Social Science (SSCU)

SSCU 100 Mapping Justice, Designing Geospatial Tools for Social Change

Mapping Justice teaches students how to create geospatial tools for positive community change, using Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to promote equity within their community. In the course, students focus on civic engagement and geospatial data analytics, as well as diverse GIS skills to promote community engagement. This course is only offered through the School of Extended Education. 3 credits.

SSCU 300 Spatial Social Sciences Introduction: Policy and Action

As the foundational course for the Spatial Social Sciences major, SSCU 300 introduces students to a variety of concepts including transliteracy, the ability to communicate in a variety of cultural and professional settings. Students will learn the value of interdisciplinary approaches, importance of transliteracy including data literacy, spatial literacy, environmental literacy, technological literacy, and cultural literacy. Also, students will study the overarching connection between research, solid data analysis and policy creation. 3 credits.

SSCU 303 Social Scientific Perspectives on Media and Culture

This course presents a social scientific view of communications, culture and media. Students will explore how people access, consume, and actively use media based upon their culture and society. They will also examine how trends in media impact sociocultural communications and the resulting societal effects, such as social change. 3 credits.

SSCU 317 Quantitative Methods and Social Statistics

This course provides students with an introduction to quantitative research methods and statistics in applied Social Science research settings. Students will design a survey, collect primary and secondary data, and interpret and evaluate quantitative and spatial data using critical thinking. Students will then apply the use of data and statistics for real-world decision-making and policy. 3 credits.

SSCU 329 Experimental Topics in Social Science

An examination of selected topics in Social Science relevant to evolving areas in the field. Syllabi must be approved by the Dean and announced to the Curriculum and Academic Committee prior to being offered. May be repeated for credit provided that the course content is different each time. 3 credits.

SSCU 380 Interpreting Data: Predictions, Patterns, and Communication

In this course, students will examine and analyze a variety of data that runs the gamut from online purchases to the amount of time spent engaging in social media to favorite flavors of chocolate in different cultures. They will focus on the power, interpretation, and influence of data. Topics include privacy concerns, access to data, regulation, data mining, and the relationship between data, technology, and society. Students will complete a project in which they communicate the meaning of data effectively. 3 credits.

SSCU 383 Spatial Social Sciences Communications and Visualization

This course addresses how to spatially visualize and communicate data across a variety of careers, communities, and cultures. Using spatial, qualitative, and quantitative data, students will practice visual, written, and oral data-driven communications. They will demonstrate effective spatial storytelling using GIS within public, private and nonprofit environments. 3 credits.

SSCU 494 Social Science Capstone

Prerequisites: SOCU 301 and senior standing.

This course presents students with the opportunity to demonstrate how to apply research skills to societal issues. Students build on skills and knowledge throughout the course as they engage in developing a research project. By the end of the course, students will demonstrate their abilities to define and analyze a problem, construct a research project, employ multiple research methods, and effectively communicate project results. 3 credits.

SSCU 499 Independent Study

Prerequisites: Instructor's approval and approval of petition.

Directed reading and/or research designed to meet specific needs of superior upper division students. 3 credits.