Entrepreneurship (ENTU)

ENTU 401 Introduction to Entrepreneurship

This course focuses primarily on the business plan and the start-up of a business. Topics include mission, vision, recognition of opportunities, business plan development, entry and operating strategies, obtaining financing, legal implications and the transition from starting a business to running one. 3 credits.

ENTU 410 Financing the Small Business

This course addresses issues related to financing small business enterprises and entrepreneurial ventures. Various sources of financing are examined: commercial banks, venture capital, angels, and government financing. In addition, collateralizing the firm’s assets for financing, such as inventory and receivables financing, equipment financing, and real estate financing, is discussed. The Initial Public Offer (IPO) process is examined as a means for emerging enterprises to access public capital markets. 3 credits.

ENTU 420 Entrepreneurship Action Learning Project

Prerequisite: Dean approval.

Through the action learning project students will experience “entrepreneurship in action,” allowing them to bridge theory and practice. During this course each student will work one-on-one with a successful entrepreneur on a substantial project of strategic importance to the business. 3 credits.

ENTU 610 Entrepreneurship

This course is designed to cultivate an entrepreneurial mindset to solve a problem or create a new endeavor. Students will learn how to explore, evaluate, and implement a new business based on research on consumer needs. 3 credits.