Early Childhood Education (ECED)

ECED 100 Child Growth and Development

This course examines the major physical, psychosocial and cognitive/language developmental milestones for children, both typical and atypical, from conception through adolescence. There will be an emphasis on interactions between maturational processes and environmental factors. While studying developmental theory and investigative research methodologies, students will observe children, evaluate individual differences and analyze characteristics of development at various stages. Eight hours of field experience is required. 3 credits.

ECED 110 Child, Family, and Community

An examination of the developing child in a societal context focusing on the interrelationships of family, school and community and emphasizes historical and socio-cultural factors. The processes of socialization and identity development will be highlighted, showing the importance of reciprocal relationships that support and empower families. Five hours of field experience is required. 3 credits.

ECED 120 Principles and Practices of Teaching Young Children

An examination of the underlying theoretical principles of developmentally appropriate practices applied to programs, environments, emphasizing the key role of relationships, constructive adult-child interactions, and teaching strategies in supporting physical, social, creative and intellectual development for children. This course includes a review of the historical roots of early childhood programs and the evolution of professional practices promoting advocacy, ethics and professional identity. 3 credits.

ECED 130 Introduction to Curriculum for Young Children

This course presents an overview of knowledge and skills related to providing appropriate curriculum and environments for young children from birth to age six. Student will examine teachers’ role in supporting development and fostering the joy of learning for all young children. In addition, observation and assessment strategies and the role of play are highlighted. An overview of content areas will include but not be limited to: language and literacy, social and emotional learning, art and creativity, math and science. Ten hours of field experience are required. 3 credits.

ECED 200 Observation and Assessment in Early Childhood Education

This course focuses on the appropriate use of assessment and observation strategies to document development, growth, play and learning in order to join with families and professionals in promoting children’s success and maintaining quality programs. Recording strategies, rating systems, portfolios and multiple assessment methods are explored. Ten hours of field experience is required. 3 credits.

ECED 210 Practicum in Early Childhood Education I

Prerequisites: ECED 100, ECED 110, ECED 120, ECED 130, ECED 200 or approval of Associate Dean Students are encouraged to have taken ECED 200 and ECED 230.

A demonstration of developmentally appropriate early childhood teaching competencies under guided supervision. Students will utilize practical classroom experiences to make connections between theory and practice, develop professional behaviors and build a comprehensive understanding of children and families. Child centered, play-oriented approaches to teaching, learning and assessment, and knowledge of curriculum content areas will be emphasized as practicum students design, implement and evaluate experiences that promote positive development and learning for all young children. Graded on a Pass/No Pass basis. Sixty hours of field experience is required. 3 credits.

ECED 220 Health, Safety, and Nutrition

Introduction to the laws, regulations, standards, policies and procedures and early childhood curriculum related to child health, safety and nutrition. The key components that ensure physical health, mental health and safety for both children and staff will be identified with the importance of collaboration with families and health professionals. Focus on integrating the concepts into everyday planning and program development for all children. 3 credits.

ECED 230 Teaching in a Diverse Society

Examination of the development of social identities in diverse societies including theoretical and practical implications of oppression and privilege as they apply to young children, families, programs, classrooms and teaching. Various classroom strategies will be explored emphasizing culturally and linguistically appropriate anti-bias approaches to support all children in becoming competent members of a diverse society. Course includes self-examination and reflection on issues related to social identity, stereotypes and bias, social and educational access, media and schooling. Three hours of field experience are required. 3 credits.

ECED 300 The Professional Early Childhood Educator

Prerequisite or Corequisite LBSU 302.

This course provides a broad orientation to the profession of early childhood education, including ethical responsibilities and effective communication. Students will conduct an ethical analysis in which they will analyze beliefs, values, and social codes to understand communication, evaluate behaviors based on the NAEYC Code of Ethics, and reflect on actions and learning. Five hours of field experience is required. 3 credits.

ECED 301 Effective Support for Children with Exceptional Needs and Their Families

This course introduces students to the legal basis and research supporting inclusive services for young children who have disabilities. Students will examine a variety of disabilities and at-risk conditions and develop accommodations for serving them in the natural environment based on the child’s age (home, childcare, inclusive preschool). They will explore ways to collaborate with families and other professionals to improve educational outcomes for young children with exceptionalities, disabilities and/or the gifted. Students will identify a family who has a young child with a disability, observe that child across environments and interact with their family members and teachers. Five hours of field experience required. 3 credits.

ECED 302 Social and Emotional Competence in Early Childhood Education

This course focuses one understanding and implementing evidence- based practices for promoting children’s social and emotional development and preventing challenging behaviors. Students will examine the critical nature of emotional support and responsive relationships while creating a social and emotional development action plan based on self-assessments and data collection. Five hours of field experience is required. 3 credits.

ECED 303 Integrating Learning Standards in Early Childhood Settings: Language & Literacy

In this course, students will enhance their understanding of language and literacy development and use this knowledge to develop lessons and activities that promote language and literacy development and skills. They will examine learning foundations or standards, which describe the knowledge and skills that young children can be expected to demonstrate at various age ranges and use these competencies to intentionally plan environments, activities and instruction. Five hours of field experience is required. 3 credits.

ECED 304 Integrating Learning Standards in Early Childhood Settings: Science, Technology, Engineering, Math

In this course, students will deepen their understanding of science, technology, engineering and mathematics concepts through active inquiry exploration and analysis. Students will examine and integrate learning foundations or standards in science, engineering and mathematics. They will use their increased knowledge and understanding to intentionally plan environments and inquiries that promote mathematical and scientific learning for young children. Students will also learn to make developmentally based decisions about integrating technology for young children. Five hours of field experience is required. 3 credits.

ECED 326 Infant and Toddler Care and Education

This course applies current theory and research to the care and education of infants and toddlers in group settings. Examines essential policies, principles and practices that lead to quality care and developmentally and culturally appropriate curriculum for children birth to 36 months. Emphasis on establishing and facilitating supportive reciprocal relationships. Five hours of fieldwork are required. 3 credits.

ECED 330 Dual Language Learners and Their Families

In this course, students will build their competency in establishing reciprocal relationships with culturally and linguistically diverse families, promoting authentic family and community engagement, and implementing culturally and linguistically responsive practices. Students will plan environments and routines; interactions, and learning experiences that authentically integrate the cultures and languages of the children in their care. In addition, plans for learning experiences will integrate research-based scaffolding strategies to support the development and learning of children who are dual language learners. Five hours of field experience is required. 3 credits.

ECED 398 The Intentional, Reflective Teacher

Prerequisites: ECED 300, ECED 301, ECED 302, ECED 303, ECED 304 and ECED 330.

Co-requisite: ECED 399.

In this course, candidates focus on effective practices in early care and education. Candidates will explore the Classroom Assessment Scoring System (CLASS) and the ways the CLASS domains and dimensions connect with CA Early Childhood Educator Competencies. They apply knowledge from previous coursework and develop skills in planning developmentally appropriate learning experiences, integrated instruction and engaging learning environments. Field experience for this course is satisfied through work in ECED 399. 3 credits.

ECED 399 Integrated Practice-Practicum II

Co-requisite: ECED 398.

Also required are a valid Negative TB test and a valid and active Certificate of Clearance or a Child Development Permit. In this course, students apply knowledge from previous coursework and develop skills in planning and implementing developmentally appropriate learning experiences, integrated instruction and learning environments. Candidates complete 60 hours of fieldwork in an Early Childhood Education setting. Candidates who are employed as ECE teachers may complete the fieldwork in their own classrooms with the support of a Supervising Professional at the site. Candidates who are not employed in an ECE setting will select a practicum site and complete their fieldwork in a Supervising Professional’s classroom. An Early Childhood Education University Supervisor will observe and evaluate candidates regularly. Students will use the CA Early Childhood Educator Competencies and Classroom Assessment Scoring System (CLASS) domains—Emotional Support, Classroom Management and Instructional Support—to plan and reflect upon their practices. Graded on a Pass/No Pass basis. 3 credits.

ECED 401 The Early Childhood Educator as Decision Maker-Capstone

Prerequisite: ECED 398 and ECED 399.

During this course, students will integrate understandings of child development, learning theory, assessment and learning foundations to develop and maintain healthy, safe, supportive and challenging learning environments and instruction for young children. Students will analyze research and develop and implement a transformational change project to address a challenge they have identified within the early childhood setting. Ten hours field experience required. 3 credits.

ECED 410 Engaging Interactions and Environments Providing a Solid Foundation for Young Children’s Development

This course is designed to increase participants’ knowledge about the importance of high quality early childhood education and the specific types of environments and interactions that support the development of social- emotional, cognitive, and early academic skills. Students will engage in practice-based coaching experiences that enable them to explore multiple ways to design well-organized, materials-rich environments and to implement warm, responsive, and instructionally supportive interactions with children. Course content is aligned with NAEYC Standards 1, 4 and 7 as well as the following CA Early Childhood Educator Competencies: Child Development and Learning; Relationships, Interactions & Guidance; and Learning Environments & Curriculum. 3 credits.