzing, summarizing, and presenting data accurately. Students will learn how to utilize a diverse array of tools used in the field of business data analytics. 3 credits.

BUSU 662 Programming for Business Analytics

This course will explore the fundamentals of programming and scripting techniques to support decision-making. Students will gain an introductory understanding of programming and data automation processes. Not offered 2024-2025. 3 credits.

BUSU 663 Database Solutions

Management, analytics and security of data have become critical issues for organizations in this data driven age. Well-designed and reliable database systems are key to most business information strategies. In this course, students will learn about tools and techniques for managing and analyzing data with database systems. Students will explore fundamental database concepts and benefits of using databases. This course will provide students with the skills to store, organize, visualize, query and analyze databases. Students will discuss issues such as "big data" management. 3 credits.

BUSU 664 Business Analytics Applications and Communications

In this course, students will apply business analytics skills toward problem-solving through effective means of visual, written, and verbal data communication. Students will learn how to communicate qualitative, quantitative, and geospatial data at different levels of the organization, taking into consideration diverse cultures and communities using a variety of data analytics tools. Not offered 2024-2025. 3 credits.

BUSU 670 Data Foundations

This course introduces how data impacts business decision-making and covers the foundations of data. Students will review and apply the knowledge and skills for data access, review, management, and mining. 3 credits.

BUSU 671 Data Visualization and Presentation

This course covers the communication of data to stakeholders. Businesses need employees who have the ability to explore the visual representation of massive data and detect meaningful patterns and trends. Students will review various data visualization techniques for large quantities of data in order to efficiently inform business decision-making. 3 credits.

BUSU 672 Project Planning and Data Modeling

This course provides an overview of project planning and data modeling, as they pertain to business communication and decision-making. Students will gain experience with applied data analysis, modeling, and reporting, while integrating project management concepts. 3 credits.

BUSU 673 Project Implementation and Analysis

The purpose of this course is to provide a framework for tracking project implementation through data analysis and research. Students will learn how to apply data and business intelligence leading to direct and measurable value to project effectiveness. 3 credits.