Organizational Leadership (OLCU)

OLCU 220 Selected Topics in Organizational Leadership

Prerequisite: Dean approval.

This course covers special topics related to leadership and/or organizational studies. This course may be repeated for up to 9 credits provided the course topics are different. 1-3 credits.

OLCU 300 Organizational Behavior

Organizational Behavior studies individual and group behavior in organizational settings and examines organizational forces that impact behavior and performance. Topics include motivation, team effectiveness, organizational culture, ethics, diversity, leadership, communication and change. The application of course concepts to current workplace issues is emphasized. 3 credits.

OLCU 303 Organizational Development and Change

A review and analysis of organization development and change. Students will develop an understanding and use of organizational development and change theory from the perspective of systems theory and its constructs. Introduces organization change concepts, principles, values, theories and models. 3 credits.

OLCU 320 Selected Topics in Organizational Leadership

Prerequisite: Dean Approval.

Covers special topics related to leadership and/or organization studies. Experimental courses are developed subject to emerging student and/or employer demands. Topics vary. Courses that examine different topics may be repeated for up to nine credits. 1-3 credits.

OLCU 325 Leadership Skills Development Lab

Through the use of experiential activities, self-assessments, student facilitations, and presentations, this course aims to improve and enhance key leadership competencies in order to prepare students to succeed in leadership positions, and to help them learn to develop leadership in others. Specific topics may include: developing personal influence, collaboration and group dynamics; communication; followership; conflict management; and images of leadership in popular culture (e.g., in film, music, or literature). 3 credits.

OLCU 350 Leadership and Professional Ethics

Examines frameworks for ethical judgment as well as contemporary dilemmas and moral issues in organizations, with a special focus on the role of professional ethics and the responsibilities inherent in the commitment to serve others. Topics include servant leadership, responsibilities of professionals, the obligations of corporations concerning the environment product safety, the rights of employees, honesty in advertising. 3 credits.

OLCU 380 Research and Analytical Thinking

This course provides students with knowledge and skills in research and analytical inquiry. Students are introduced to the principles and procedures involved in conducting research, interpreting and analyzing scholarly writing, and employing research to solve organizational problems and improve organizational performance. Academic writing skills including APA formatting are emphasized. BAOL students should take this course early in their degree program. 3 credits.

OLCU 400 Theory and Practice of Leadership

This course examines leadership from theoretical and practical perspectives. It compares and contrasts leadership theories, models, and strategies; and explores how leaders can create organizations, systems and structures to achieve organizational goals and engage employees. The application of course concepts to enhance leadership effectiveness is emphasized. 3 credits.

OLCU 414 Team Building

Team-based organizations have been created to supplement the traditional, often rigid hierarchical structure within organizations to enhance leader effectiveness. Teams offer a more cooperative, collective philosophy. They outperform individuals; create more diverse, stimulating challenges; boost morale; and yield new skills for employees. This class will help students learn how to develop and participate in teams. Topics may include team development, conflict resolution, communication, decision-making, and reward systems. 3 credits.

OLCU 425 Leadership in Diverse and Multicultural Organizations

Understanding and valuing cultural differences assumes greater significance as our world becomes increasingly interdependent. This course explores multicultural issues in organizations highlighting how misunderstandings arise and how they can be rectified or prevented. It focuses on diversity issues (gender, race, and class) in domestic and international contexts, particularly as they apply to leadership, communication, teamwork, decision-making, and problem-solving. Reading, writing, research, and discussion are supplemented with experiential exercises and role-plays. 3 credits.

OLCU 487 Senior Research Project

Prerequisites: OLCU 350, 380, 400, 414 and 425.

The capstone course provides students with the opportunity to research and reflect on how the application and integration of the principles and theories of leadership, ethics, diversity and teamwork enhance effectiveness as a leader. 3 credits.

OLCU 499 Independent Study in Organizational Leadership

Prerequisites: Dean approval, junior or senior level, minimum 3.0 GPA, and approval of instructor.

Supervised independent study or research on a special problem or topic related to leadership and organization studies resulting in a major paper. 1-3 credits.

OLCU 501 Organizational Research

Introduction to graduate research and writing. This course provides students with an overview of the critical role of research and evaluation in identifying and solving management problems and in improving organizational performance. The course examines the fundamental principles of research and scholarly writing. The primary focus is on the practical application of research methods to improve organizational programs, policies, and performance. 3 credits.

OLCU 600 Foundations of Organizational Leadership

Prerequisite or Corequisite OLCU 501.

Review of contemporary issues and perspectives on organizational leadership including multi-disciplinary perspectives and classic theory (trait, behavioral, and contingency models). Topics include servant leadership, ethics, diversity, followership, the distinction between leadership and management, vision, leadership practice and strategies. Emphasis on application of theoretical concepts to actual and diverse organizational situations, culminating in the articulation of a personal philosophy of leadership. Taking this foundation course early in the MAOL degree program of study is recommended. 3 credits.

OLCU 601 Democracy, Ethics and Leadership

Prerequisite or Corequisite OLCU 501.

Exploration of how democratic values shape the concept and practice of leadership and policy-making in organizations, including the role of values in ethical decision-making and determining the moral obligations of leaders and followers. Examines the concepts of power and influence, including their uses and abuses. Emphasis on critical analysis and application of ethical principles to contemporary leadership dilemmas in organizations. 3 credits.

OLCU 602 Self, Systems, and Leadership

Examines individuals and organizations as learning systems. Emphasizes structural influences on individual leadership and deep understanding of self as core resource for learning and leadership development. Focuses on role of systems thinking, mental models, shared vision, team learning, and personal mastery, stressing awareness of social and political tensions as a catalyst for individual and organizational learning and change. 3 credits.

OLCU 613 Seminar in Organizational Dynamics

Students use theories of individual, group and organizational behavior to analyze organizational problems and improve organizational performance. Students gain experience applying theories and factors that influence behavior to organizational situations using a step by step decision making process. 3 credits.

OLCU 614 Leadership & Team Development

This course focuses on leadership skills needed to develop and promote effective teamwork. Teams can be complex and challenging to lead, and change processes difficult to implement. Topics include assessing and improving team performance; managing the internal dynamics of teams (team decision making, diversity, conflict, and creativity); and leading the team within the larger organization. 3 credits.

OLCU 615 Leading Organizational Change

This course examines the nature and complexities of organizational change focusing on strategies to successfully plan and lead change initiatives that enhance organizational effectiveness with new processes, products, or systems. Students explore the human side of change, including “resistance” to change; and study organizational concepts, principles, theories and models. The application of theoretical concepts to actual organizational situations is emphasized. 3 credits.

OLCU 621 Frontiers of Public and Nonprofit Leadership

This course provides exposure to contemporary issues and dilemmas in leadership as applied to nonprofit, voluntary, and non-governmental organizations (NGOs). Topics include civil society and professional ethics, collaboration, entrepreneurship, philanthropy, and technology and information. 3 credits.

OLCU 625 Selected Topics in Leadership

Prerequisite: Dean approval.

This course examines contemporary issues and recent theoretical and practical advances related to organizational leadership. The course offers opportunity to explore and develop competencies essential to organizational leadership. Topics vary. Courses that examine different topics may be repeated for up to six credits. Not all selected topics may be offered at all sites or in all sessions. 1-3 credits.

OLCU 626 Dynamics of Public and Nonprofit Leadership

This course exposes students to the fundamentals of leadership necessary for exceptional performance in nonprofit, voluntary, and non-governmental organizations (NGOs). Communications skills are developed in assessing constituency needs, interfacing with governmental and private organizations and other nonprofits, and negotiating the varying aims of stakeholders. Principled strategies for mobilizing volunteers are addressed. 3 credits.

OLCU 630 Leadership Lives in Film

This course provides a framework for students to observe examples of leadership in classic and contemporary films that are based upon true stories as the medium for an in-depth exploration of leadership. By comparing students' observations of leadership concepts in the films to the leadership literature, as well as to real world experiences, the course builds upon the basic concepts of leadership to investigate more complex and theoretical aspects of contemporary leadership theory. Examples of leadership will be analyzed to create an awareness of how leadership impacts goal behaviors and productivity. Not offered 2024-2025. 3 credits.

OLCU 632 Leadership and Innovation

In this class students will learn how to bring additional value to the local and global marketplace by reflecting on and cultivating their creativity and innovation skills. Students will bring intent, research and analysis to their creative thinking skills to create opportunities as well as mitigate risks. As a result students will leverage their problem solving and collaboration skills and apply that new knowledge across an array of industries, and stakeholders, to include customers and suppliers. 3 credits.

OLCU 641 Leadership in Military Communication

This course of study focuses on foundation and application principles of various forms of communication necessary for military leaders in field and garrison environments. Writing, listening and speaking, to include presentation skills, are the communication cornerstones in this course. (Designed for transfer of military coursework only.) 3 credits.

OLCU 643 Military Operations Leadership

Students study and apply military operations principles and theory. Primary emphasis is placed on standard operational procedures for planning, conduct and evaluation of military operations in a variety of military scenarios. (Designed for transfer of military coursework only.) 3 credits.

OLCU 650 Introduction to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion for Leaders

In this course, students will explore the barriers and potential solutions to creating and supporting solutions applicable in organizations and communities. Topics will range in theories and research on how to foster diversity into the applied practice of inclusion. Students will learn about the critical issues involved in framing, designing, and implementing inclusion initiatives in organizations and supporting individuals to develop competencies for inclusion. This course is, designed to be a hands-on resource, provides case studies and illustrations to show how diversity and inclusion operate in a variety of settings, effectively highlighting the practices needed to benefit from diversity. 3 credits.

OLCU 651 Racial Literacy and Social Justice: Theory and Practice for Leaders

This course is designed to build a foundation for creating racially aware practices through the application of social justice and leadership theory. Students will examine the intersection of leadership, racial literacy, and social justice, and analyze the complex ways that injustice can manifest in organizations. 3 credits.

OLCU 652 Examining Social Inequality, Privilege and, Equity

This course introduces students to understanding inequality, privilege, and equity. Students will develop greater self-awareness and analyze how their multiple identities, or ‘intersections’ impact and influence their ideology and behavior. Students will also learn to effectively engage others through multiple levels- individual/intrapersonal, intergroup, organizational, cultural, and societal. Students will explore structural/social inequalities, and privilege and incorporate these lenses into their interactions within organizations and social systems. 3 credits.

OLCU 653 Creating an Inclusive Climate: Advocacy Strategies for Leaders

This course focuses on the identification and application of advocacy strategies that create inclusive climates in organizations and communities. Throughout this course, students will identify and create action steps needed to make inclusive decisions, create change policies, and oversee the equitable distribution of organizational resources. 3 credits.

OLCU 681 Leadership Capstone Seminar

Prerequisite: Completion of the following core classes is required, OLCU 600, 601, 613, 615 and 650.

This capstone course provides students the opportunity to showcase their understanding of the core concepts and theories of the program by developing an integrative application project. This course aims to enhance students' ability to synthesize and merge the knowledge gained throughout the program, allowing them to apply it to practical organizational scenarios. Graded on a Pass/No Pass basis. 3 credits.

OLCU 699 Independent Research in Organizational Leadership

Prerequisite: Approval of instructor and Dean.

Supervised independent study or research on a special topic related to organizational leadership. 1-3 credits.