Educational Leadership & Admin (EDAD)

EDAD 601 Introduction to Vision, Leadership, and Change

This course will explore the major theories in educational leadership and change and the relationships between theory and practice in the context of contemporary educational issues in California. Skills and strategies for facilitating the development of a collective, student-centered vision for equity, aligned with the district’s goals will be emphasized. Public school governance in California, including the structure and organization of public schooling and the roles and responsibilities of various individuals and system components will be introduced. The relationships between federal, state, and local educational policies and practices that ensure equitable, democratic public education for all students within various contexts (political, social, economic, and cultural) will also be studied. A minimum of 25 hours of embedded clinical practice/fieldwork is required for this course. 3 credits.

EDAD 602 Applied Educational Research and Data Analysis

Co-requisite: EDAD 695.

Educational Leadership Seminar I. Candidates will analyze multiple measures of student and school data and collaboratively develop a school site plan to promote equitable access, opportunities and outcomes for all students consistent with the school’s collaboratively developed vision. Strategies for engaging constituents in the identification of equity gaps, assessment of programs, and instructional strengths and needs will be emphasized and practiced. The importance of data-based decision making and ongoing plan monitoring, with an emphasis on continuous improvement practices to improve teaching and learning, will be explored. CalAPA Cycle 1 concepts will be introduced and practiced in this course and include a minimum of 25 hours of embedded clinical practice/fieldwork is required for this course. 3 credits.

EDAD 604 Community Perspective, Collaboration and School Culture

Prerequisite: EDAD 602 and EDAD 695.

Co-requisite: EDAD 696.

Educational Leadership Seminar II. Candidates will analyze the role of professional learning at a school site including collaborative professional learning or communities of practice among teachers, staff, students, and families within the context of school culture. A problem of practice will be collaboratively identified based on relevant student data and the school’s mission, and vision , to form the basis for identifying an evidenced based strategy to implement in support of continuous improvement. Lastly, candidates will engage in effective, professional, and interactive communication (co-facilitation, public speaking, writing, and presentation skills) with various audiences and for various educational purposes, including advocacy, consensus building, and decision making. CalAPA Cycle 2 concepts will be introduced in this course with a focus on Step 1 and 2. A minimum of 25 hours of embedded clinical practice/fieldwork is required for this course. 3 credits.

EDAD 606 Change and Continuous Improvement

Prerequisite: EDAD 604 and EDAD 696.

In this course, collaboration, communication, and team development structures (norms, group decision making, consensus, and progress monitoring) will be emphasized so candidates can develop the skill set necessary to co-facilitate professional learning within a community of practice. Building on this knowledge, candidates will practice co- facilitating a community of practice, to continuously improve teaching and learning, through the implementation of a cycle of inquiry. CalAPA Cycle 2 will be emphasized and completed in this course. A minimum of 25 hours of embedded clinical practice/ fieldwork is required for this course. 3 credits.

EDAD 608 School Law, School wide Discipline and Safety

This course will explore federal, state, and local laws, regulations and guidelines relating to public schools and the educational process. Constitutional and related legal rights and protections for students and staff and the administrator’s role in monitoring and ensuring compliance with these rights and protections are also covered. The importance of ensuring that school practices and procedures promote equity and access, meet legal, health and safety requirements are included in this course. An emphasis is placed on research-based, student-centered classroom management and positive behavior interventions and supports (PBIS), conflict-resolution and restorative justice. A minimum of 25 hours of embedded clinical practice/fieldwork is required for this course. 3 credits.

EDAD 610 Innovations in Instructional Leadership

Co-requisite: EDAD 697.

Educational Leadership Seminar III. This course will have candidates explore and analyze teacher evaluation systems grounded in the California Standards for the Teaching Profession (CSTP) and conduct a thorough review of a district’s coaching, observation and instructional feedback processes. Candidates will promote equitable learning opportunities, grounded in TK-12 student academic content standards and appropriate instructional practices, through classroom observations and provide unbiased, evidence-based feedback on the effectiveness of classroom instruction. Candidates will also be required to coach an individual teacher and develop specific suggestions for teacher professional growth to improve student learning. CalAPA Cycle 3 will be introduced in this course. A minimum of 25 hours of embedded clinical practice/fieldwork is required for this course. 3 credits.

EDAD 612 Working with Diverse Populations

This course will prepare candidates to identify and access resources for historically underserved populations and advocate, nurture, and sustain a positive culture to ensure educational equity and access. Specifically, candidates will learn how to integrate Multi-tiered System of Supports (MTSS) and structures into instruction to systematically address barriers to access to support equitable learning for all students. Further, candidates will explore the effect of equitable educational placements, classroom structures, school and master scheduling, grouping practices and educational settings on student learning. An additional emphasis of this course is communication and collaboration with multiple constituencies to improve student learning opportunities and outcomes for all students, including English learners and students with special needs. A minimum of 25 hours of embedded clinical practice/fieldwork is required for this course. 3 credits.

EDAD 614 Aligning Resources and Systems for School Improvement

In this course, school finance in California, including relevant laws and regulations are covered to prepare candidates to work collaboratively with others in the school community to develop, implement, monitor, and report the school’s budget in a transparent manner. Candidates will assess and analyze student and site needs as a base to support financial decision-making and prioritize expenditures aligned with the school site plan. Candidates will also learn to align, effectively manage, and integrate all the organizational systems, structures, and policies of a school system that impact the school’s ability to implement the school site plan and achieve its vision and goals. These skills include an understanding of the regulatory and legal contexts involved with the management of human, fiscal and material resources. A minimum of 25 hours of embedded clinical practice/fieldwork is required for this course. 3 credits.

EDAD 616 Professional Growth and Learning

This course will cover adult learning principles and their use in designing, facilitating, and implementing effective, motivating, and data-driven professional growth activities focused on improving student learning outcomes. Candidates will develop a comprehensive professional development session for teachers utilizing a learning management system (LMS) that includes both synchronous and asynchronous components. The use of badging systems to support, motivate, and provide recognition to staff will also be emphasized. A minimum of 25 hours of embedded clinical practice/fieldwork is required for this course. 3 credits.

EDAD 620 Educational Leadership & Administration Capstone

Prerequisites: This course must be taken as the last course in the program or be taken concurrently with the second to last course to complete the program requirements.

This capstone course completes the requirements for the Master of Arts in Educational Leadership and Administration and serves as the degree program’s demonstration of mastery. Candidates must successfully complete a Demonstration of Mastery Project (DOM) that includes documented evidence they have obtained satisfactory knowledge and understanding of the Program Learning Outcomes. The candidate will formally present the DOM Project to a panel of their peers and instructor who will evaluate candidate competence and performance. A minimum of 25 hours of embedded clinical practice/fieldwork is required for this course. 3 credits.

EDAD 695 Educational Leadership Seminar I

Co-requisite: EDAD 602.

This seminar course is taken concurrently with EDAD 602 and provides candidates opportunities to integrate and reflect on the content knowledge, performance expectations and skills acquired during clinical practice/fieldwork experiences and their relationship to the CalAPA Cycles and rubrics. An emphasis is placed on the candidate’s ability to master select California Administrator Performance Expectations (CAPE) under the supervision and guidance of their instructor and district field supervisor. Support will be provided to candidates on the completion of CalAPA Leadership Cycle 1 requirements including providing an overview of the cycle, developing a timeline and facilitating candidate peer-to-peer discussion groups. A minimum of 10 hours of clinical practice/fieldwork, in alignment with the completion of CalAPA Leadership Cycle 1 is required. Graded on a Pass/ No Pass basis. 1 credit.

EDAD 696 Educational Leadership Seminar II

Co-requisite: EDAD 604.

This seminar course is taken concurrently with EDAD 604 and provides candidates opportunities to integrate and reflect on the content knowledge, performance expectations and skills acquired during clinical practice/ fieldwork experiences and their relationship to the CalAPA Cycles and rubrics. An emphasis is placed on the candidate’s ability to master select California Administrator Performance Expectations (CAPE) under the supervision and guidance of their instructor and district field supervisor. The instructor will also provide support to candidates on the completion of CalAPA Leadership Cycle 2 requirements including providing an overview of the cycle, developing a timeline, and facilitating candidate peer-to-peer discussion groups. A minimum of 10 hours of clinical practice/fieldwork, in alignment with the completion of CalAPA Leadership Cycle 2 is required. Graded on a Pass/ No Pass basis. 1 credit.

EDAD 697 Educational Leadership Seminar III

Co-requisite: EDAD 610.

This seminar course is taken concurrently with EDAD 610 and provides candidates opportunities to integrate and reflect on the content knowledge, performance expectations and skills acquired during clinical practice/fieldwork experiences and their relationship to the CalAPA Cycles and rubrics. An emphasis is placed on the candidate’s ability to master select California Administrator Performance Expectations (CAPE) under the supervision and guidance of their instructor and district field supervisor. The instructor will also provide support to candidates on the completion of CalAPA Leadership Cycle 3 requirements including providing an overview of the cycle, developing a timeline, and facilitating candidate peer-to-peer discussion groups. A minimum of 10 hours of clinical practice/fieldwork, in alignment with the completion of CalAPA Leadership Cycle 3 is required. Graded on a Pass/ No Pass basis. 1 credit.

EDAD 698 Educational Leadership Internship Seminar

Prerequisite: Completed and approved application for an Administrative Services Internship credential.

This seminar course is taken during initial administrative employment under an Internship Credential. The major duties and responsibilities authorized by the administrative services credential will be explored one on one using a coaching model. Discussions will focus on the day-to-day functions of administrators, long-term policy design and implementation. An emphasis is placed on assisting the candidate in making a successful transition in their role as an educational leader and administrator with focused guidance, coaching and feedback from an experienced administrator who serves as their coach and course instructor. Graded on a Pass/No Pass basis. 1 credit.

EDAD 760-A Professional Learning and Induction Coaching I-A

This course provides an opportunity for the candidate to receive one-on-one coaching to support the candidate's knowledge and skills of leading by example to promote the implementation of a shared vision. This will include using multiple sources of data to develop their own job-related professional growth plan, the Individual Induction Plan (IIP), based on strengths and areas of needed growth. The importance of engaging stakeholders in developing, monitoring and revising plans or programs to ensure the vision is realized will also be emphasized. The induction coach will focus on the candidate's situational and leadership development needs as they work to apply what they are learning to their work setting and analyze their performances based on the California Professional Standards for Education leaders (CPSELs). Graded on a Pass/No Pass basis. 0.5 credits.

EDAD 760-B Professional Learning and Induction Coaching I-B

Prerequisite: EDAD 760-A.

This course provides an opportunity for the candidate to continue the work completed in EDAD 760A and receive one-on-one coaching to support the candidate’s knowledge and skills of leading by example to promote the implementation of a shared vision. This will include using multiple sources of data to develop their own job-related professional growth plan, the Individual Induction Plan (IIP), based on strengths and areas of needed growth. The importance of engaging stakeholders in developing, monitoring and revising plans or programs to ensure the vision is realized will also be emphasized. The induction coach will focus on the candidate’s situational and leadership development needs as they work to apply what they are learning to their work setting and analyze their performances based on the California Professional Standards for Education Leaders(CPSELs). Graded on a Pass/No Pass basis. 0.5 credits.

EDAD 762-A Professional Learning and Induction Coaching II-A

Prerequisite: EDAD 760-B.

This course provides an opportunity for the candidate to receive one-on-one coaching to support the candidate’s knowledge and skills of creating a trusting and respectful school climate. This will include facilitating and supporting diversity within teams in the school setting. In addition, building collaborative and shared leadership to build a professional learning culture will also be emphasized. The induction coach will focus on the candidate’s situational and leadership development needs as they work to apply what they are learning to their work setting and analyze their performances based on the California Professional Standards for Education Leaders (CPSELs). Graded On a Pass/No Pass basis. 0.5 credits.

EDAD 762-B Professional Learning and Induction Coaching II-B

Prerequisite: EDAD 762-A.

This course provides an opportunity for the candidate to continue the work completed in EDAD 762-A and receive one-on-on coaching to support the candidate’s knowledge and skills of creating a trusting and respectful school climate. This will include facilitating and supporting diversity within teams in the school setting. In addition, building collaborative and shared leadership to build a professional learning culture will also be emphasized. The induction coach will focus on the candidate’s situational and leadership development needs as they work to apply what they are learning to their work setting and analyze their performances based on the California Professional Standards for Education Leaders (CPSELs). Graded on a Pass/No Pass basis. 0.5 credits.

EDAD 764-A Professional Learning and Induction Coaching III-A

Prerequisite: EDAD 762-B.

This course provides an opportunity for the candidate to receive one-on-one coaching to support the candidate’s knowledge and skills of decision-making processes. This will include identifying needs within the organization and creating action steps to address the need. The importance of understanding how to identify and mitigate any negative or unintentional consequences of the leader’s actions will also be emphasized. The induction coach will focus on the candidate’s situational and leadership development needs as they work to apply what they are learning to their work setting and analyze their performances based on the California Professional Standards for Education Leaders (CPSELs). Graded on a Pass/No Pass basis. 0.5 credits.

EDAD 764-B Professional learning and Induction Coaching III-B

Prerequisite: EDAD 764-A.

This course provides an opportunity for the candidate to continue the work completed in EDAD 764-A and to receive one-on-one coaching to support the candidate’s knowledge and skills of decision-making processes. This will include identifying needs within the organization and creating action steps to address the need. The importance of understanding how to identify and mitigate any negative or unintentional consequences of the leader’s actions will also be emphasized. The induction coach will focus on the candidate’s situational and leadership development needs as they work to apply what they are learning to their work setting and analyze their performances based on the California Professional Standards for Education Leaders (CPSELs). Graded on a Pass/No Pass basis. 0.5 credits.

EDAD 766-A Professional Learning and Induction Coaching IV-A

Prerequisite: EDAD 764-B.

This course provides an opportunity for the candidate to receive one-on-one coaching to support the candidate’s knowledge and skills of creating a culture of trust and mutual respect so that staff, parents, and families feel supported in sharing diverse thinking, ideas and problems. This will include identifying and implementing strategies that will ensure that all stakeholder voices are heard. The importance of reflecting on the leader’s leadership practices and dispositions will also be emphasized. The induction coach will focus on the candidate’s situational and leadership development needs as they work to apply what they are learning to their work setting and analyze their performances based on the California Professional Standards for Education Leaders (CPSELs). Graded on a Pass/No Pass basis. 0.5 credits.

EDAD 766-B Professional Learning and Induction Coaching IV-B

Prerequisite: EDAD 766-A.

This course provides an opportunity for the candidate to continue the work completed in EDAD 766-A and to receive one-on-one coaching to support the candidate’s knowledge and skills of creating a culture of 12 trust and mutual respect so that staff, parents, and families feel supported in sharing diverse thinking, ideas and problems. This will include identifying and implementing strategies that will ensure that all stakeholder voices are heard. The importance of reflecting on the leader’s leadership practices and dispositions will also be emphasized. The induction coach will focus on the candidate’s situational and leadership development needs as they work to apply what they are learning to their work setting and analyze their performances based on the California Professional Standards for Education Leaders (CPSELs). Graded on a Pass/No Pass basis. 0.5 credits.

EDAD 768-A Professional Learning and Induction Coaching V-A

Prerequisite: EDAD 766-B.

This course provides an opportunity for the candidate to receive one-on-one coaching to support the candidate’s knowledge and skills of decision-making processes that model ethics, equity, and integrity. This will also include exploring the leader’s role as change agent in leading and facilitating improvement efforts at the school. The importance of using reflective practice to examine the leader’s personal code of ethics will also be emphasized. The induction coach will focus on the candidate’s situational and leadership development needs as they work to apply what they are learning to their work setting and analyze their performances based on the California Professional Standards for Education Leaders (CPSELs). Graded on a Pass/No Pass basis. 0.5 credits.

EDAD 768-B Professional Learning and Induction Coaching V-B

Prerequisite: EDAD 768-A.

This course provides an opportunity for the candidate to continue the work completed in EDAD 768-A and to receive one-on-one coaching to support the candidate’s knowledge and skills of decision-making processes that model ethics, equity, and integrity. This will also include exploring the leader’s role as change agent in leading and facilitating improvement efforts at the school. The importance of using reflective practice to examine the leader’s personal code of ethics will also be emphasized. The induction coach will focus on the candidate’s situational and leadership development needs as they work to apply what they are learning to their work setting and analyze their performances based on the California Professional Standards for Education Leaders (CPSELs). Graded on a Pass/No Pass basis. 0.5 credits.

EDAD 770-A Professional Learning and Induction Coaching VI-A

Prerequisite: EDAD 768-B.

This course provides an opportunity for the candidate to receive one-on-one coaching to support the candidate’s knowledge and skills of promoting collaborative inquiry and problem solving with stakeholder groups will be emphasized. This will include developing and implementing strategies that support greater public understanding of the education policies and practices. An emphasis is placed on the candidate’s ability to monitor the improvement of their own performance over time. Candidates will identify areas for ongoing professional growth and self-improvement including monitoring of improvement and performance over time. The induction coach will focus on the candidate’s situational and leadership development needs as they work to apply what they are learning to their work setting and analyze their performances based on the California Professional Standards for Education Leaders (CPSELs). Graded on a Pass/No Pass basis. 0.5 credits.

EDAD 770-B Professional Learning and Induction Coaching VI-B

Prerequisite: EDAD 770-A.

This course provides an opportunity for the candidate to continue the work completed in EDAD 770-A and to receive one-on-one coaching to support the candidate’s knowledge and skills of promoting collaborative inquiry and problem solving with stakeholder groups will be emphasized. This will include developing and implementing strategies that support greater public understanding of the education policies and practices. An emphasis is placed on the candidate’s ability to monitor the improvement of their own performance over time. Candidates will identify areas for ongoing professional growth and self-improvement including monitoring of improvement and performance over time. The induction coach will focus on the candidate’s situational and leadership development needs as they work to apply what they are learning to their work setting and analyze their performances based on the California Professional Standards for Education Leaders (CPSELs). Graded on a Pass/No Pass basis. 0.5 credits.