Counseling & School Psychology (CSPU)

CSPU 500 Introduction to Counseling and Interpersonal Relations: Concepts and Skills

Candidates are introduced to the philosophical, psychological, socio-cultural, legal, and historical foundations of School Counseling/Psychology. This course provides an introduction and overview of basic counseling and interpersonal relations skills and concepts. While several different theories will be discussed, this course will focus on the development of basic solution-building skills needed by individuals working in a variety of counseling, educational, and professional settings. Simulated experiences will seek to improve candidates' understanding of and ability to use these skills in professional settings. Also covered will be professional and ethical issues germane to candidates in various disciplines. A minimum of 10 hours of fieldwork is required for this course. 3 credits.

CSPU 510 Introduction to the Ethical Practice of School Psychology

This is the introductory course to the graduate program in school psychology. It introduces candidates to the various roles of school psychologists have in the public schools, ethical and legal guidelines that shape the profession and emergent practices in assessment, crisis intervention, personal & social counseling, behavior management, consultation, and systems change. A minimum of 10 hours of fieldwork is required for this course. 3 credits.

CSPU 511 Introduction to the Ethical Practice of School Counseling

This is the introductory course to the graduate program in school counseling. It introduces candidates to the roles school counselors have in the public schools, the ethical and legal guidelines that shape the profession, and emergent practices in individual and group assessment, academic advisement, career counseling, crisis intervention, personal & social counseling, consultation, and systems change. A minimum of 10 hours of fieldwork is required for this course. 3 credits.

CSPU 512 Advanced Counseling and Intervention

Prerequisites: Admission to the School Counseling Credential Only Program or CSPU 500 or equivalent.

This course focuses on a time-limited or brief approach to counseling and intervention with children and adolescents. Major units of study include skills for establishing goals, evaluating progress in counseling, crisis intervention, drug and alcohol problems, and the use of art and play techniques with children. Emphasis is placed on using these skills with children and youth of various age levels and in multicultural settings. A minimum of 10 hours of fieldwork is required for this course. 3 credits.

CSPU 513 Group Leadership and Intervention

Prerequisites: Admission to the School Counseling Credential Only Program or CSPU 500 or equivalent.

This course provides the theoretical foundation and strategies in the design and implementation of groups in the school setting at various grade levels that are consistent with national and state models of comprehensive developmental school counseling within a multicultural context. This course is designed to provide candidates with methods, materials, leadership skills, and counseling techniques appropriate for small group work. It is also intended to promote ethical awareness. In addition to the didactic coursework, candidates participate in an experiential group where they will participate as a group leader and a group member. Candidates will be expected to gain sufficient field experience to design, implement, and evaluate a group intervention with children, youth or parents in a school or agency setting. A minimum of 10 hours of fieldwork is required for this course. 3 credits.

CSPU 514 Cultural and Community Issues in Counseling and School Psychology

Prerequisites: Admission to the School Counseling Credential Only Program or CSPU 500 or equivalent.

This course focuses upon the unique challenges diversity brings to the provision of counseling and psychological services to children, adolescents, and parents. Candidates will learn the history, culture, and expectations of different ethnic and cultural groups and develop the cross-cultural communication skills necessary to effectively work with families of varying cultural and socio-economic backgrounds. Candidates will also explore how issues such as immigration, poverty, sexism, and racism affect counseling practices and the development of effective interventions. A minimum of 10 hours of fieldwork is required for this course. 3 credits.

CSPU 515 Practicum in Counseling and Intervention

This course provides opportunities for school counseling candidates to observe and examine intervention skills under close supervision. Candidates will analyze the knowledge and techniques learned in previous course work toward real world resolution of individual, group, and systems level problems. Sixty of the required 100 practicum fieldwork hours must be done in a variety of approved public schools under the guidance of credentialed school counselors. 3 credits.

CSPU 516 Children and Youth in Developmental Context

Prerequisites: Admission to the School Counseling Credential Only Program or CSPU 500 or equivalent.

This course examines the processes of individual development in the context of family, school, and culture. Candidates will review DSM-5, major theories of developmental psychology, and learn effective assessment and intervention skills for disturbances and disorders of childhood and adolescence. A minimum of 10 hours of fieldwork is required for this course. 3 credits.

CSPU 534 Practicum in School Psychology I

This is the first of two practicum courses providing opportunities for school psychology candidates to practice counseling, assessment, and other intervention skills under close supervision. Candidates will apply knowledge and techniques learned in previous coursework to the resolution of individual, group, and systems level problems. A minimum of 100 practicum fieldwork hours must be completed of the 450 practicum hours required in the program. The additional 350 practicum fieldwork hours will be completed in the other CSPU courses. The 450 practicum fieldwork hours must be accomplished prior to beginning the final fieldwork/internship hours in CSPU 622 and CSPU 623. 3 credits.

CSPU 535 Practicum in School Psychology II

Prerequisites: CSPU 534 and CSPU 637.

This course is a continuation of CSPU 534 and will provide opportunities for school psychology candidates to practice counseling, assessment, and other intervention skills under close supervision. A minimum of 100 practicum fieldwork hours is required in this course. All practicum fieldwork hours must be completed prior to beginning the final fieldwork/internship hours in CSPU 622 and CSPU 623. 3 credits.

CSPU 616 Leadership and Systems Change

Prerequisites: Admission to the Credential Only Program or CSPU 500 or equivalent.

This course will focus on the designing, implementing, coordinating, and evaluating effective counseling and school psychology programs. Topics include principles of collaboration and team work; facilitating teams of pupils, teachers, administrators, parents, and community members to meet pupil needs; program development and evaluation; and enhancing organizational climate and staff morale through consultation and in-service education. A minimum of 10 hours of fieldwork is required for this course. 3 credits.

CSPU 617 Transition to Work and Career

Prerequisites: CSPU 511.

This course focuses upon the process of post K-12 outcome choice, including the skills of decision-making, goal setting, vocational assessment, post K-12 outcome information, and post K-12 outcome education programs. Candidates will learn school-to-career/college systems appropriate for all students, including those with disabilities. A minimum of 10 hours of fieldwork is required for this course. 3 credits.

CSPU 618 Best Practices in Counseling

Prerequisites: CSPU 617.

School counselor candidates will review the knowledge, skills, and standards of the graduate program in counseling in final preparation for their employment as school counselors. Candidates will prepare for the Praxis examination in school counseling, complete their program portfolios, and develop a capstone project as a part of this course. A minimum of 10 hours of fieldwork is required for this course. 3 credits.

CSPU 619 Practicum and Supervision in School Counseling

Candidates complete their practicum experience during the course and transition into the fieldwork process. Fieldwork provides Candidates a transitional school counseling experience by engaging the candidate in a practical and realistic work schedule in schools. Emphasis is on supervised fieldwork experiences leading to competencies in the following areas: social/emotional counseling, college/career counseling, academic counseling, program leadership and coordination, supervision, consultation, and laws and ethics pertinent to the profession of school counseling. In addition to the required practicum and field experiences, candidates participate in a minimum sixteen hours of group supervision each term. By the completion of CSPU 619, candidates are required to complete 100 hours of practicum experience. Candidates will begin to accrue the minimum of 800 hours of post-practicum fieldwork or internship, including a minimum of 600 hours completed at an approved California public school setting at two different levels. A minimum of 150 hours of total hours accrued will meet requirements for the Child Welfare and Attendance (CWA) authorization. A portion of the 150 CWA hours will be accrued in inter-disciplinary experiences in a setting that is outside the field of education. Graded on a pass/no pass basis. 3 credits.

CSPU 620 Supervision and Mentoring in School Counseling I

Prerequisites: CSPU 619.

The fieldwork courses provide a traditional school counseling experience by engaging the candidate in a practical and realistic work schedule in schools. Emphasis is on supervised fieldwork experiences leading to competencies in the following areas: social/emotional counseling, college/career counseling, academic counseling, program leadership and coordination, supervision, consultation, and laws and ethics pertinent to the profession of school counseling. In addition to the required field experiences, candidates participate in a minimum of sixteen hours of group supervision each term. Candidates will continue to accrue the minimum of 800 hours of post-practicum fieldwork or internship, including a minimum of 600 hours completed at an approved California public school setting at two different levels. A minimum of 150 hours of total hours accrued will meet requirements for the Child Welfare and Attendance (CWA) authorization. A portion of the 150 CWA hours will be accrued in inter-disciplinary experiences in a setting that is outside the field of education. Graded on a pass/no pass basis. 3 credits.

CSPU 621 Supervision and Mentoring in School Counseling II

Prerequisites: CSPU 620.

The fieldwork courses provide a traditional school counseling experience by engaging the candidate in a practical and realistic work schedule in schools. It is understood that the candidate will achieve a level of competence commensurate with a Master’s level degree. Emphasis is on supervised fieldwork experiences leading to competencies in the following areas: social/emotional counseling, college/career counseling, academic counseling, program leadership and coordination, supervision, consultation, and laws and ethics pertinent to the profession of school counseling. In addition to the required field experience, candidates participate in a minimum of sixteen hours of group supervision each term. By the completion of CSPU 621, candidates are expected to complete their minimum of 800 hours of post-practicum fieldwork or internship, including a minimum of 600 hours completed at an approved California public school setting at two different levels. A minimum of 150 hours of total hours accrued will meet requirements for the Child Welfare and Attendance (CWA) authorization. A portion of the 150 CWA hours will be accrued in inter-disciplinary experiences in a setting that is outside the field of education. Graded on a pass/no pass basis. 3 credits.

CSPU 622 Supervision and Mentoring in School Psychology I

Prerequisites: A passing score on the CBEST or verification of Basic Skills, CSPU 510, 512, 513, 514, 535, 638, 639.

Also required are a valid Negative TB test, a valid Certificate of Clearance, and 450 hours of practicum logged and approved. At least 300 hours of fieldwork/supervision must be completed in this course. This may also be done on a part-time basis over the period of two consecutive academic years with the approval of the full-time faculty. Emphasis is on fieldwork/internship experiences leading to competencies in assessment for intervention, counseling, behavior management, consultation, and systems change. In addition to the required field experience, candidates are expected to participate in 15 lab hours of group supervision. The site supervisor of candidates must hold a valid PPS credential in school psychology and have a minimum of three years experience in the field. Graded on a Pass/No Pass basis. 3 credits.

CSPU 623 Supervision and Mentoring in School Psychology II

Prerequisites: CSPU 622Also required are a valid Negative TB test, a valid Certificate of Clearance, and 450 hours of practicum logged and approved.

At least 300 hours of fieldwork/supervision must be completed in this course. This may also be done on a part-time basis over the period of two consecutive academic years with the approval of the full-time faculty. Emphasis is on fieldwork/internship experiences leading to competencies in assessment for intervention, counseling, behavior management, consultation, and systems change. In addition to the required field experience, candidates are expected to participate in 15 lab hours of group supervision. The site supervisor of candidates must hold a valid PPS credential in school psychology and have a minimum of three years experience in the field. Graded on a Pass/No Pass basis. 3 credits.

CSPU 624 Supervision and Mentoring in School Psychology III

Prerequisites: CSPU 623Also required are a valid Negative TB test, a valid Certificate of Clearance, and 450 hours of practicum logged and approved.

At least 300 hours of fieldwork/supervision must be completed in this course. This may also be done on a part-time basis over the period of two consecutive academic years with the approval of the full-time faculty. Emphasis is on fieldwork/internship experiences leading to competencies in assessment for intervention, counseling, behavior management, consultation, and systems change. In addition to the required field experience, candidates are expected to participate in 15 lab hours of group supervision. The site supervisor of candidates must hold a valid PPS credential in school psychology and have a minimum of three years experience in the field. Graded on a Pass/No Pass basis. 3 credits.

CSPU 625 Supervision and Mentoring in School Psychology IV

Prerequisites: CSPU 624 Also required are a valid Negative TB test, a valid Certificate of Clearance, and 450 hours of practicum logged and approved.

At least 300 hours of fieldwork/supervision must be completed in this course. This may also be done on a part-time basis over the period of two consecutive academic years with the approval of the full-time faculty. Emphasis is on fieldwork/internship experiences leading to competencies in assessment for intervention, counseling, behavior management, consultation, and systems change. In addition to the required field experience, candidates are expected to participate in 15 lab hours of group supervision. The site supervisor of candidates must hold a valid PPS credential in school psychology and have a minimum of three years experience in the field. By the completion of CSPU 625, candidates will have totaled at least 1,200 supervision and mentoring hours in the program. Graded on a Pass/No Pass basis. 3 credits.

CSPU 636 Cognitive and Neuropsychological Assessment for Intervention

Prerequisites: Successful completion of CSPU 637.

CSPU 636 is the second course in a three-course assessment strand and will introduce students to the study of cognition from a school neuropsychological perspective. The Cattell-Horn-Carroll model of cognitive abilities, the cross-battery model of assessment, and Patterns of Strength and Weaknesses (PSW) will be discussed. Candidates will be introduced to psychometric concepts and laws and ethics related to assessment and psycho- educational testing, and practice administering standardized tests and other assessment procedures to volunteers outside of class. Students will also practice presenting assessment results to parents, teachers, and writing assessment reports. Application of these skills in multicultural settings will be accentuated. A minimum of 50 hours fieldwork is required for this course. This course has two required Saturday in-person sessions at the beginning and end of the term for assessment training. 3 credits.

CSPU 637 Psychoeducational Assessment for Intervention I

CSPU 637 is the first course in the assessment three-course strand. The course will emphasize psycho-educational assessment practices and the laws and ethics related to psycho-educational testing. Candidates will utilize the Cross Battery model and the Patterns of Strengths and Weaknesses (PSW). The focus of the course is on current best practices in the use of both standardized tests and non-standardized assessment methods in addition to interviews and observations to assess children and youth. Emphasis is placed on using the systematic interpretation of assessment results to develop academic and behavioral interventions. Candidates will practice administering standardized tests, conducting interviews and observations, and presenting assessment results to parents and teachers. Application of these skills in multi-cultural settings will be accentuated. A minimum of 50 hours fieldwork is required for this course. This course has one required Saturday in-person session at the beginning of the term for assessment training. This course requires a fee upon enrollment for assessment materials. Please see tuition and fees section of the catalog for the corresponding program fee for CSPU 637. 3 credits.

CSPU 638 Psychoeducational Assessment for Intervention II

Prerequisites: Successful completion of CSPU 636.

CSPU 638 is the final course in the three-course assessment strand. The focus of CSPU 638 is to gather comprehensive assessment data and use this data to develop academic and social/emotional and behavioral interventions for children and youth with school-related problems. Application of these skills in multicultural settings will be emphasized. Candidates will practice developing accurate referral questions, combining data from a variety of sources to arrive at fair and accurate conclusions, developing effective intervention strategies, and preparing written comprehensive psycho-educational reports of assessment findings. A minimum of 50 hours of fieldwork is required for this course. 3 credits.

CSPU 639 Advanced Positive Behavioral Supports

Prerequisites: EDUU 602.

The purpose of this course is to provide candidates with knowledge and skills to (a) identify and assess problem behavior in school settings, (b) design and implement behavioral interventions, including physiological and pharmacological variables, (c) design and implement comprehensive behavior support plans, (d) monitor and evaluate implementation of behavior support plans, and (e) apply behavioral procedures on a school-wide basis. Candidates will learn to develop both systems level and individual behavioral intervention plans for persons with serious behavioral problems. A minimum of 10 hours of fieldwork is required for this course. 3 credits.

CSPU 640 Consultation and Indirect Intervention

This course introduces candidates to collaborative models of individual and team consultation. The emphasis of this course’s major study units focuses on learning to work with individuals and groups to identify problems, design interventions, and monitor their effectiveness; facilitating collaborative problem-solving teams, and conducting educational programs for parents and school staff. A minimum of 10 hours of fieldwork is required for this course. 3 credits.

CSPU 641 Best Practices in School Psychology

Candidates will view knowledge, skills, and standards of the graduate program in school psychology in final preparation for their employment as school psychologists. Candidates will prepare for the Praxis examination in school psychology, prepare a draft of their program portfolio, and complete the capstone project as part of this course. 3 credits.